Politics Before Country (The Obama Doctrine?)

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You can put lipstick on a politician….


Hat tip: Steve Schippert

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*UPDATE* 09/16/08 10:00
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Obama trying to gum up the works in Iraq for political gain? Who would have thought?

He’s a typical politician. Correction: typical LIBERAL politician.

Nothing, not even the safety of our troops, is more important to him.

Figures… Obama is the most corrupt person ever. Even more corrupt than the Clinton administration. I wouldn’t be surprise if Berger and Obama were destroying top secret documents to cover Obama’s tail.

Wordsmith.. Amir Taheri is nothing but a right wing nut job who writes for the national review??
come on… you can do better than that…

Amir Taheri is nothing but a right wing nut job who writes for the national review??
come on… you can do better than that…

This criticism comes from the clown who cited Rachel Maddox, Andrea Mitchell, and T.Boone Pickens as source material on another thread just a few minutes ago.

Now, that’s a hoot!

Now that tens of millions of voters are learning the truth about Barack Obama, they have joined the supersonic, energetic excitement at the McCain + Palin side. They are on McCain’s side for good. No turning back. The Obama campaign is imploding due to overwhelming lack of experience at every level.

Obama is behind. After Hurricane Ike — a natural disaster. After Hurricane Sarah — tore down everything Obama.

Governor Sarah Palin’s executive experience trumps Obama “community organizer” experience every time, any day, every day, everywhere — no doubt!

Goodbye Obama. Long live America.

NARAL has Obama by the gonads:

On Governor Sarah Palin:

On Obama’s true past (or why is he lying?):

RAP complains about citing a partisan source after referencing a link to Rachael Maddow?! No joke, that made my Monday so far! Thanks RAP


Here’s the link so you can enjoy it.

Check this thread out.


Hillary supporters are jazzed up about this and are bombarding CNN and other newsies to run the story.

But it desperately needs some substantiation. The NYP unfortunately does not have a stellar reputation for accuracy.

If it pans out, this could be the end of Obama. Let’s keep our fingers crossed…

Aye Chihuahua and Yonasen. Umm before you go and slam me for using Factcheck.org perhaps you should question Curt’s use of the same website for a debunking of the Palin email. I’ve pointed that out several times and nobody has explained this. It’s okay for someone on here to cite biut only if it supports their particular view point. That makes perfect sense. Thatnks for pointing out the contradictions.


I didn’t slam you for using FactCheck.org.

I just asked questions about your source.

By the way, you’re on the wrong thread.

I want to know where the outrage is over this.

I want to know who is calling for an investigation and prosecution under the Logan Act.

Ron, I see you’re lost again.

OK, I’m not going to bite your head off, …this time. But, seriously, you are correct that one has to be careful using “enemy” support for your point. Still, there is something called a “hostile witness.” If the other side makes your point for you, then it’s obviously much less likely to be a biased proof, and so in that sense it’s sometimes even stronger than if someone on your own side does so. It’s not for the inexperienced, though. You need to know what you are doing, and though I haven’t looked at Curt’s point, I expect he probably does. Personally, I like to avoid them unless I have no other choice, because it gives them an air of credibility they don’t deserve.

Other examples of “hostile witness” are using the UN to disprove Arab propaganda.
(1) Arabs say “massacre in Janin.” UN says, “none.”
(2) Albanians say, “Serbs massacred us.” UN says, “nope.”


Funny, I thought that was the “DEMOCRAT DOCTRINE.”

And, speaking of Democrats, not to mention “hostile witnesses” here’s what Hillary’s people have to say…

Obama’s audacity is frightening. On what authority did he believe it was okay to seek to undermine the Bush Administration’s work with the Iraqi Government to end the US war?

Not only did Obama directly and blatantly LIE to the American people — he has committed a CRIME. And he must step down NOW.

Mr. Zebari had another message for O’Bumbler back in June of this year…

SEN. BARACK OBAMA told Iraq’s foreign minister this week that he plans to visit the country between now and the presidential election. We think that’s a good thing, not because Sen. John McCain has been prodding the candidate to do it but because it [a visit to Iraq] will give Mr. Obama an opportunity to refresh his badly outdated plan for Iraq.

