ABC: Obama Questioning John McCain’s Patriotism?!

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Obama Implies McCain Puts Other Countries First

A pretty scathing charge from Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., this morning as he spoke to the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers and assailed Sen. John McCain’s, R-Ariz., position on free trade.

“Just ask the machinists in Pennsylvania who build Harley-Davidsons,” Obama said of McCain’s record. “Because John McCain didn’t just oppose the requirement that the government buy American-made motorcycles, he called Buy American provisions ‘disgraceful.’ Just ask the workers across this country who have seen their jobs outsourced. The very companies that shipped their jobs overseas have been rewarded with billions of dollars in tax breaks that John McCain supports and plans to continue.

“So, when American workers hear John McCain talking about putting ‘Country First,'” Obama said, “it’s fair to ask –- which country?”

Um … isn’t that pretty much the dictionary definition of questioning someone’s patriotism?[emphasis added]- jpt

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Obama promised us that he would never question John McCain’s patriotism.

It’s the same kind of deliberate half-quote/half-truth misleading that Democrats LOVE (see also the claim that McCain wanted to keep the war in Iraq going for 100yrs-not true btw).

This is the same line of tactics that has deliberately divided the nation and misled people into believing that (for example) the war in Iraq wasn’t necessary, Iraq had no ties to AQ groups, no WMD threat at all from Saddam, the 91-03 war w Iraq had nothing to do with the 911 attacks, and more.

Poeple believe these lies, and many do it without question at all. That’s sad, but that’s the effect/price of willful ignorance.

Scott, your post reminds me of this book by Arthur Borden, just ordered it this morning.

A Better Country: Why America Was Right To Confront Iraq

Borden was once a democrat that campaigned for FDR’s son, eventually left the party because of what they did during Vietnam.

Obama is more and more looking like a little boy that wants another shiny medalion for his power belt. We have a choice of someone that believes in country first or an egotist that will divide the nation with his socialist pol-i-cehs. He’s not reform, he’s been a courage challenged body from the beginning of his career in elected office. He’s only in office because it was all laid out and done for him. I wish I could remember Bobby Rush’s quote from after he beat him by 30 points in the run for his congressional seat, I think it’s in that Todd Spivak article I posted in another thread. Rush had him pegged and Obama hasn’t changed a bit.

Looks like a good book. Here’s some more (mine aka Sam Pender):

I did Iraq’s Smoking Gun in Nov 03, and it was deadnuts on the money.

Obama should read Milton Friedman instead of Karl Max. If this guy becomes the next President, the economy of this country will go down the drain within a year. I am from Canada and I am very proud to have the USA as a neighbour, a friend and a first class commercial partner.

We are also in a federal election process right now, and I sincerely hope the conservators will be leading our country with Stephen Harper in a majority government on the 14 of October. Harper and McCain/Palin ticket would be a blessing for both of our countries… they think alike.

When I heard Obama saying: “It is trade deals like NAFTA — the 1993 accord eliminating tariffs among the U.S., Mexico, and Canada — that “ship jobs overseas and force parents to compete with teenagers for minimum wage at Wal-Mart”… I got shiver down my spine and knew right away that Obama did’nt understand a thing about economy.

Scott, I had them written down, was going to visit a couple of my favorite bookstores while out in Steamboat Springs. Wanted to see if I could sleuth around and find one or two but had altitude trouble. I forgot about them until you just reminded me, I could have gotten a discount this morning, shoot. I still want to check the bookstores before I order online, instead of the quaint ones in SS, it will be the biggies out here, not as much fun.

Missy, Sam Pender books are only available online.

OK, that ruins my fun but will stem my frustration at not finding them. Will order online.

Go ahead a visit the book stores and ask for a conservative book. It shortens most book store workers life by months since they always stroke out, and it’s fun watching them studder and stammer like Hussein O.

LOL! Yeah, you can always order Sam Pender books from a bookstore. They’d love that!

fyi, I’ve only done ONE booksigning in my life. That was just before 911. Went well, but oh…the…looks!!!!! Wow. Haven’t done one since. I don’t even stock my own books at home now. Completely killed my motivation to do marketing of any sort (this is just word of mouth conversation here today-if anyone really wants a copy, email me at I’ll send a pdf free).

Last I knew, Harley’s were still made in America, and. . .
They don’t seem like the best option for various uses of motorcycles in terms of government usage, especially when it comes to the military.

There was a time when Harley’s were common fare for law enforcement fleets, Wicked. They lose those bids to other manufacturers now for sundry reasons.

But BHO misses the point (like what’s new…. )

The answer is not to mandate the US govt “buy American”. But to fix the mandates on American businesses that will make them competitive with foreign manufacturers. Union demands, OSHA and EPA regulations, not to mention our high business taxes, make US businesses an expensive proposition.

The government needs to be efficient with the taxpayers’ cash, and accept bids for the best products for the need at the best prices. To relegate govt contracts go only to American manufacturers is about as anti-American/capitalism as it gets.

But then, BHO, a socialist/Marxist, can’t get from here to there on that thought. He just babbles what he thinks his base of voters, anxious to be supported from cradle to grave, want to hear.

mmm, look at boeing and their strike, they wanted the airforce tanker contract and they got it overturned because they siad it should be built here and the bidding process is unfair. so the whiner machine operater (they are not true machinists) are complaining because they are not able to afford 3 homes, only 2. they go on strike, they make so much money, yet they want the government contract so they can up the price with over runs, not deliver on time, etc. their strike is putting them how far behind in their contracted work they already have, they don’t need the tanker contract. shame the ugly patty murry.

Obama supporters are foolish to think that he will never betray them.
Obama was a close friend of Pastor Wright for TWENTY YEARS.
Obama threw Wright under the bus for personal ambition.
McCain would not betray his country even after 5 years of torture.
You can put lipstick on a traitor, but he’s still a traitor.

Actually, strange as it may sound, it sounds more like he’s questioning his business ethics.

defined as love of or sacrifice for one’s country…

this quote for Obama says that he’s questioning his business sense and degree of care for the workers of our country, not McCain’s love of or sacrifice for this country.