The LA Times doing its best Obama imitation. (h/t Patterico)
The Associated Press reported this evening and an Obama spokeswoman confirmed that the Chicago-based campaign is pulling its 50-some staffers out of the heavily Republican state full of embittered small towns and shipping the workers east to Minnesota and Wisconsin, where the Democrat’s prospects seem brighter and closer.
~~~The abandonment of at least one Midwestern state by Obama comes as a new AP poll indicates that race could play a significant role in deciding a close national election. Some experts estimate the first African American candidate of a major party might be as much as 6 percentage points more ahead if he wasn’t black.
Those embittered small town folks clinging to their guns and bibles….racists one and all!
We knew it was coming and the MSM has not let us down. Racism week is now turning into racism month followed by racism excuses to explain Obama losing the election.
The latest? Take a gander at the latest from the NYT’s:
It was not that long ago that black people in the Deep South could be beaten or killed for seeking the right to vote, talking back to the wrong white man or failing to give way on the sidewalk. People of color who violated these and other proscriptions could be designated “uppity niggers” and subjected to acts of violence and intimidation that were meant to dissuade others from following their examples.
The term “uppity” was applied to affluent black people, who sometimes paid a horrific price for owning nicer homes, cars or more successful businesses than whites. Race-based wealth envy was a common trigger for burnings, lynchings and cataclysmic episodes of violence like the Tulsa race riot of 1921, in which a white mob nearly eradicated the prosperous black community of Greenwood.
Not long ago? Maybe in the Democrat Byrd’s time…but that was quite awhile ago. Like, a generation ago……1921? Only 87 years ago….
But hey, its all not too long ago.
My favorite line:
But the discomfort with certain forms of black assertiveness is too deeply rooted in the national psyche — and the national language — to just disappear. It has been a persistent theme in the public discourse since Barack Obama became a plausible candidate for the presidency.
Black assertiveness? You mean like Mr. Wright and his US of KKK fame? That kind of assertiveness?
Yeah, that kind of racism and hatred does tend to bring some discomfort. Oh, and that “persistent theme” has only been a theme because of liberals like this NYT’s author who keep the racism charge alive and well to help their precious Obama.
Ok…I may have spoken to soon. This may be may favorite line:
In what is probably a harbinger of things to come, the McCain campaign has already run a commercial that carries a similar intimation, accusing Mr. Obama of being “disrespectful” to Sarah Palin. The argument is muted, but its racial antecedents are very clear.
Yup, complaining that a candidates ads are disrespectful is now akin to racism.
Get ready for more of this. Any complaint, any criticism is now racist.

See author page
so which state was it? my state is heavilly liberal and i am a republican. it makes me crazy to listen to libs assume anyone who won’t vote for obama is a racist. i am not a racist, and the term uppity may have come from a nasty hateful beginning, which i didn’t know, but i use it to describe any one who thinks they are better than others. so if obama is described as uppity, so be, then you would also have to include a great many other people. i would never vote for him, not because he is black, but because we don’t share the same system of calues, which means i have them and he doesn’t. thats just my opinion. i will continue to cling to my guns and religion, i guess i will have to find a church though, oh and visit the gun shop so i can fit obama’s own racist sterro type.
A poll I would find interesting would be one in which blacks were polled and asked who they are voting for, and most importantly, why? Not 100% sure of the results, but presuming most of them would be voting for Obama, would they then be cast as Racists?
Just wondering…………
Well Vince, polling so far has Obama getting just over 90% of the African American vote. This is compared to around 88-89% that voted for Kerry and Gore. So maybe 3-4% are voting for him just because of his race. Hope that helps.
3-4% are voting for him because he is black???? Give me a break Fit Fit.
How about 90% are voting fo him because he is black. No racism there.
How about the reporters that are voting for Obama because they want to be part of history, I do not have the articles off hand, but many were spouting out this garbage a long time ago, before Obama got the nomination. No racism there either I guess.
I am just wondering when African Americans will realize that the Dems are using them and are only hurting them in the long run. Keeping them beholden to the government instead of giving them a hand out of poverty.
LUVA….I’m in Florida, a swing state, and there are plenty of people of all races here who are voting for McCain because of his record, his character, and his experience.
I was at the Sarah Palin Rally in the Villages the other day and blogged about it at:
THere were Democrats for McCain there proudly holding up their signs, there were a great number of black people there holding up their signs and wearing their McCain/Palin T shirts; there were hispanics there, Asians…all this balogne about only the “retirees of The Villages being the only ones present” had to be written by the liberal left wing media.
I’m not voting for Obama because I don’t agree with or believe in any of the issues that the Dem. party promote.
I could care less what color he is – that has nothing to do with my decision in who I vote or don’t vote for.
I do cling to my religion and my gun if I had one, which hubby says I should have!
That’s great to hear! Florida may be more of a PIVOT state! This whole damn campaign has gone on too long. People don’t Really get interested until just after the conventions. The MSM has had its way putting Obama up on his pedestal (with teleprompter in view, of course) and made a veritable candidate out of an empty suit.
People are really starting to look at things now. They are taking a good long look at Obama and asking themselves if he is the one they trust to run this country for the next four, possible eight years, and they don’t like what they see: nothing.
Even the ‘debates’ are not going to change much of anything (will they allow Obama’s teleprompter?).
Probably around the same time Social Conservatives realize they’re being used.
Good one Fit Fit. You made a joke.
Are you talkingabout the Religious Right that wanted to take over the Party and wanted purity in the Republican Party??? Kind of like the Nutroots on the Left. The only thing is that they are a minority compared to the far Left in the Dems in running the Party.
janelle, you hit on what pisses me off. they assume any middle aged white person who is voting for mccain is a racist. i don’t have a racist bone in my body. i just don’t share his “vision” of hope and change. i live in reallity, not this distorted world obama has created. i am not racist, i do live in an area where there is a large number of hispanics, but very little of any other race besides white and hispanic. when the rnc was going i read the lib blogs saying stuff about mccains geritol generation followers were up past their bedtime and needed their depends changed, that was awfully nice of them wasn’t it? libs for the most part aren’t saying the racist thing, but there is that portion that is, they wonder why we aren’t falling all over ourselves to prove we aren’t by voting for obama. if i were to vote for obama i would be proving racism in reverse.