Senator Barack Obama On Abortion

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ht Hot Air

Can someone please explain to me why a child that comes out of its mother alive can be killed, and more importantly why someone would support that? How does this work: baby is born/abortion failed, and the little person is crying, and the doctor just tosses the infant in the trash to die? People can debate life at conception vs life at 3 months or whatever, but if the person is outside the mother and alive…it is a human being. No?

Why not? Is it because it’s not politically expedient to admit that; because admitting that a baby is a person after a failed abortion might cost you some votes and some campaign money?

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Yeah it’s Barack’s fault her parents did not want her.

Actually, it’s not Barack’s fault her parents did not want her.

You’re correct.

However, it is Barack’s fault that he has the lack of judgment and a complete absence moral fiber such that he would allow babies like her to be set aside to die without medical assistance.

Barack has a deep dark empty cavern where his soul and character should be.

Barack Obama before Planned Parenthood Action Fund, July 17, 2007

In 1966, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America gave its first Margaret Sanger Award to Martin Luther King, Jr. And in his acceptance speech, which was delivered by his strong and wonderful wife Coretta, Dr. King wrote, “Our sure beginning in the struggle for equality by non-violent, direct action may not have been so resolute without the tradition established by Margaret Sanger and people like her.”

That struggle for equality is not over and now we are at one of those rare moments where we can actually transform our politics in a fundamental way. But it’s going to take people as resolute as Mrs. Sanger and Dr. King—people like your own Cecile Richards—it’s going to take young people like Ariana. It’s going to take millions of voices coming together to insist that it’s not enough just to stand still. That it’s not enough to safeguard the gains of the past—that it is time to be resolute and time to march forward.

Sanger was a proponent of eugenics, a social philosophy that gained strong support in the United States in the early 20th century. The philosophy claimed that human hereditary traits can be improved through social intervention. Methods of social intervention (targeted at those seen as “genetically unfit”) advocated by eugenists have included selective breeding, sterilization and euthanasia. In “A Plan for Peace” (1932), for example, Sanger argued for:

A stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.
Her first pamphlet read:

It is a vicious cycle; ignorance breeds poverty and poverty breeds ignorance. There is only one cure for both, and that is to stop breeding these things. Stop bringing to birth children whose inheritance cannot be one of health or intelligence. Stop bringing into the world children whose parents cannot provide for them. Herein lies the key of civilization. For upon the foundation of an enlightened and voluntary motherhood shall a future civilization emerge.

Sanger promoted the idea of “race hygiene” through “negative eugenics,” an attempt to reduce the fertility of “dysgenic” groups. Sanger considered the unchecked multiplication of the “unfit” to be “the greatest present menace to civilization.” She suggested Congress set up a special department to study population problems and appoint a “Parliament of Population.” One of the main objectives of the “Population Congress” would be “to raise the level and increase the general intelligence of population.”

Sanger saw birth control as a means to prevent “dysgenic” children from being born into a disadvantaged life, and dismissed “positive eugenics” (which promoted greater fertility for the “fitter” upper classes) as impractical. Though many leaders in the eugenics movement were calling for active euthanasia of the “unfit,” Sanger spoke out against such methods. Edwin Black writes:

In [William] Robinson’s book, Eugenics, Marriage and Birth Control (Practical Eugenics), he advocated gassing the children of the unfit. In plain words, Robinson insisted: ‘The best thing would be to gently chloroform these children or give them a dose of potassium cyanide.’ Margaret Sanger was well aware that her fellow birth control advocates were promoting lethal chambers, but she herself rejected the idea completely. ‘Nor do we believe,’ wrote Sanger in Pivot of Civilization, ‘that the community could or should send to the lethal chamber the defective progeny resulting from irresponsible and unintelligent breeding.’

When Nazi Germany adopted the principles of eugenics to create a Germanic “master race,” Sanger did not publicly denounce the racist and anti-Semitic program of the Nazis. However, in a letter she wrote:

“All the news from Germany is sad & horrible, and to me more dangerous than any other war going on any where because it has so many good people who applaud the atrocities & claim its right. The sudden antagonism in Germany against the Jews & the vitriolic hatred of them is spreading underground here & is far more dangerous than the aggressive policy of the Japanese in Manchuria..”

About placing the responsibility for eugenic control in the hands of individual parents rather than the state, she wrote:

“The campaign for birth control is not merely of eugenic value, but is practically identical with the final aims of eugenics…. We are convinced that racial regeneration, like individual regeneration, must come ‘from within.’ That is, it must be autonomous, self-directive, and not imposed from without.”

