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they needed to throw ayers and dorn and wright in there. i would love to see more of these type adds in my state. mccain needs to cut him off at the feet, when will he pill out the good dirt and nail obama to the cross his followers have put him on?

Stop! You don’t need to watch that scary movie on TV or DVD tonight. This will scare the heck out of you and everyone who reads this:

The Trojan Candidate

Vote McCain+Palin 2008!


The Trojan Candidate article is a MUST! It confirms me in my first impression on Obama (see my comment #4 in the thread: Origins of the “Swifboating” of Sarah Palin? )

I particulary agree with this part:
“I can only hope that the true vetting of Obama will be done, that the Berg lawsuit exposes his multiple citizenship (allegiances), and that his true leanings and agenda are identified. I have never been so concerned about a Presidental election in my life, nor felt so acutely that we hold the fate of our country in our own hands. The democrats who opened the door to this challenge will go down in history as having been captured by the far left radicals and letting the Trojan Horse threaten America”.

Chicago…toughest or most stupid gun control laws in the nation.


“Body count. In the last six months 292 killed (murdered) in Chicago, 221 killed in Iraq.

Sens. Barack Obama & Dick Durbin, Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., Gov. Rod Blogojevich, House leader Mike Madigan, Atty. Gen. Lisa Madigan, Mayor Richard Daley…..our leadership in Illinois…..all Democrats. Thank you for the combat zone in Chicago. Of course they’re all blaming each other. Can’t blame Republicans, they’re aren’t any!

State pension fund $44 Billion in debt, worst in country. Cook County (Chicago) sales tax 10.25% highest in country. (Look’em up if you want). Chicago school system one of the worst in country. This is the political culture that Obama comes from in Illinois. He’s gonna ‘fix’ Washington politics?” (copied on the web)

Are you ready for McCain and the ‘Keating 5’?

After disparaging The New York Times and the rest of the media, the campaign officials did get around to the stated purpose of the call — discussing the new ad linking Sen. Barack Obama to key figures within the “Chicago political machine.”

Schmidt assured reporters that the ad was part of a real ad buy — unlike many of the campaign’s past ads, which had been released to the press and never aired. Schmidt declined to say how much money the campaign spent on the media buy. Schmidt said the ad would air in battleground states.

When asked about a line in the ad that mentions Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, without giving any context or information about his connection to Obama, Schmidt was unable to offer any details on the relationship, other than they were both politicians from Illinois.

“They obviously have a close relationship. He’s someone who is under investigation. He comes out of a corrupt machine. Sen. Obama very directly has introduced the issue of associations in this campaign, I think raising fundamentally, that you can tell something about people by the company they keep.”

Finally, Davis responded to a question about whether, in light of the current economic crisis, this ad opens McCain up to criticism to his connections to Charles Keating Jr., the central figure in the Keating Five corruption scandal, in which McCain was implicated but later cleared of wrongdoing. Davis pointed to recent comments by Robert Bennett, the special investigator in the case, who said he recommended to the Senate Ethics Committee that charges not be pursued against McCain for a lack of evidence.

“With regard to the Keating situation, which is a story that is very old, almost two decades, and you go back and you look at the comments of Mr. Bennett, for example, who was the Democratic counsel to the committee, you look at some of the other comments that have been made by people, Sen. McCain, there was a lot of politics involved in that.”

Davis then steered his answer back to Obama’s relationship to Rezko, who Davis referred to as “a slumlord,” and its relevance to the current housing crisis.

However, McCain was also criticized in the Keating affair for taking free flights on Keating’s private jet, and for vacationing at Keating’s residence in the Bahamas. Now that McCain is aggressively attacking Obama for his questionable relationships, it seems likely that the Obama campaign will return fire on Keating.


I’m thinking they will do it. I don’t see why not. It’ll practically orbit McCain– I doubt he’ll sleep for two nights. In all honesty, depending on how the ad is crafted, it should cast him closer to the DC corruption club and put him in the same shadowy arrangements as the White House.

Tit for tat!

Desperate…. getting desperate I see, Doug. If they dig up two decades old investigations where McCain’s involvement was already old news, they are desperate.

That’s already been run thru the investigative committees.

Now on the other hand…. Obama, Ayers and CAC?

Keting 5….Yawn. That’s so yesterday.

If Obama wants to get into that kind of slugfest, then the future ads on this relationships with Rezkoa and Ayers (to name a few) will only get more hightened.

McCain is a known quantity as to Obama who isn’t. Digging up the Keating 5 (which has been brought up in the past) is one thing, but dig up dirt on Obama (who is “fresh” in people’s minds, and therefore 1st impressions have more weight) in another matter.

I thought Obama was above all that.