And those freaks are telling everyone that it’s O’Bummer’s plan that they are now following??? That weasel couldn’t tell the truth if his life depended on it!

“That weasel couldn’t tell the truth if his life depended on it!” (Yonason)

I agree a 100% with you. Obama is not only an outstanding flip flop, he is also the greatest liar in political history. Can’t stand the bozo!


In fact, Obama had told the Iraqis that they should not rush through a “Strategic Framework Agreement” governing the future of US forces until after President George W. Bush leaves office, she [Obama’s national security spokeswoman Wendy Morigi ] said.

HT – DrSanity

Listen up America, because this is serious stuff for a change: First of all there is a huge difference in the degree of honesty between Barack Obama (high) and John McCain (low) and also between Sarah Palin (liar) and Joe Biden (honest, hence poor Senator). Second, and this is crucial, this Presidential Election is NOT American Idol!!! You are not supposed to vote on the popularity or the character of the Presidential candidate like McCain and his crones would like you to do, and it’s NOT between Obama and Palin, either. It’s between McCain and Obama, remember? You are supposed to vote on the issues, NOT on personalities.
MSNBC Rachel Maddox had an interview with Bill Maher yesterday, and finally, to my greatest relief, I heard the very words coming out of Bill’s mouth that I had wanted to shout from the rooftops for years. It was like this: Rachel asked Bill why, in the light of all that is transpiring these days is the race between the two Presidential candidates still so close. And Bill answered: “Because Americans are stupid, they are dumb. They only understand single words like “maverick” and “I’ll fix it.” My PERSONAL stand has always been that most Americans suffer from Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), otherwise why would they be so superficial, so easily distracted. They sway with the wind in whichever direction it’s being blown by the Press even if it’s absolute cretinism such as lipstick on a pig. The Press picks a topic and feeds it to the crowds of listeners and as long as they keep getting a feedback, their ratings go up, and that’s all the Press cares about. You’ve heard the old saying: “Money makes the world go ‘round” Well, it’s true. The Press is the sum of all hypocrisy at its best when they beat their chest complaining that the they are fueling material that does absolutely nothing to help debate the tragic and very real issues in which we find ourselves today.
By the way, in case you haven’t noticed, Barack Obama is the only serious candidate who has always desperately attempted to stick to the issues. So anyway, the press is principally responsible for turning people into mental retards. Instead of feeding our brains by provoking intelligent debates, they chase stupid, useless, even damaging trivia and feed it to the pigs, (we) because they know we are so stupid that we want nothing better than gobble it all up like candy.
If anybody is intelligent enough to want to sift over the real issues, seeing that we are 48 days away from Election Day (Rain, fog, ice or snow, Election Day is ONLY Nov2, so register NOW!).
Here goes, then:
With Barack Obama you are going to have health care and social security. With McCain all you will get is a $5,000 tax cut which will exonerate your employer from providing health care for you. That means YOU will be on your own to buy health insurance for your family. And health insurance costs $14,000 a year per family, so you will still be $9,000 short!!!
McCain, on the other hand, wants to continue Bush’s’ policy of privatizing social security. Really? Look at the stock market. Is this what you want for your kids’ future? Jack squat when they retire? Is it all really worth it just for the hoopla of putting “Mr. Grumps” and “Ms Congeniality” into the Oval Office? Later about “Grumps”, let’s talk about “Ms. Congeniality” for now. Hello!!! Wake up America!! We are ALL working women with kids. There is nothing special about Sarah Palin, except that the Media is making you believe she is sensational, even though she is not. Hey, even her own Party’s level of confidence in her is so low that they don’t allow her to appear in “Meet The Press” or to get interviewed by the Media at large as any other candidate to see what, if anything, she actually knows. The ABC Charles Gibson interview certainly showed that when it comes to the Bush’s doctrine or foreign affairs, she doesn’t know jack! The FOX Hannity interview was stupid and superficial, as expected.
Have you seen the TV clip where she is actually asking the question “What does a VP do every day?” McCain, on the other hand seems to think that the duties of a VP are merely to attend funerals, and inquire daily about the health of the President (his), unless of course he is dead in which case she is suddenly catapulted into the Oval Office as our Commander In Chief!
I say if McCain wants to gamble it’s his business. But it becomes my business when he wants to gamble with my life, my future, my personal resources, my freedom of choice and the lives, future and resources of my children and grandchildren.
What McCain did by appointing Sarah Palin as his Vice President is irresponsible, and it makes me angry. Yes, angry that too many Americans are so blind and so dumb that they are willing to follow a peter piper tune all the way down to the ravine of self-destruction without giving it a second thought.
