how in the hell do they get away with this shit? it just floors me, they all need to go, obama and pelosi first, then the rest. we, as a natiion, have zero confidence in them.
16 years ago
You’ve gotta get rid of that Mafia in your government. The Dem’s are beyound doubt, the most corrupted people in your country. Wipe them off completely… all of them. Vote for your country, vote Republicans!
Let’s see, the Speaker of the House returns from a much needed five week vacation, rams through an energy legislation bill that does nothing to promote energy independence from foreign countrys or provide hundreds of thousands of American jobs—–then on BLACK MONDAY (Sept 29th, 2008) she manages to cost this nations real market value over a TRILLION DOLLARS by playing political games when she march’s around the floor of the House telling her Democrat drones to vote NO on legislation that will rescue our financial institutions. (Pelosi’s pre-vote speech didn’t help much either) In a span of just over two weeks this woman has done more economic damage to this nation than Osama Bin Laden could have accomplished in his lifetime. This is the “new direction” congress this nation voted into power in 2006.
16 years ago
This is a very serious sittuation Americans are in right now. This financial crisis has been manuf by you know who…….The liberals and George Soros who makes miilions on pulling down financial markets. People you have seen your first Major Socialist grap by the left. A friednd of ours is a Police officer who was called by his captain who said we are going to pay you with food and gas so he can get into work to keep order. The Senate bill now being proposed is on Rush Limbaughs website an itis worse then the House version. We are paying for PORK………..And it is an attack on our Constituion. The Senate bill gives the Treasury Secry. the power above and beyond even the President. It is truly is a sociaslst grap and it is very dangerous.
God Help US All.
16 years ago
I must have failed math. Because when I do the math it looks as if there were more Democrats trying to get this bill passed then Republicans. So I really don’t understand why so many folks are saying the Democrats killed this bill.
I am a grown man. If I wanted this bill to pass I would have voted for it. If I did not…I would not have. Nancy’s comments would not haved swayed me one bit. If our elected leaders are that immature and their feelings are hurt that easily they should not be in office anyway. Because if you’re letting millions of American’s down because of your own personal feelings your diffinetly not putting Country first.
So I really don’t understand why so many folks are saying the Democrats killed this bill.
Let me explain it to you this way.
The Dims have the majority in the House.
Therefore, the Dims had the votes necessary to muscle the bill through if they wanted to.
The Dims didn’t really want to pass the bill though because it is so unpopular with the voting public.
The Dims wanted to hang the bill around the necks of the Republicans so that they could use it against them later.
The Dims monitored the voting to see what would the Republicans would do. The Dims even had some of their members change their votes from “Aye” to “Nay” at the last minute when it became clear that the bill would fail.
That’s how the Dims killed the bill.
Granny Rictus McBotox couldn’t muster enough courage on her side of the aisle to get the bill through.
Just like with their pledge to “end the war” the Dims have proven once again that they don’t have the stones.
By the way Johnny, why don’t you explain to all of us how the passage of this bill would have made the country better off in the long run.
Last time I checked there were 233 Democrats in the House and 202 Republicans. If this nation is in dire need the Democrats could have passed this bill without ONE Republican vote.
A Speaker of the House does NOT bring a vote to the floor without full knowledge that the bill will pass—–especially a bill this critical. Pelosi’s speech was an embrassment to her party and this nation, but it had little to do with the final vote. I don’t know about your math Johnny, but you certainly must have failed logic.
Trust me I don’t and won’t hide behind anything. But unlike you I work for a living. I have a wife and three children. I don’t have as much time on my hands as you do. I will respond to your comments when I have the time. Trust me I see you will be around when I do.
16 years ago
Aye, did you know you were unemployed?
16 years ago
“I will respond to your comments when I have the time.” (Johnny)
LOL… you don’t have the time to respond, but you have time to read this thread and all the comments. A post only take one or two minutes to write. It took me 10 seconds to write this one.
Trust me I don’t and won’t hide behind anything.
Really Johnny?
Then explain the use of “jg” as your screen name after so many instances of “Johnny”.
Sure it was.
But unlike you I work for a living.
I love presumptuous assumptions Johnny and that’s a great one.
Let me tell you a little secret here fella.
I happen to own and operate three different, very successful businesses and, because I can do more than one thing at a time, I post from work while I work.
I’ll be able to retire in four years (age 45), so spare me the pap about not working for a living.
I have a wife and three children.
As do I. Mine are 17, 15, and 11.
Your point was?
I don’t have as much time on my hands as you do.
Time is a resource that must be managed like any other. If you are ineffective at management then you will always run short.
Trust me I see you will be around when I do.
I look forward to it Johnny, but I won’t hold my breath.
You’ve already repeatedly shown both a knack for dropping crumbs on the carpet and a remarkable inability to clean them up.
So, yeah, look me up when you’re ready.
I’ll be around, I won’t dash off when challenged, and I won’t be hiding behind a name you won’t recognize.
how in the hell do they get away with this shit? it just floors me, they all need to go, obama and pelosi first, then the rest. we, as a natiion, have zero confidence in them.
