American Soldiers Terrorizing Iraq

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This one’s for you Scott:

Oh, and here’s one of Iraqi kids getting served:

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Good to see some fun stuff!

Wish they were longer! Thanks Wordsmith.


Ya know, I’ve had a lotta fun watching the innumerable fun-in-Iraq videos that the troops have made, and they always made me laugh. This time, I noticed something different. I noticed the Iraqis laughing too. Go back and watch the vids from the checkpoints or the second one w the kids laughing. You wanna win hearts and minds and turn people against the suicidal jihadis: make em laugh with you. Show em you’re not there to tyrannize, that you’re human, that you don’t want to be there, but that you’ll laugh and cry and fight with them. A few stupid ass dance steps and some joking around w Iraqis…a few cross cultural laughs go a long way to forming alliances and undermining the enemy’s support. Without the support of the population (willing support, coerced support, or forced support) the insurgency can’t survive. Not at all. These guys are no doubt letting off steam, but they’re also winning the war by winning hearts. Keep it up guys! We are truly proud, and thankful, and honored by your service!

If I may offer one of my own:

Read the comments, the hippy-crites HATE this video.

I’m sure Obama/Biden will take credit for this too…….ya, you betcha 🙂

These made me laugh. These were great. Thanks for the videos!