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Why did Obama have anything to do with Ayers?

That’s the great unanswered question of the 2008 election…

“Why did Obama have anything to do with Ayers? That’s the great unanswered question of the 2008 election” (Dan Clearly)

Unanswered question? This article will give you insight on the subject:


The article conclusion is this one:

“Ayers is not only a flag-trampling apologist for domestic terror. He’s an inveterate liar. Andy McCarthy refreshes your memory. Obama can wrap himself in the flag and attempt to gag his critics, but his false portrayal of Ayers as just a guy in the neighborhood is not going to fly. Obama’s friend is America’s enemy. And America deserves to know.”

Got to leave for Virginey for a couple of days. Thought I’ld add some links to help clarify a few “Obama Buddies” connections:




After stumbling upon Chief Editor Bob Webster’s piece on the Palin-Gibson interviews, I now freqently pop over to webcommentary.com as a source for more grist for the mill. And yes Bob is of the Daniel Webster family tree. We corresponded a few weeks back concerning the rumor going around the web that the Obama Campaign might have Biden bow out, citing worstening medical conditions so that he could be replaced with Hillary, to allow Obama to woo back disgruntled Hillary Democrats. After all, if she had been selected for the ticket in the first place, Obama would have the additional clout of the so called “Dixie MAFIA” behind him. Bob was of the opinion that it was possible, but they would likely have to do it before the VP debate (today). Illness was the only way they could have arranged it that would allow Obama to save face. The potential wrench in those works was whether Hillary would submit to a lesser role. It has since come out that she would not and Bubba has certainly proved to be a less than willing participant in the drive to get Barry elected. Despite Hillary & Obama’s joint Soros connections/support.


Cya in a few days.