Obama/Biden Elect Senators Because Dems Congress’ Is So Successful

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Senator Barack Obama (D) and Senator Joe Biden (D) want people to elect them as the President and Vice President in November. Why? Traditionally it’s rare for a Senator to be elected President because they have a record to defend. This would be a problem for Senator Biden, but the media at large is more interested in Governor Sarah Palin than in asking, “Is Senator Biden ready to be President?” So, Senator Biden (D) gets a free pass. Senator Obama was only a Senator for 150 days before he left Washington to become a professional Presidential candidate for the following 21 months, and so he has almost no record to be examined.

HOWEVER, national approval of the job that the Democrats’ Congress is doing is down to 20%. That begs the question, “Why elect two Democrats from Congress?” They have all kinds of plans to “CHANGE” this and that, but…as Senators in the party that controls both houses of Congress, why can’t they do that already? This could be asked of Senator McCain as well, but his party is not in control in Congress, and when it was he often opposed his own party (something Senator Obama and Senator Biden have almost no experience in doing).

If Congress is so impotent, and it’s run by Democrats, then why elect two Democratic members of Congress to control the other two branches of government? Are we to believe that giving one party or another absolute, unchecked, proven impotent, and incompetent power is good for America?

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The McCain camp has got to get tough on the Democratic controlled congress. The attention has got to shift from Gov. Palin to the failures of the congress to get anything done to help this country. McCain has got to tie the Democrats to running congress; the time is now!

If its so important, then spread some of that cash around. Money talks, Bullsh_t walks


Cash-poor Obama says no to Reid

In rejecting a direct request from his Senate leader, Obama has put a fine point on the financial pressures he’s feeling as the presidential race turns toward the fall.

I will never understand McCain, that’s why I wouldn’t vote for him before he selected Palin. He knows the economy boomed from 2001 thru 2006 with the republicans in control of congress and has became a disaster after the democrat takeover in Jan 2007. A little research and a few well placed ads should send all the democrats home or to prison in Nov 2008 if McCain would put the country ahead of his democrat friends in congress. Sometimes you have to kick friends in the groin to save the life of others.

Undeniable proof that Obama had terrorist connections to American bomb makers