We maintain that a woman possessing an adequate knowledge of her reproductive functions is the best judge of the time and conditions under which her child should be brought into the world. We further maintain that it is her right, regardless of all other considerations, to determine whether she shall bear children or not, and how many children she shall bear if she chooses to become a mother… Only upon a free, self-determining motherhood can rest any unshakable structure of racial betterment.

She nevertheless advocated certain instances of coercion, in cases where she considered the parents unfit to decide whether they should bear children:

“The undeniably feeble-minded should, indeed, not only be discouraged but prevented from propagating their kind.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, since 1973, 15 million fetuses have been aborted by black women.

Black women represent only 12 percent of the population in the United States, but they are responsible for the majority of abortions. Each day, 1,452 abortions are performed on black women.

The report also stated that black women are three times more likely to have abortions than white women, and Hispanic women are 2.5 times more likely…

African-Americans account for 35 percent of abortions. Some believe minorities are targeted by Planned Parenthood, but we create diversity,” Larsen said. “One of our goals, we call it goals for 2025, is that Planned Parenthood will be a model for basing diversity and expanding decision making power. Basically, having different cultural aspects throughout our organization and representing those throughout the community as well…

“The abortion rate is disproportional to the population of the black community. The abortion rate among married black women is nearly four times greater than married white women,” Shackelford said…

This is another horrible issue Obama lies about.

Watching Alan Colmes debate this woman last night was incredibly uncomfortable. She is a woman who survived an abortion and is alive today only because she was whisked away by a nurse to a hospital before an abortion doctor could suffocate her. And she is discussing with an Obama defender whether Obama’s opposition to the Born Alive Infant Protection Act was promoting infanticide or not…unreal. I know Colmes, do to his incomprehensible own stand on issues, is always trying to defend the indefensible but last night was particularly bad.

“Just because you were born alive after enduring an abortion, and Obama does not believe that you were entitled to medical care after being born alive does not mean he supports infanticide.” Well what the fuck do you call it? Just another night on Hannity & Idiot.

Amendment XIV to the United States Constitution

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Here is Jill Stanek’s sourced material of what went on in the Illinois Senate.

And an interview she did with “gasp” Hannity.

Mr Obama is a sick and twisted human being for supporting the murder of innocence..That is exactly what he is doing by NOT taking action in his position of power to stop the murder of innocence. What evil it speaks of a man that will support this sort of sick and twisted practice of having a living birthed human child left to die after the sick and twisted action of “convenience killing”.

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

The above is a great example of what our founders thought about human life and more specifically born children of the United States.

Murder is murder and there is no other explanation other than that…Roe V Wade should be overturned and God willing it will be…But I doubt it considering how evil the Liberal Marxist Americans have become..

What a compelling story this young lady has..Unwanted by her mother and left to die by an MD who has taken an oath to protect human life..I thank God that the Nurse who wouldn’t take part in the neglectful murder of this child, a gift of God, to this world..

Imagine how many just like her were not given the mercy she had and died at the hands of a killer, a wolf in sheep clothing!

What if mothers of individuals such as Albert Einstein or Issac Newton had chosen to murder their children of the womb..How the world would have been different if John F Kennedy succumbed to his own bodily fluids which would have strangled and suffocated him to death while alone in a mop closet while the murdering MD’s raked in the money.

I pray for mercy from God for these people who commit these crimes of MURDER against these children…For Jesus said, ” It would be better that they had a millstone tied around their necks and tossed into the sea than to hurt or even offend a child”..

God’s judgment will be swift and it WILL come one day…Repent and turn away from this practice of evil now while you can..

A remake of the Louis Armstrong classic, What A Wonderful World.

Preformed by the New Rat Pack
John McCain, George W Bush, Lindsey Graham, and Joe Liberman

With music from the Fox News Spinners and the GOP Choir

What A Wonderful Surge

I see Hummers of green…….. red mist too
I see em kabloom….. for me and for you
And I think to myself…. what a wonderful surge.

I see body bags of black….. shrouds of white
Bright scorching days….dark sweltering nights
And I think to myself …..what a wonderful surge.

The colors of a folded flag… empty when they die
Tears on the faces…..of the families saying bye
I see moms wringing hands….crying what do we do?

Theyre really sayin ……we’ll miss you

I hear inconsolable little kids cry…… the fallen won’t see them grow
They’ll miss their dad…..more than McCain will ever know
And I think to myself …..what a wonderful surge

(instrumental break)

The colors of a folded flag… empty when they die
Tears on the faces…..of the families saying bye
I see moms wringing hands…..crying what do we do
Theyre really sayin ……we’ll miss you

I hear babies cry…… I watch them grow
They’ll miss their mom…..more than McCain will ever know
And I think to myself …..what a wonderful surge
Yes I think to myself …….what a wonderful surge.