Can’t you see that with McCain it’s all about “Me and my lobbyist buddies First,” and “Country eventually”, although he doesn’t have a clue how to integrate the Country with his personal interests? In fact in the Presidential Forum interview he specifically said that, as the President of the United States he will be, and I quote “somewhat divorced from the day-to-day challenges people have,” McCain said.
If you don’t want to listen to me because I am not a professional political analyst, at least listen to MSNBC Keith Olbermann; listen to Rachel Maddox, or CNN John Cafferty. They tell it like it is. Look at the facts. Just what do we know about Sarah Palin? We don’t really know anything about this woman’s working ethics, except that most of the people who used to work for her in Alaska were afraid of her, afraid to express an opinion that differs from hers because they have families and need their jobs. With Palin it’s either her way or the highway. Can we afford to have her in the White House? Wake up!
She had a little more than a handful of people to govern as a Mayor and not much more than that as the Governor of Alaska (Alaska is not especially known for being overpopulated, except perhaps by polar bears), but even that tiny bit of power was enough to inflate her head to the point where she dares challenge Barack Obama, who has ran a 20-month long brilliant campaign, virtually error-free, showing all Americans that we can finally be proud of having a smart President, a President that would run this Country with the same consistent discipline and hard work with which he has ran his campaign.
Just who does Sarah Palin think she is? What are her qualifications to be our Leader? Is she better than any other working Mom in America? I don’t think so. I have four children, I am educated, and I worked hard all my life. If I had known the VP job was open to a working Mom, I would have applied. After enduring the bankrupted leadership of George Bush, it seems that anybody can be the President of the United States nowadays! I totally agree with Nancy Pelosi on that quotation.
Come on people, get real! Let’s look at her experience: Her resume’ is so pumped-up it could take flight like a kite in the great Alaskan sky. She knows nothing about the Economy, just like McCain, and she lied about her position on the bridge to nowhere, later flipping her position, 180 degrees, but keeping all the tax-payer dollars that had been allocated by the Federal Government specifically for that project. Her earmark requests or the State of Alaska far exceed Barack Osama’s 2007 $25 per capita for the State of Illinois last year. Hers was $350 per capita! Barack Obama hasn’t taken any earmarks this year. Palin half-lied about her E-bay jet story, she half-lied about getting rid of her chef at home story, she was definitely deceiving and cunning about her TDY money (getting paid for travel she didn’t do, while living at home) etc. Do you see the contradictions here? How can one be such a consummated liar, such an opportunist, and call herself a Christian? Only a couple of weeks in the public eye and already we see a bunch of stinking lies! And she hasn’t even been vetted by the Press, yet! I wonder why?…
Palin is also under investigation for abuse of power for having fired the Chief National Guard who refused to fire her ex brother-in-law, another National Guard, back in Alaska, and while at first she was enthusiastic about cooperating with the investigation, she is now refusing to cooperate, fearing that her own Alaskan Justice system which is presided by three Republicans and two Democrats, will somehow fail her. That’s sheer paranoia. So much for Justice is Equal for All. Why don’t I hear an ongoing outcry by the press on this matter? Is the Press being lobbied, as well? But of course. Who are you kidding? We the People dance at the beat of their drums, and that’s a fact.
Sarah Palin, president of the United States in a heart-beat! It’s a very real possibility. Never mind that we are talking about serious issues here like National Security and International Relations in a turbulent global environment. We also have a couple of wars going on and oh, yeah! McCain is 72 years old and he has had 3 bouts with melanoma, a malignant form of skin cancer. My husband died of cancer at age 68. What I mean to convey here is the idea that either McCain must think he is immortal, or he had a senior moment when he picked Sarah Palin to run as his VP!
I say people, grow up! Look at the issues. Look at the situation we are in right now compliments of President George W. Bush with whom McCain voted 90% of the times!! Go beyond the GOP’s cleverly fabricated glitz and glamour with which they have surrounded Sarah Palin to make their failed policies taste more palatable to you.
The GOP is offering the same dinner in a different plate. They have nothing new, no change. Zilch, Nada to offer. That’s why they are desperately resorting to blows below the belt to get rid of Obama. If they had so much as a shred worthy of issues to talk about they wouldn’t need to resort to those dirty tactics.
The GOP is using you, kicking and beating you even while you are down, and then they have the gull to ask for your to vote! They should hide in shame!
Obama is right: They must think you are stupid. You want to know what the GOP present strategy is? It’s this: Put a pretty woman, let’s say the cheerleading kind, in front of a bunch of drooling dummies overrun by testosterone, and they’ll pay attention to anything you or she says! Yeah! That’s exactly what they are doing. They are back there hiding in the shadows and laughing at you for taking the bait! And the bias press of FOX News as well as people like Rush Limbaugh and Tucker are helping them plenty. Are you really that gullible, America?
