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How do they figure how many watched any one show? Do they count the tvs tuned into it? Or do they have cameras that count the people watching from within the tv? This is probably a stupid question but I would really like to know. Or is it like the dumb polls that don’t mean a hill of beans and is a sampling of the population?

I just knew it, no surprise here. Here is what I said yesterday afternoon in my comment #9 in: “Tonight’s Debate: Opportunity for Sarah Palin to Change the Dynamics of the Campaign.”

“I am very optimistic for tonight. First of all, this will be the most air-viewed debate in History. Everybody is interested in Palin, whether they like her or not. She creates excitement.” (Comment #9)

Wow! Blowhard Joe can really draw ’em in, can’t he? (NOT!)

I think she did fantastic! I pray they can keep this going as well:
God bless our nation as we get closer to the election!

I wonder if they also calculate the number of persons who watched it on Internet? I watched it on Internet.

I love this woman, she kicked biden’s ass, I hope she can save mccain’s ass.

I always think of polls as …pollaganda. They are the numbers that the elitists hope for; and if enough people pay attention, they’ve dropped those people into a funnel…like a bunch of sheeple… so the results turn out just as they “predicted”. I don’t much pay attention to polls.

Sarah did a fantastic job, and I think she set it up with comments like – how much respect she has for Biden, and that she was listening to his speeches when she was in second grade.


There is one great photo out there…and I can’t remember where I saw it – where he’s tugging at his collar like that old comedian used to when he said “I don’t get no respect”!

i actually missed the debate live, watched it later, i think palin did awesome, she was on top of bidan. yeah, she may have stumbled a bit, but hell he turned on the tears. she looked so good, you know biden was lokkin at her legs. she really is a real person and didn’t want to play the moderators game. loved it. loved the “i’m not a washington insider” line. she is awesome.

Conservatism in 2008=winks and gams

God help us all

Leftism in 2008=lies, dirty deals and connections, FCC threats, and national socialism

God help us all.

Somebody is lying –

Friday night may have been the most-watched debate since Reagan vs. Carter (80.6 million). The total from last night is 69,989,000 viewers. Normally that’s rounded to 70 million, but since a 1992 debate is listed as 69.9 million and Nielsen said the exact total is not readily available, the measurement company is using the more conservative 69.9 number in its official vp debate announcement.

69,689,000 rounded to three significant digits is 70.0 [not “normally”] – to 1, 2, or 3 it is 70, 70, and 70.0 million. To four significant figures it is 69.69 million – which makes this the most watches VP EVER, and compared to POTUS debates you have to go back to Reagan-Carter 1980.

Even Nielsen Media Research is minimalizing this.

I got called by a poll a couple of hours ago. It was automated. They only accepted yes, no or repeat. Hooray, I finally got on a poll. I think the name was United Servies or something like that. Short term memory loss, you know.

I’m sorry Chris, but the Republican party (sadly) has lost its identity. This go round I’m going with the Constitution Party.

A vote for Constitution Party =/results in a vote that helps Obama.

Wordsmith you are wright. Anybody voting for Constitution party is indeed voting for Obama. Please Richard don’t do this.

I had New-Yorker’s friends that were Dems. I linked them to this site and now 3 of them will be voting McCain, please do not destroy my efforts in helping you guys. If you are discouraged at McCain… just think that you will be voting for Palin, that should do the trick.


Unfortunately though I do not approve of McCain, the national socialist Obama, complete with his CNSF (SS), propaganda wing (media) and fainting/worshiping/brainwashed militant followers are who I am voting against. So it is a referendum against the biased/lying media, against socialism, against the hate and lies of the left, against the true loss of freedom the left brings (wasn’t Bush supposed to be dictator for life according to the left? Projectionism by the left again, I know).

Since it is too late to get an absentee ballot here, I am hoping to hold my deployment off till after the elections so I can vote. Though if Comrade-Fuhrer Obama wins I can just see the terrorists shout in glee and attacking with all they have left. Well, at least I will know where they are and I will not have a leftist admin (yet) telling me I have to read them their “rights” and plea for forgiveness (since America is always to blame according to the left) as these islamofascists… ooops, I mean brave anti-imperialistic “minutemen”… come shooting…. while hiding behind women and children.