Time to be Patriotic…

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“I was coming back from Africa on one of my trips,” she said. “I had taken one of my wealthy friends with me. She said, ‘Don’t you just feel guilty? Don’t you just feel terrible?’ I said, ‘No, I don’t. I do not know how me being destitute is going to help them.’ Then I said when we got home, ‘I’m going home to sleep on my Pratesi sheets right now and I’ll feel good about it.’ “
-Oprah Winfrey,
4/11/06 People Magazine

C’mon you Democrat fat cats….why not 90%? What’s keeping you from donating as much of what you care to spare to the federal government and for the greater good of the country?   Where’s your patriotism?   No one’s holding a gun to your head, saying, “keep your money.”

Matt Towery:

Rather than arbitrarily declare someone “rich” when they cross that $250,000 level, let’s raise the bar. Heck, let’s even let an individual keep the first $1 billion he or she earns. After that, let’s let them have a taste of what real taxes are all about.

How about a net worth tax? I know I’ve kidded about it before, but it’s even more fun thinking about it under the current circumstances, both political and economic.

Let’s tax the excess amount of anyone’s net worth that exceeds $1 billion at 90 percent. Of course we would have to undo those charitable foundations where the super-wealthy have the ability to demand, say, accountability and successful results for the use of their generously given dollars. They would instead have to let the old wheel of fate known as the federal government spend those dollars. There would be no huge parties honoring them, no honorary doctorates for their donations, not so much as a thank you letter.

But think how happy folks like Gates and Buffett would feel. Gates alone would be “donating” $45.6 billion to the United States Treasury. And hey, we wouldn’t need cash from Bill — the government would be happy to just take possession of his excess assets.

As for Warren, the $54.9 billion he would owe could help cover Fannie, Freddie and so many other worthwhile causes. Of course no one would be meandering over to Omaha to hear his wisdom on making money, because he would be “just another billionaire,” instead of the richest man in America.

Sound absurd? Of course. But it makes a strong point.

The two wealthiest individuals in America believe that if you strive to become wealthy, government should take more of your money and determine where and how it can be wasted. The problem is, there aren’t enough “rich” $250,000-plus living on the edge, scared to death, stretched-to-the-max people in America to cover for the billions of dollars being printed and distributed before the ink dries. All of it to prop up rotten lending institutions and Wall Street crooks.

From Power Line:

Stephen Moore previews the most recent data in today’s Wall Street Journal: “My contacts at the Treasury Department tell me that for the first time in decades, and perhaps ever, the richest 1% of tax filers will have paid more than 40% of the income tax burden. The top 50% will account for 97% of all federal income taxes, while the bottom 50% will have paid just 3%.” Moore’s preview does not include the companion income data.

Given that poorer citizens always outnumber the rich, political philosophers have worried that government based on majority rule could lead to organized theft from the wealthy by the democratic masses. “If the majority distributes among itself the things of a minority, it is evident that it will destroy the city,” warned Aristotle.

The founders of the United States were deep students of politics and history, and they shared Aristotle’s worry. Up through their time, history had shown all known democracies to be “incompatible with personal security or the rights of property.” James Madison and others therefore made it the “first object of government” to protect personal property from unjust confiscation. Numerous provisions of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were included to protect the property rights of citizens. We’ve fallen off from the spirit of the founders on this issue, but it would be good to recall it in connection with the release of the income tax data previewed in Moore’s column.

Other articles of interest:
Presidents and the Economy by Randall Hoven at American Thinker
Who Pays What on Tax Day? by Scott A. Hodge and Brian Phillips
Ten Myths About the Bush Tax Cuts by Brian M. Riedl
Scapegoating Tax Cuts by David Limbaugh
Democrats Lie About Reagan Tax Rates by Michael Medved

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Biden Believes Paying More Taxes Patriotic

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If it’s so patriotic to sacrifice the money one earns, then why does Congress keep giving itself pay raises?

Can we now question Rangel’s patriotism?

NO! Barack says, “..one of the things that we have to change in our politics is the idea that people cannot disagree without challenging each other’s character and patriotism. The times are too serious, the stakes are too high for this same partisan playbook. So let us agree that patriotism has no party. I love this country, and so do you, and so does John McCain. The men and women who serve in our battlefields may be Democrats and Republicans and independents, but they have fought together and bled together and some died together under the same proud flag. They have not served a red America or a blue America – they have served the United States of America. So I’ve got news for you, John McCain. We all put our country first.”

We cannot question people’s patriotism


Did you read the article about the AIG donation to the Charles B. Rangel Center?


For those who have difficulty with multiple digits and commas that’s

Here Charlie, we’re gonna give you all this money but rest assured we won’t ever ask for, or expect, anything in return.

I didn’t know about that one Aye. It just keeps piling up and he just slinks away. Cold-cash Jefferson must be advising him.

Pretty sickening.

Congress is just so rotten.

Rotten all the way to the very core.

As I said in another post, if we were to clean out Congress completely of all the corruption there would be about six people left.

At least two of those six would be janitorial staff.

I think it would be more like 5 janitors. I wish we had term limits, becasuse the way the system is setup now, incumbents are almost guaranteed to be re-elected.

I once thought we were going to hell in a hand basket, now I think we are in the hand basket.

Didn’t someone on here (another thread) suggest congressional term limits? I think that’s a great idea. I think Congress (both parties) have forgotten what it’s like to be an ordinary citizen of this great country. Kick’em all out and let’s get some fresh blood in Congress. Republicans and Democrats who actually try and work together. After all, this country is made up of liberals, Conservatives, Libertarians etc.

I want bipartisan politics!


I totally agree with Ron. I want bipartisan politics as well. When McCain said without hesitation that he’d be willing to have Sen Obama be a member of his cabinet in charge of national service…I think that was my favorite moment of the entire campaign so far.

Obama is asking his followers, the young and the dumb, to get in people’s face and argue on his behalf.

For those lefties that wish to have tips on how to promote Barack Obama when you get in their faces:


And, Morning Bell: Real Patriots Cut Taxes:

Throw Obama away.

Let’s make American great again–vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin!

I know this will come as a big surprise, but there are a lot of Democrats who despise Obama and resent the fact Oprah is so obviously in the can for him. In fact, at least half of Democrats went out and voted for someone who wasn’t Obama in the primaries. People like me were never addressed when Hillary lost the election by the Democratic Party. However, McCain is clearly reaching out and doing more than just talking about it. And from what I’ve heard, I’m not alone. I started watching Fox News because it was the only place I could find news media that weren’t starstruck in their Obama coverage. Now I rarely watch anything else. There are a lot of Democrats who are not happy with the Democratic Party, who would love to see Obama lose the election. If that means voting for McCain, so be it (remember those Reagan Democrats?) Hillary Democrats and Republicans are strange allies this year. I have my own news blog, but I only read one other blog – floppingaces.net. It’s nice to see a strong anti-Oblama point of view that’s intelligent without coming across as “right wing whacko.” http://mespace.wordpress.com/

When Obama says “Get in their faces”….isn’t that a code-word for “DO ANYTHING NECESSARY SO THAT I CAN WIN”.


1. Hack into Palin’s Yahoo email account
2. Try to tie-up talk show phone lines
3. Hate mail, crank calls, “push polls”
4. Show up at McCain/Palin and try to “shout them down”
5. Vandalize private property
6. Sit ins or riots