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Democratic Undergrouns Goons Pose as McCain supporters

A Hillary-Supporting, anti-Barak PUMA friend surfs on the Democratic Underground. Apparently, these idiots have planned and are in the process of infiltrating comment sections on blogs and forums to make it seem like they are McCain supporters while they insult the Clintons. While there is a lot to disagree with on Clinton policies, needless to say, these Obamabots are using rude, crude, and derisive language while insulting Hillary. Their goal is to make the PUMAs turn away from voting McCain. Please spread the word. While most Conservative I know can’t imagine ever voting for Clinton, most of them are appreciative of her battle against Obama and would not be so insulting in their comments. We need to get the word out NOW!!!!I am currently embeded with the PUMAs. Following their lead, I make sure I comment on newspaper and network forum and opinion sites regularly. I urge everyone here to do the same. Thanks for your great links and sensible analysis.

Just whose side are these fools on:

No Oil for Blood
Thanks to three American senators, China will be pumping Iraqi oil.
by Frederick W. Kagan
09/16/2008 3:15:00 PM

This morning, I had the honor of testifying before the House Budget Committee on the situation in Iraq. The discussion was polite and civilized, and was a reminder that even now it is possible for people who disagree about what to do in Iraq to argue without raised voices and disagreeable language (apart from the Code Pink women, yelling for those who think that shouting opponents down is preferable to arguing with them). Congressman Brian Baird once again demonstrated that it is possible even for those who bitterly opposed the war to recognize the importance of doing the right thing now–as well as the possibility of crossing the Republican-Democrat sectarian divide on this issue. One question came up repeatedly in the hearing that deserves more of an answer than it got, however: Why, after all the assistance we’ve given to Iraq over the past five years, was the first major Iraqi oil deal signed with China and not with an American or even a western company? The answer is, in part, because three Democratic senators intervened in Iraqi domestic politics earlier this year to prevent Iraq from signing short-term agreements with Exxon Mobil, Shell, Total, Chevron, and BP.

The Iraqi government was poised to sign no-bid contracts with those firms this summer to help make immediate and needed improvements in Iraq’s oil infrastructure. The result would have been significant foreign investment in Iraq, an expansion of Iraqi government revenues, and an increase in the global supply of oil. One would have thought that leading Democratic senators who claim to be interested in finding other sources of funding to replace American dollars in Iraq, in helping Iraq spend its own money on its own people, and in lowering the price of gasoline for American citizens, would have been all for it. Instead, Senators Chuck Schumer, John Kerry, and Claire McCaskill wrote a letter to Secretary of State Rice asking her “to persuade the GOI [Government of Iraq] to refrain from signing contracts with multinational oil companies until a hydrocarbon law is in effect in Iraq.” The Bush administration wisely refused to do so, but the resulting media hooraw in Iraq led to the cancellation of the contracts, and helps to explain why Iraq is doing oil deals instead with China.

Senators Schumer, McCaskill, and Kerry claimed to be acting from the purest of motives: “It is our fear that this action by the Iraqi government could further deepen political tensions in Iraq and put our service members in even great danger.” For that reason, presumably, Schumer went so far as to ask the senior vice president of Exxon “if his company would agree to wait until the GOI produced a fair, equitable, and transparent hydrocarbon revenue sharing law before it signed any long-term agreement with the GOI.” Exxon naturally refused, but Schumer managed to get the deal killed anyway. But the ostensible premise of the senators’ objections was false–Iraq may not have a hydrocarbons law, but the central government has been sharing oil revenues equitably and there is no reason at all to imagine that signing the deals would have generated increased violence (and this was certainly not the view of American civilian and military officials on the ground in Iraq at the time). It is certain that killing the deals has delayed the maturation of Iraq’s oil industry without producing the desired hydrocarbons legislation.

Nor is it entirely clear what the senators’ motivations were. Their release (available along with their letter to Secretary Rice at the New York Observer quoted Senator McCaskill as follows: “‘It’s bad enough that we have no-bid contracts being awarded for work in Iraq. It’s bad enough that the big oil companies continue to receive government handouts while they post record breaking profits. But now the most profitable companies in the universe–America’s biggest oil companies–stand to reap the rewards of this no-bid contract on top of it all,’ McCaskill said. ‘It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to connect these dots–big oil is running Washington and now they’re running Baghdad. There is no reason under the sun not to halt these agreements until we get revenue sharing in place,’ McCaskill said.” So was this about what’s best for Iraq and American interests there or about nailing “big oil” in an election year?

Either way, like Barack Obama’s asking the Iraqi foreign minister to hold off on a strategic framework agreement until after the American election, it was nothing but harmful to American interests and our prospects in Iraq.

It’s a damn shame that we are the kicking the butts of AQII, and the dems can’t use that as a rallying cry, so now hope springs eternal that the market is fall even further, perhaps 5 or 6 thousand, and completely destroy everyone’s 401k. But, hey, the dems can then use our misery to their benefit. Gaining power is all that matters to the idiots on the left.

