Iraq: Al-Qaeda ‘used 24 child suicide bombers in last two years

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Baghdad, 1 Oct. (AKI) – Al-Qaeda has over the past two years used 24 children to carry out suicide bombings in Iraq, the director of military operations for the Interior Ministry, Abdelaziz Mohammed Jasim, told pan-Arab daily al-Sharq al-Awsat.

“Of the 24 children, five had a mental disability. From analysing the others’ remains, we established that they were homeless,” said Jasim.

American soldiers stationed in Iraq have reported that the insurgency has armed children as young as 11 to fight against them.

Al-Qaeda is targeting orphans, street children and mentally disabled children as suicide bomber recruits as well as women, according to the Iraqi Interior Ministry.

There have been at least 16 suicide attacks carried out by women in recent months in the volatile Al-Qaeda stronghold of Diyala province, north of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

Iraqi children (photo) in general make up 20 percent of the civilian victims of bomb attacks in the country.

Yes Obamanuts, Al Queda did this in IRAQ.

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No surprise here. Obama was born a Muslim and hangs around with ex-terrorists. People have a tendancy to forget it. Since like attracks like, no wonder Obama’s nut friends agrees with children endocrination.

What ARE you talking about? I think you might have posted in the wrong thread.

“What ARE you talking about? I think you might have posted in the wrong thread.” (Scott)

No, I posted on the right thread.

I said: “No surprised here”… because Muslims Islamists terrorists do not give a damm about their children, that is well known. Arafat use to say to women: “Make 12 children and give me 10”.

And since Obama was born a Muslim and hangs around with islamists ex-terrorists, than I figure that Obama’s fans agrees with endocrination of children like islamists do. Isn’t it what we have seen in the previous threads? Children being endocrinated by their parents who are fans of Obama.

al queda doesn’t value life, they believe everyone who isn’t with them is against them. and they feel they have the right to use whatever means available to get the result they want. i don’t understand that type of thinking, i never have.

These al qaeda people value the wrong things in life. Sarah is right. It’s time for new idears and a couple of beers!!!!!
Party On America!!!!!!!!

And since Obama was born a Muslim and hangs around with islamists ex-terrorists, than I figure that Obama’s fans agrees with endocrination of children like islamists do. Isn’t it what we have seen in the previous threads? Children being endocrinated by their parents who are fans of Obama.

Well…that’s steering too hard starboard for my tastes.

I think there’s a huge difference between this and Hezbollah and Hamas brainwashing their children into violence and hatred for Israel.