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I wish she would have mentioned that Obama has taken the 2nd most money in the Senate, in only 3.5 years…

I wish she blasted Barney Frank like O’Reilly just did.

Joe has told too many lies and has not been called on any. Palin is letting him get by with everything. Whoever coached her sucks. All she is answering with is platitudes and talking points. She is getting a few good points in and Ifill is obvious in her bias.

Palin does not answer questions

Biden talked to Gwen. Palin talked to me. Slam dunk Palin

Palin pounded the bat snot out of Joe tonight.

Pounded the living bat snot out of him.


Great Job, Sarah!! Loved the Reagan quote!

The Immediate reaction. Sara is like us, just the average real American who is few up with a government who thinks we are so stupid THEY know what we need and will provide it for us with OUR money.

I just saw this over on one of the blogs. There was a McCain campaign ad on the Washington Post website today. It had a quote from a “famous person” claiming “She Killed.” Yes! In reference Sarah Palin. lol

Later the ad changed and now the “famous person” offering up the quote is “Peggy Noonan” who made the “mic on” gaffe saying basically that McCain would not win by picking McCain.

Check it out. Very funny.

McCain Campaign Debate Ad Screw Up – “Famous Person’s” Quote About Sarah Palin is Now From Peggy Noonan

Sarah Palin vs. Joe Biden: Comedy! Drama! Horror!

So to watch the debate at the State Theater with Michael Moore and 500 other people, 400 of them who will be voting Obama – Biden, was a lot like watching your College football team beat up on the opposition at your school’s Homecoming game. The crowd roared virtually every time Palin rambled, forgetting for the moment that no one without understanding of complex policy issues should become the leader of the free world – the most powerful decision maker on earth.

See pics from the Great Debate Party at this link…