As to wordsmith’s post above, this is what happens when the politicians run wars, and chucky schumer gets his slime covered hands on anything. Just absolutely crazy.

The housing/credit crisis (the biggest reason for this mess) is unprecented in history. And that’s ALL the fault of Democrats?
Are you kidding?
Not to say, there’s a reason that historically (even the 100 Years War) nations do not fight wars for long periods of time. It makes them bankrupt.

Excuse me, hubitty… you are blaming Fannie/Freddie, Lehman, Merrill Lynch, Countrywide, etal on Afghanistan and Iraq??

You are just too stupid to live…

It’s the total sum of 8 years of incompetence, although I’m not crying. Only a moron could not see this whole mess coming. And still, some will say we are not in a recession, or that the workers are strong. Yeah, Americans are so strong, they can’t even pick their own produce.


A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

LOL—all is well

Another brain surgeon here, Aye… by linking Fannie/Freddie – GSEs that are government created entities for public purpose use, but run by private enterprise and shareholders, he might as well said General Electric or Microsoft went bankrupt because of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. duh wuh…

Then, opening his mouth and reinserting the other foot, he lays it on 8 years of incompetence. However the Fannie/Freddie problem has been brewing for far longer than that. The oft referenced Susan Lee WSJ article back in Feb 2002 documents the questionable accounting and disclosure practices, and questionable oversight from years before… you know, when the WH was occupied by that other guy?

Paul Gigot documents what happened to many of the GOPers who tried to rein in the lackadaisical oversight. And then, of course, many a journalist got pressure from their superiors when writing serious critiques of Fannie/Freddie even back then. This corruption doesn’t happen overnight.

But of course, it’s easy for the mentally challenged to just open their mouth, blame Bush for the world’s woes, and expect their audience to nod their heads in agreement, eyes glazed over.

But of course, he’s parked his butt on the wrong blog for that to happen. Maybe he’ll discover Daily KOs or sumpthin’, eh?

But when do ya think he’ll discover that the masterminds of corruption who were instrumental in the failure of Fannie/Freddie, Countrywide and Lehman are the very economic advisors Obama consults?

Probably never….

I repeat, I do so hope Obama takes on these entities and their downfall as one of his issues. Between his big dollar take, and his poor judgment of economic advisors, the boy is mincemeat.


Here is a video that the SPAM filter ate on the other thread:


(You’ll have to reinsert the dots.)

It’s devastating for Obama.


As you can see, Aye Chi, when I’m online, I try to monitor the spam filter. I not only dug you out, but embedded the video of Daniel Mudd, CEO of Fannie, at the Black Caucus in your original post. Also bragging they loaned more to minorities than anyone else. It is the high risk, minority subprime ARM loans that are the highest default rate.

Thanks Mata!

No matter how hard I try I have no luck embedding the videos directly. Not sure why.

This could be really big if McCain can figure out an effective way to hang it around Obie’s neck.

Are you trying to entrap me into going off topic?? LOL

You are doing a Ctl-A of the “embed” field, yes? That’s all I do. Copy that embed field to the right of the YouTube video (under the URL field), and paste into the comment.

But you’re using a different browser, yes?

McCain and others are already pointing out the money trail. But this involves more than Fannie/Freddie donating. It also involves the DNC Congress pressuring lenders to take on my high risk loans in the effort to end “discriminatory lending practices”. ACORN was really big into this lobbying… another Obama concrete necklace.

And then, there’s the active payola to many DNC to turn a blind eye to their Enron style accounting practices.

LOL Phil Gramm and McCain are not linked in any way. The Gramm-Bliley Act ring a bell?

By the way, you are obviously an “elitist”. Sorry that everyone isn’t a college grad like yourself.
I am just a blue-collar fundamentalist. Union even, so I guess that makes me a fundamental fundamentalist.

If you don’t think that the war bill is having an effect on the economy, you are dreaming. Don’t worry. You’ll get a bill for it at some point. Or are you one of those who, like those who have created this mess, believe that debt can just be deleted or ignored?

Also, did you see that the White House did not agree with McCain about the “fundamentally strong” comment? Even Bush can see the reality. It’s ugly and it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

The bulk of my friends are blue collar, hubitty. Most of them have far better reasoning powers, and are better educated to political history and current events than those with diplomas. Obviously, you’re not one of those.

If Microsoft went bankrupt tomorrow, it has nothing to do with Fannie/Freddie. And another factoid for you…. we probably could have weathered even the high foreclosures if the home values had not skyrocketed astronomically and unrealistically. When a home is valued at $200K, and the buyer defaults for a $200K loan, then blow him out and replace him with a new buyer.

