America Looks Into Abyss of Another Great Depression So Democrats’ Congress Goes on Vacation

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I just saw Glenn Beck on CNN, and he said that America is on the verge of another Great Depression. Others have used similiarly scary language to describe the financial crisis on Wall Street resulting from the failure of the housing industry. Whether one believes it or not, I’m inclined to think that if lawmakers saw the issue as this dire, then they’d be oblidged to work on Christmas, Easter, or any other religious holiday. If you’re in the military, do you take the day off and leave the frontline because it’s Summer Solstice? I don’t think so. How many times have we heard Democrats complain about Bush going on vacation (as if he’s ever far from the nuclear football or out of communication and not getting daily briefings)?

How do the Democrats get away with this? Leaders always want the ball. They don’t run from it.

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It’s simple,,
They are not leaders, they are followers of the vote and that means they follow and bow down to whomever they think will vote for them.

If I FAIL at my job, I get a permanent vacation (unemployment).

I do not understand how Democrat Congressional leaders can say they are going to take some time off, after they failed.

Do. Nothing. Congress. Their 9% approval rating will fall.

you would think that if they are so worried about this becoming a depression they would get their asses back in there and get back to work. i am against the bail out in general, but i also don’t want to have our economy to collapse, i think there should be less political posturing and more getting down to business. screw the special interests, stop trying to get money for other bullshit, make the economy safe. i am watching my retirement disappear, and its scarey.

“I do not understand how Democrat Congressional leaders can say they are going to take some time off, after they failed. ” (Marvin)

That’s the Democrats. No conscience, no responsability, no integrity. They don’t give a damn, they just care about cashing in their checks. By the way, they do nothing all year, so taking time off won’t really be noticed by no one.

ummm Maybe the “vacation” is for the Jewish New Year remember that 32 Democrats are Jewish I think they are probably going to the temple.

You missed Scott’s point, John Ryan. As he said, soldiers at war don’t take days off. In times of crises, you don’t take time off. *That* was the who reason for his post…. ala

Whether one believes it or not, I’m inclined to think that if lawmakers saw the issue as this dire, then they’d be oblidged to work on Christmas, Easter, or any other religious holiday.

Personally, if they aren’t going to do anything but reconstruct another buy out, I’d say let ’em go, and let’s hope they never return.