Molon Labe Palin said the war in Iraq is God’s will.

Is Pro life just about abortion? War is ok right? As long as we kill in the name of God right?

Molon Labe, is the God you believe in too weak to judge people according to there actions?

Does God need the USA to be a theocracy like in Pakistan?

Is it Pro Life to vote against children’s health care?

How many people die everyday because of no health care?

I think abortion is wrong, but what about the right to privacy.

Where do you draw line, and what about all the other pro life issues Republicans are against?

The abortion Issue is not and R or D issue it’s an issue about whether religious interpretation should subvert the constitution. God is God, he belongs to no political party and he will judge everyone according to their deeds.

Sep 5, 2008 12:40 pm US/Central

125 Shot Dead In Chicago Over Summer
Total Is About Double The U.S. Troop Death Toll In Iraq
CHICAGO (CBS) ― An estimated 125 people were shot and killed over the summer. That’s nearly double the number of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq over the same time period.

In May, began tracking city shootings and posting them on Google maps. Information compiled from our reporters, wire service reports and the Chicago Police Major Incidents log indicated that 125 people were shot and killed throughout the city between the start of Memorial Day weekend on May 26, and the end of Labor Day on Sept. 1.

According to the Defense Department, 65 U.S. soldiers were killed in combat in Iraq.

Wow, Charles Keating sets new standards in blind partisanship. Nice. I say we leave it up there to see what kind of people support Barack “Red White and Blue America” Obama. Truly a piece of work, and a GREAT display of why mental health medications should be nationally funded.

You are not getting it Charlie (#9). Abortion is not a right neither is it a liberty. Liberty is in contraception, not in abortion. Abortion is a murder that could have been prevented by contraception. Careless and irresponsible men and women copulate with no conscience at all.

War is very different. War is to fight a greater evil. Look at it as an amputation of a leg that could save someone’s life. When a country goes to war against evil, it is to save a greater majority of lives. People are entitled to security, freedom and rights. When some countries are in trouble, they always turn to the US to come and save them. Why? Because they know that the US fights for the good reasons, for democraty and freedom. Funny, they never ask Iran or Iraq to help them… no, they ask the USA. Nobody likes war and no one wants it, but sometimes it’s the only option on the table. I hope you have followed my explanation, I have a hard time to write it, since I am French and not to familiar with English writing.

C’mon, Scott, it’s very inaccurate to say an abortion doctor simply “tosses the infant in the trash to die.” Everyone knows that in Chicago’s Christ Hospital, they have a special linen closet where unwanted babies are left to die. Get it straight, man! 😉

Obama’s dogmatic support of this heinous practice of blatant infanticide just defies my ability to understand.

I wonder how many babies are born alive during/after failed abortions, and then killed?

And I do wonder how it’s done, if there’s a procedure, how it appears on a bill, stuff like that. I’d say that sounds morbid and even disgusting, but it’s not murder or anything like that, right? It’s just a procedure to remove a parasite.

Also, when it comes to abortion…how come it’s “a woman’s right to choose”? Seems to me the choice is made when both the mother and father choose to have sex.


As for frequency I will confirm that number for you. I heard it on the radio just today.

As for how it’s done, the main way is called “shelving” where the baby is literally put into a pan or tray and then set aside to die without medical assistance or attention.

Doctors are “technically” allowed to take proactive measures to make the child die because that would indeed be murder. Placing an infant in a janitor’s closet however is perfectly legal and acceptable.

There are some really gory details that I can go into, but quite frankly, just reading about them makes my stomach roll over.

In the SPAM filter again.


Since my first response was caught, and remains trapped, in the SPAM filter, I’ll try again.

The basic procedure is that the live born baby is place in a tray or pan and is then set aside to die from exposure or neglect. There is not normally a proactive effort on the part of the medical provider to directly cause or hasten the death. The child is, quite literally, placed on a shelf to die. Sometimes, as alluded to in #13, this happens in linen closet. This practice keeps the doctor off the hook if murder charges were ever considered.

The percentages of live births following a failed abortion run 15 to 20 percent. Sometimes the babies survive for just a few minutes. Sometimes for hours.

This procedure goes far beyond partial birth abortion which almost everyone agrees is barbaric.

This is infanticide. It is murder. There is no gray area here.

This procedure is so radical that Obama was the only State Senator in Illinois who spoke against this bill.

Furthermore, this practice is so abhorrent and uncivilized that even Barbara Boxer was on the opposite side from Obama.


The percentages of live births after abortion runs between 15 to 20 percent.