However when that first defaulting buyer bought the house at $250K-$275K, the cumulative loss is the problem. Otherwise we’d been doing the same thing we’ve been doing for decades… reselling the foreclosures on the market and recouping the loan elsewhere. It is the home values that is the push on the snowball down the hill. And that was accomplished by many private citizens (not Bush).. ala greedy sellers, listing agents, unethical appraisers and lending underwriters who turned a blind eye.

Iraq and Afghanistan had nothing… I repeat NOTHING… to do with it.

Bozos a’bound here lately, eh? Blanket statements of talking points, no facts, no history, no perspective. Whatsamatter… is Daily KOs server down??

LOL Phil Gramm and McCain are not linked in any way. The Gramm-Bliley Act ring a bell?

You mean the Gramm-Bliley Act signed into law by Bill Clinton? ADDED: forgot to mention the 90% Dem yea votes too…

duh You’re not improving much in your one-two punch.

Gramm was not the CEO collecting beaucoup bucks while running (fill in the blank with either Fannie, Freddie, Countrywide, or Lehman here) into the ground….

Gramm was booted out of McCain’s circle by making a stupid statement.

Obama, however, still sits at the master corruption gurus’ feet

Hey Howdy Dowdy:

President Clinton signed the bill into law that you now find so objectionable and it was supported by the votes of 36 Democrat Senators including current Majority Loser Reid.

P.S. Let’s repeat the video Aye referenced here:

P.P.S. It’s easier to right click “copy” on that embed field than Ctrl-A or whatever… Keystroke efficiency is the key to better blogging!

Darn! Mata beat me to it again. Just as I was pulling ahead in the monthly comment tally!

But the wars do have an effect on the OVERALL economy. There is no doubt about that. What’s the BILL on the war everyday? Where’s that money coming from?
Yes, I am fully aware that Fannie Mae is NOT connected with the war. And yes, real estate agents/loan brokers have become parasites.
Let this mess clean itself up and keep the government out of it. It doesn’t make me happy one bit to be paying for someone’s else poor judgement (buying a $500,000 home when their household income is $20,000). Too many Americans have been living beyond their means. There too, it is time to pay the bill.
As for reasoning, that generally means taking a look at the other side/all sides. Unfortunately, I don’t see much of that here. It’s just blame, blame, blame..
To think that what the country is going through is simply all the fault of Democrats is insane.
McCain or Obama, it’s just going to get worse.

HowdyDowdy: Losing a war would have a BIGGER impact on the economy.

And losing by default by not fighting it at all in Iraq would be just as bad.

Sorry, not that thread for that argument and besides, I am overquota today for providing free tutorials in geopolitics and economics.

However, if you would like to sign up for one of our paid tutorials I would be happy to oblige.

Darn! Mata beat me to it again

LOL! I always have to work overtime to stay even close to you, Mr. Mike. But we do have some uncanny moments, don’t we? But then, so many think Aye Chi and I are the same person… what’s a girl to do?

I see hippity dippity is still trying to peddle the same BS. Can you say “dead horse”??

“Can you say “dead horse”??”

Dead donkey would be more like it.

Can’t fight wars forever Mike. If you’re a history buff, you should know that.

Don’t tell me you are going to go off on that 100 year war smear uppity buppity?

“Not to say, there’s a reason that historically (even the 100 Years War) nations do not fight wars for long periods of time. It makes them bankrupt.” (Hubitty)

I think you do not know what you are talking about. Want to see some graphics of the cost of wars in the States since 1941?


– 2nd World War (1941-1945): 32,5%

– Corean War (1950-1953): 10,0%

– Vietnam War (1959-1953): 8,0%

– Gulf War (1990-1991): 4,9%

– Iraq/Afghanistan Wars (2001-2007): 3,8%


Corean? Be careful Craig, the “elitists” here will bash you for that.

So far, hippity dippity, only you care about his spelling or typos. I guess that makes you the elitist, eh?

I am not scared of these people, it’s people like you Uppity that scares the hell out of me. I sure hope not too many Americans are like you. I am French… so what, I expect to make a few errors in writing in English. The important thing is to be understood. I am a master in French writing. Can you write French ? And how is YOUR English writing? Any good?

Sacré bleu ! Hippity Hoppity just stepped in it!

Craig: Don’t let these libtards intimidate you!

And how about that Obama who chided Americans for not being able to say more than “merci beaucoup” when he can’t speak French either?


The second world war, not only saved the world how ever momentary, it also brought us out of the great depression. The depression brought on by the same type of people that are now PROTECTING the crooks in Fanny and Freddy. People! The Democraps were and are at the heart of this, and all those crooks that ran with all the money, are on Obambis Campaign committee. Lets clean out the swamp before it causes a civil war.


Ippitty Snippitty

“You can’t fight forever.”

That’s right, Tokyo Rose, AND NEITHER CAN THEY.

That’s the problem with Lefites, they can’t solve the hard equations, you know, like “1 + 1 = ?”

haha, oooh, another funny one. sad as the economic crisis is, the one small silver lining is that its cut past all of mccain’s ad lies