You’ve gotta get rid of that Mafia in your government. The Dem’s are beyound doubt, the most corrupted people in your country. Wipe them off completely… all of them. Vote for your country, vote Republicans!
September overview:
Let’s see, the Speaker of the House returns from a much needed five week vacation, rams through an energy legislation bill that does nothing to promote energy independence from foreign countrys or provide hundreds of thousands of American jobs—–then on BLACK MONDAY (Sept 29th, 2008) she manages to cost this nations real market value over a TRILLION DOLLARS by playing political games when she march’s around the floor of the House telling her Democrat drones to vote NO on legislation that will rescue our financial institutions. (Pelosi’s pre-vote speech didn’t help much either) In a span of just over two weeks this woman has done more economic damage to this nation than Osama Bin Laden could have accomplished in his lifetime. This is the “new direction” congress this nation voted into power in 2006.
This is a very serious sittuation Americans are in right now. This financial crisis has been manuf by you know who…….The liberals and George Soros who makes miilions on pulling down financial markets. People you have seen your first Major Socialist grap by the left. A friednd of ours is a Police officer who was called by his captain who said we are going to pay you with food and gas so he can get into work to keep order. The Senate bill now being proposed is on Rush Limbaughs website an itis worse then the House version. We are paying for PORK………..And it is an attack on our Constituion. The Senate bill gives the Treasury Secry. the power above and beyond even the President. It is truly is a sociaslst grap and it is very dangerous.
God Help US All.
I must have failed math. Because when I do the math it looks as if there were more Democrats trying to get this bill passed then Republicans. So I really don’t understand why so many folks are saying the Democrats killed this bill.
I am a grown man. If I wanted this bill to pass I would have voted for it. If I did not…I would not have. Nancy’s comments would not haved swayed me one bit. If our elected leaders are that immature and their feelings are hurt that easily they should not be in office anyway. Because if you’re letting millions of American’s down because of your own personal feelings your diffinetly not putting Country first.
Let me explain it to you this way.
The Dims have the majority in the House.
Therefore, the Dims had the votes necessary to muscle the bill through if they wanted to.
The Dims didn’t really want to pass the bill though because it is so unpopular with the voting public.
The Dims wanted to hang the bill around the necks of the Republicans so that they could use it against them later.
The Dims monitored the voting to see what would the Republicans would do. The Dims even had some of their members change their votes from “Aye” to “Nay” at the last minute when it became clear that the bill would fail.
That’s how the Dims killed the bill.
Granny Rictus McBotox couldn’t muster enough courage on her side of the aisle to get the bill through.
Just like with their pledge to “end the war” the Dims have proven once again that they don’t have the stones.
By the way Johnny, why don’t you explain to all of us how the passage of this bill would have made the country better off in the long run.
Last time I checked there were 233 Democrats in the House and 202 Republicans. If this nation is in dire need the Democrats could have passed this bill without ONE Republican vote.
A Speaker of the House does NOT bring a vote to the floor without full knowledge that the bill will pass—–especially a bill this critical. Pelosi’s speech was an embrassment to her party and this nation, but it had little to do with the final vote. I don’t know about your math Johnny, but you certainly must have failed logic.
2 to 1.
Don’t go playing games with us by hiding behind a new name.
You say you are a “grown man”.
If that is so, then be man enough to defend your positions.
Well, well.
Johnny had an opportunity to show that he is “grown” and a “man”.
He has proven that he is neither.
You’re not surprised are you Aye?
Trust me I don’t and won’t hide behind anything. But unlike you I work for a living. I have a wife and three children. I don’t have as much time on my hands as you do. I will respond to your comments when I have the time. Trust me I see you will be around when I do.
Aye, did you know you were unemployed?
“I will respond to your comments when I have the time.” (Johnny)
LOL… you don’t have the time to respond, but you have time to read this thread and all the comments. A post only take one or two minutes to write. It took me 10 seconds to write this one.
Really Johnny?
Then explain the use of “jg” as your screen name after so many instances of “Johnny”.
Sure it was.
I love presumptuous assumptions Johnny and that’s a great one.
Let me tell you a little secret here fella.
I happen to own and operate three different, very successful businesses and, because I can do more than one thing at a time, I post from work while I work.
I’ll be able to retire in four years (age 45), so spare me the pap about not working for a living.
As do I. Mine are 17, 15, and 11.
Your point was?
Time is a resource that must be managed like any other. If you are ineffective at management then you will always run short.
I look forward to it Johnny, but I won’t hold my breath.
You’ve already repeatedly shown both a knack for dropping crumbs on the carpet and a remarkable inability to clean them up.
So, yeah, look me up when you’re ready.
I’ll be around, I won’t dash off when challenged, and I won’t be hiding behind a name you won’t recognize.
Poor Johnny.
Once again, he knows not of what he speaks.
I haven’t been unemployed since I was 14.