SDOD Approves Sale of Bunker-Busters to Israel… Is Permission to overfly Iraq next? [Reader Post]

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Well, well, well. Who applied the pressure to the Pentagon to let Israel have these guided-missile” bombs? The last we heard, just a few days ago, was that the US was dragging it’s feet on the sale of these missiles to Israel. My, oh my, how things change… and so quickly, too.

The sale to Israel is pending Congressional approval, but nobody thinks that will be a problem.

The JPost (Jerusalem Post) is reporting that Israel has ordered 1000 of these precision bunker busters.

Would you care to hazard a guess as to what use these GPS guided missiles will be used for? No, really?

The folks over at the Iran Almanac have taken notice.

See, Israel, has told the world if has no interest in taking a defensive “Wait and See” position on the promised attack by Iran, but instead will use preemption in order to stop an attack from Iran in the first place.

Israel simply cannot survive an atomic “First Strike” by Iran. They are just not physically large enough to absorb it. So, they do not have what some seem to think is the luxury of sitting back and allowing themselves to be “hit” first in a display of “good sportsmanship”. Ain’t gonna happen. It cannot be allowed to happen.

So far as we have been able to determine the US has not yet granted Israel permission to use Iraqi airspace to reach Iran with their fighter/bomber aircraft. That doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened…it simply means we don’t know. When it does, I expect we will hear a howl go up from the new Iraqi government. Unless a bit of subterfuge is used… a little slight of hand, shall we say, we can expect those squeals of injured Iraqi pride to sound loud and clear and be amplified by the left wing media in this country and around the world… and you can bet, from the UN.

Some in Israel and in the US government are calling for more and stronger sanctions on Iran. Yeah, it’s the rose-colored glasses thing, again. People with their feet planted firmly on terra firma already know that more sanctions will not deter Iran. They are on what they see as a Holy Mission. That is the eradication of Israel… and… the United States, the little Satan and the BIG Satan! Sanctions will work on Iran about as well as they worked on Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. We all know how that eventually turned out. Iran’s Ahmadinejad said, just a few days ago: “Let them put sanctions on us. We are a very strong nation.” The Iranian president went on to say that many around the world would come to Iran’s defense in case of a US strike. (To Ahmadinejad, an Israeli attack is the same thing as an American attack.)

As I look back over the events of the past few weeks, I have to wonder if the Russian incursion into the sovereign state of Georgia keyed this move by the US to supply Israel with the missiles it would need to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities and thwart so much of the Russian supplied material both in Iran’s nuclear facilities and in Iran’s arsenal. Is the US prepared to give Russia a taste of it’s own medicine? Why, if Iran’s Russian arsenal holds up against Israeli/America tactics and armament as well as the Iraqi’s Russian supplied weapons did, well, that would be more humiliation on the Russian armament makers.

Ahhhh. International intrigue. Ain’t it grand?

(J. D. Longstreet blogs daily at INSIGHT on Freedom at )

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I would be all for it if Israel bombarded the nuclear faclities of Iran. Prevention would be the best case scenario, here. Ahmadinejad made it very clear that he wanted to wipe out Israel out of the map… so why wait? He once said: “There is no solution to the conflict in this region except with the disappearance of Israel.”

Israeli Air forces are the best in the World, they could manage it very well. It would be a relief for this planet if they could achieve that.

Anybody has seen this GREAT video? It will leave you breathless:

I have tried twice to sent you a post on this thread… I beleive it is caught in spam.

Sorry Craig… was busy constructing my latest author post. Bailed you out now..