Since the day when Senator McCain clinched the Republican nomination, he put out an offer to Senator Barack Obama to go on the road and do a series of town hall meetings with the American people. The idea was to campaign together, face to face, and inform the American people in the most direct, honest, and forthright manner. Senator Obama refused. He avoided facing Senator McCain time and time again. Only when the Presidential commissions on debates scheduled tonight’s Presidential debate did Senator Obama agree to face Senator McCain.
Enter: A National Crisis.
Now, whether one believes that the economy is on the brink or not, the fact is that it’s been described that way by very intelligent, important, and influential people. Banks are failing. Unemployment is rising. Inflation is rising. Homesales are declining. Large purchases are declining. Overall consumer confidence is extremely poor. These are problems that need to be addressed. When people like the Secretary of the Treasury get down on a knee and beg for bailout money it’s got to be addressed. When financial legends like Warren Buffet and Jack Welch describe the situation as a financial Pearl Harbor, or as the biggest financial meltdown since the stock market crash of 1929 that set America into the Great Depression…that’s a signal that addressing the problem is more important than campaigning for personal power.
Well, it is for most people-not for Senator Obama.
Sen Obama believes that having a debate (after he avoided debats for months-saying they were not necessary), is the most important thing he can be doing right now; more important than his job as a Senator.
One can be reminded of how Pres Bush was chastised by Democrats for sitting with children and not fleeing in panic during the 911 attacks. If the financial crisis is half as bad as described, millions of people will be in serious trouble. One wonders what the left would have said had Pres Bush addressed the cameras during the 911 attacks and told the world that it was more important for him to campaign or do something/anything else at a time of national crisis rather than do the job he’s paid to do and lead?
NOTE: Senator McCain halted his Presidential campaign, and at the direct, specific urging of Sen Majority leader Harry Reid (D), of Treasury Sec Paulson, and of President Bush…returned to DC to do his job. He says he’ll debate when the job’s done, and the crisis is dealt with rather than seek personal power in the meantime.
Author of “Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War
Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War: Malensek, Scott: 9798864028674: Books
The hypocracy of the left never ceases to amaze me. Obama can do nothing more than bob and weave. If the debates are so important, the offer is still on the table:
*Grrr can’t get the embedded link to work
The media is all over this debate go/no go. If Senator McCain does not get around to flying down to Mississippi (I love typing that), and the networks use that time slot for the dabate, OB has 30-40 million people watching (free ad campaign). Bad for McCain. He has got to get there and debate. He is being held to this by the media in by opinion.
McCain is in DC doing EXACTLY what he needs to do.
B-Rock fleeing the crisis in order to get down to Mississippi to get before the cameras shows that he is NOT a leader.
It doesn’t matter how much the media tries to spin it, B-Rock is a follower.
The US is facing the largest financial crisis since the Great Depression and B-Rock is not concerned enough about it to remain engaged?
The “debate” is more important?
If Bush EVER wanted to help John McCain, and if the do-nothing-Congress IS able to come to an agreement…it would be oh-so-cool to see the debate cancelled, and see Obama have to fly back to DC for the vote and/or signing. How cool would it be to see Obama try and use the air time as free town hall campaign effort, and then in the middle of whining, he gets a call, and he has to fly out.
If Washington needs him they can call (ie, Washington didn’t need him/they called McCain).
Now that would make Keith Olbermann’s hair go grey!
If the debate does go on, The Chosen One is already trying to twist it to his liking:
Actually he has said a few times that he would debate McCain anytime, anywhere but slinked out of any debates thus far. Now, can’t McCain take his turn? It isn’t like he is avoiding debate, it will just be postponed. Where’s the same consideration for John McCain that Obama has gotten a pass on? This is an extremely serious situation that needs to be solved, now.
FOX’s Bill Hemmer mentioned something about what a split screen showing Obama’s plane taking off to Mississippi next to one of the ongoing crisis at the Capitol would look like to the public. Wonder if Mr. One Big Ego has considered that image.
Someone should change the wording of Elton John’s Daniel while a tape of Obama’s jet takes off, it would be easy to pick it out, it’s the one absent of an American flag.
Gee, I wonder, errr, ahhh, uhhh, why Obama didn’t want to debate in face to face townhall meetings?
Has anyone actually listen to Obama talk, not read, but talk — could you understand what he said? I don’t think he speaks American.
If all members of congress are as piggish as Husseio O ($850 Million+ in pork in three years)they could solve the financial crisis by returning the ‘payoff’ money they have ripped off from the taxpayers. I understand Hussein O threw a temper tantrum and accused the entire U.S. of racism while demanded billions of dollars for some third wourl SH country where people are too sorry to work for a living. That’s a real help for America’s financial problems, give billions to people who never earned a penny in their lives. I see a future lynch mob numbering over 50 million Americans that the democrat congress critters and their stupid offspring can’t excape from. Civil war in no longer avoidable in this country.
The democrats have been very successful in the past two years. They have increased the price of fuel nation wide by 100% and destroyed the financial market, all in their drive toward socialism.
He knows McCain has outmanuevered him and is flailing. His dem buds are trying to help him by saying McCain ruined the “agreement” they had. He didn’t, but it provides them with cover while attacking McCain.
BTW Obama, a leader also knows when to prioritize and when to multitask. McCain put his country first. You didn’t. Suck on it.
“It doesn’t matter how much the media tries to spin it, B-Rock is a follower.”
I’m still trying to figure out who he’s following.
Debate back on!
This was being discussed on the radio a few minutes ago, the host said; “you don’t go mow your lawn when your house in on fire.” A caller said if he were just hired as a CEO of a major corporation and the company did a major shake up a few days before he took the reigns, he would want to be there to know what he was walking into. Obama wants a phone call.
He’s been studying foreign polocy lately and wants the debates out of the way before he forgets the main points.
With Jim Lehrer as moderator what are the chances Obama already knows the questions? And what are the chances Obama will get soft questions and McCain will get the hard ones? I wonder if that is the case if the American public will see what farce that would be? I have no faith in the media as you can see.
I’m still trying to figure out who he’s following in the media as you can see.
The choices are so many it is hard to tell. But it could be a cartel.