Do me a favor: Close your eyes and truly take a listen to what’s really being said by McCain the next time he is on TV with Sarah Palin at his side. That is if she ever lets him talk. I have observed that McCain, or should I say “McPalin” seems perfectly content to just stand there next to her and let her do all the talking for him! He just takes bows and waves his arms. Must be that it takes too much energy to do all that talking, especially if you are a grumpy old man. Just remind me, if you please: Who is running for President? Palin or McCain? And if it’s McCain, why should we listen to Palin?
McCain couldn’t even draw so much as a couple hundred people to his town home meetings, much less hold your attention for 10 minutes without your falling asleep when Palin wasn’t by his side, because his policies were the same old, tired, failed policies that you already knew so well, and which hurt you in every possible way, and still do.
Just remember this: The GOP policies hurt us all, and got us where we are now. Their policies hurt you in your heart of hearts, by killing your sons and daughters in a dumb and unnecessary war, they hurt you in your wallet at the gas pump and in grocery stores, they took your house away while McCain’s main concern is which of his 9 houses is he going to occupy today, they said “tough luck Charlie” when it came to your health care, and so on. The same dismal policies that brought the economy to its knees will continue to rule our lives if we elect the McCain/Palin ticket. Do you really want more of the same kicking and beatings? I say ENOUGH!
Obama promises REAL change. He has proven over 20 months of superhuman grilling (because, yes, he is of color so he was grilled 5 times as hard as any other Caucasian candidate would have been) by the Press that he has the intelligence, the knowledge, the guts, the temperament, the wisdom and the good judgment to lead this Nation out of the jam the Bush/Chaney/McCain Administration put us in during the past 8 years.
Obama is a born leader with years ahead of him, and the promise of tax cuts for 95% of American families, with the promise of pay raise for qualified teachers and Education accessibility for all, with the promise of health care for all who want it, the promise of energy independence and innovative sources of energy within the next 10 years, and the promise of social security for our children when they retire. He wants to bring your kids back home from Iraq, and he wants to keep his eye on the ball when it comes to fighting terrorism and National security.
Up until now Americans have always given a chance to the young to seize an opportunity. So here we have a choice: Obama, 47 years old and healthy, and McCain, 72 years old, shaky health, hot-tempered, and too old to take that 3 o’clock call when it comes in the middle of the night. Who knows, he might even get mad for being awakened at such an inconvenient time and accidentally push with his shaky finger that infamous red button next to his night-table ring tone shut-off. Oooops!
I say that McCain’s time is past, it’s gone. Yes, he had an impressive and honorable past, we all heard that ad nauseam, but that was then, this is now. We need a President for the challenges of the 21st Century, and that President is Barack Obama!
McCain had his chances, now it’s “Move Over, Darling” time. It’s time for young blood in the White House. And that young blood is called BARACK OBAMA. Not Sarah Palin, mind you. Frankly, as a woman, I feel offended that McCain used our gender purely to advance his own political agenda (and by piggy-backing, that of his running mate). By using Sarah Palin he has treated us women like a piece of meat tossed to a bunch of hungry dogs. He is manipulating the women in this Country and they are totally falling for it either out of bigotry or partisanship (the bra-burning feminist movement of the 60’s has resurged.) or who knows what else it is that they see in Palin.
I will tell you what I see in Sarah Palin. I see a con-artist, and a liar. I see a stupid distraction aimed at trumping what this Election should really be all about. It’s about the economy stupid, not about “celebrities”. Obama should re-play that “celebrity” commercial McCain aired against him when he went to Berlin. Only he should put Sarah Palin in it.
Paulin has cleverly shown that she wants to be treated as a person and not as a woman when she started throwing punches at Obama on her acceptance night in St. Paul. That gives Obama and Biden the right to hit her back, and hit her hard! I mean as a person, not as a woman. She wants to be the VP? Well then, with equal rights come equal responsibilities. Remember that this person (Sarah Palin) is someone who will kill a poor moose in cold blood, and relentlessly hunt and kill a defenseless wolf from a helicopter! She is a blood-thirsty barracuda. Trust me, she can definitely take a punch or two or three.
I’m confident that Barack Obama will win the Presidency of the United States by a landslide, because this is a good year for Democrats, and he is clearly the smartest, most honest politician, and best advocate of the poor and downtrodden. He is the most honest, cavalier and straightforward candidate we have ever had. McCain is not worthy of our trust. He is NOT a reformer, and he is NOT a maverick. He is just a lunatic who wants to do things his way. Furthermore, he, like Palin, lies constantly about everything! Is that what they taught him at the Naval Academy? No way! But then maybe that’s why he graduated fifth from the bottom of his class. If his Dad had not been an Admiral, he would be running an employment agency today. In my book a liar is no honorable man, and McCain is not running an honorable campaign.
America, this is what Barack Obama will do for us:




