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The “non-partisan” 911 Presidential Forum at Columbia U… fair???

I’m going to keep this short and simple for a community debate. Do I hear a sigh of relief out there?

I thought – in the spirit of a united 911 USA – this was to be a no-personal-attacks-cone-of-silence-debate to show the “differences” in the candidates.

Then much to my surprise, Woodfuff (as in Judy) was feeding Obama what McCain said.

Then even more to my surprise, Obama said “listening to his presentation….”

So I gather there was no “cone of silence”, and that Obama was in the position to (in a supposed “non partisan, kindly way) able to respond/counter to McCain’s genuine, heart felt answers instead of commenting on his own beliefs without a comparison.

Hardly as “non-partisan” as advertised…. surprise surprise from the media, who couldn’t retire their biased commentary for even today… Sept 11th. Feh…

And oh, by the way… not being a huge McCain fan, I was duly impressed with his “from the heart”, a’political replies. So CentFla? Maybe you saw something in him in the past the rest of us didn’t….. LOL

Any comments? The thread is yours…. Just waiting to see da feedback of the community.

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