If you didn’t see the substance, you must be one of those dudes Bill Maher was talking about… Do me and everybody a favor, go read a book.

Obama has done his best to hide his elitist, snob brand. Behold, we have one of his little warriors waltz in here and blast that elitist snobbery all over the place.

Do me a favor, click onto Wordsmith’s logo and read the topics he’s posted in here, or visit his blog. Be prepared to find out that you aren’t up to his standards and it will be a fight you won’t want. “…go read a book” indeed.

Whew! Ladies, hide your tinfoil, mcals77 is on the loose!

The “integrity” of O’Bunko’s supporters is a reflection of his own…

“Vandals sprayed the word “Obama” on the Republican Party of Sarasota’s office on Tamiami Trail near the intersection with Stickney Point Road Tuesday night.

The culprits also tore up campaign signs said party Chairman Eric Robinson.

Robinson estimated the damage at $900…”
(Sarasota Harold Tribune)

“And the substance is……where?” — Wordsmith

It’s to waste your time responding so you don’t spend that time in productive activity.

It’s quite a complement, actually, that those brown-shi(r)ts [Obamonkies typing randomly, and with lots of hate] are harassing this website. It means you are doing a great job. Keep it up!

Better man than I am, Wordsmith.

I go away for a few months and the trolls invade!

*edit Ack.. I shouldn’t type in the dark. Uddercha0s. Sheesh, can’t even spell my name right

OH, OH . . .

“Former President Clinton cast an approving eye at Sarah Palin’s political skills”
I think it was exciting to some that she was a woman,” said Clinton.
….yep, he’s still got the old Clinton “magic.”

…riiiiiiight, and I’ll bet that’s not all that Billy the Kinky casts an “approving eye” on, either.

You can put lipstick on Clinton’s compliments, but they’re still self-serving minced pigmeat (balony).


It’s ok, the Greek “X” is pronounced “kh” (also sometimes “ch”)

ps., are you back to releave me? I have to be away for a while now. Welcome back, btw.


Yon, I don’t recall signing your hall pass. Get back in your desk.


Welcome back.

I thought maybe you had dashed off to the Caribbean after winning the lotto.