I didn’t see that ending coming. Very powerful statement.
Scott Malensek
16 years ago
Great video. I’m not sure the message will get through to people who throw away 12000 flags like used props, who paint campaign logos over American flags, who make up their own Presidential seals, who deliberately mislead the American people and seek retreat and defeat in a war as a means of gaining personal political support from an alienated and frustrated base.
No. I’m not sure what will get through to those people. Even when given responsibility, and authority (as in giving them Congress in 2006), they still point fingers, mislead, lie, and seek more political power at the expense of patriotic duty to support a United States war.
The years of lies and misleading are catching up to the DNC
Great video
Linda Feemster
16 years ago
Very nicely done and oh so true. Thanks for your service to America and her peoples. Keep it going. I wish the world could see this.
SoCal Chris
16 years ago
Thank you, sir, for your service and sacrifice…wow. Truly powerful, and I will pass it on to as many as I can.
Hearing from soldiers is exactly what Obama’s supporters especially need to hear. To these soldiers, there is no question that this war has produced great things–they’ve seen and experienced it. And, they’ve VOLUNTARILY gone back for extra terms of duty for that reason. Obama would rather go shopping than hear from them.
16 years ago
I simply want to say Thank you for your service and sacrifice and I hope your video is watched by many Obama fans. I will forward it to all I know.
16 years ago
SoCal Chris,
The left does not want to hear from us. We are the cold reality which refutes the years of lies, slander and attacks the left and leftist media pushed on the American People and the People of the world. The leftists call us names, attack us in our driveways, support our enemies, and lie about our efforts time and again. The leftists care not a damn for truth.
There are just as many democrats serving and dying in Iraq as Republicans. Why are republicans acting as if they are the only ones that care about this country and care about what is happening in Iraq. I agree with Obama we should have never even been in Iraq to begin with. Now do the math if we were not there how many lives would we have lost? The real enemy was Afghanistan, and Bin Laden. But Bush wants to rule the world. What Russia did to Georgia is the same this we did to Iraq. We invaded their country for more than just to help the people of Iraq. We were went there after to being lied to by our Goverment and our President. But republicans can’t see that. People need to understand that the path that we are taking is wrong. We are doing some good things in Iraq. But there are a lot more we could be doing here. There is more that our military good be doing in Afghanistan to get the ones the attacked us on 9/11. I understand what the soldier was saying… I can’t say that he is wrong for what he believes because everybody has a right to believe what they want. But this war needs to end soon.
16 years ago
Although I respect your right to have an opinion………
Where were you when I was witnessing atrocities against humans commited by the Iraqi government and it’s leader, Saddam Hussein? Did you see the mutilated and tortured bodies? Did you smell the putrefying or burned flesh? Where were you when that regime was conducting genocide against the kurds? How many mass graves have you uncovered?
Unfounded accusations are really great, especially after the fact. Do you know with 100% certainty, faced with the same intelligence and advice that you would not have invaded? I certainly do not know what I would have done. It’s easy to call it a lie, but was it? Funny, no one in our government or others or the U.N. thought so at the time.
The real enemy was Afghanistan? Have you even been there?
Obama? The same one who was so anti everything 19 months ago and now thinks we should be fighting in both places? Republicans can’t see what? That most democrats voted for the conflict too? That taking a stand against evil is bad? That fighting the enemy outside of our country is better than fighting them in it?
I wore a uniform and fought for this country for over 20 years. I have seen things your worst nightmares will never touch. I have lost men and friends to not only conflict but to suicide. The men and women of all services know that their lives can be lost during conflict as well as peace. That fact does not seem to prevent them from serving.
Integrity is wonderful, go find some.
16 years ago
Hello Bukerstreet,
Sir to you I owe my respect. I do agree that in certain situtations it is our duty as the most powerful country in the world to help those who less fortunate. I understand what you are saying. I have not served in the United State Military. Not because I did not want to but because I could not. I signed up for the United States Navy right out of Highschool but I was bot able to deploy due to medical problems that I still have to this day. I have several family members that were and are still serving in our military and one that is currently in Iraq. Another that was in Afghanistan twice. I have heard the horror stories and have prayed for our soldiers safety.
What I want you to understand is this. Our military is being used for reason’s other than just to free Iraq. I feel that Bush’s war is costing us to many lives.
16 years ago
Outstanding video Curt, thanks for posting it, wished I would have clicked on sooner, but things have been a bit crazy for me lately. So glad to see Chris G commenting, haven’t seen him in here lately and was starting to get concerned. God Bless you Chris!
Johnny, I would be interested to hear just what our military is being used for other than to free Iraq and stomp out the cockroaches that threaten the Iraqis and our country if they ever get the chance. Please elaborate.
As I’ve mentioned before, my nephew put in 15 months over there and believes in the mission. He didn’t get to hob knob with the good Iraqis that are mentioned by that outstanding vet in the video, yet, he believes they should be free and that what we are doing is right and just.
He was part of guarding the worst of the worst, one being Saddam, he even escorted him to the chamber, then guarded the body after the execution. Not something he wanted to be involved with, but, that was part of his job.
After that his job was to excort the prisoners to the interrogators and make sure they did not physically touch them during the interrogations. He saw pure evil everyday, he would tell you, as he did me, that they want to kill as many of us as they possibly can.
So, fill us in, I’d love to forward your inside scoop to my nephew.
16 years ago
Missy kind of beat me to the punch.
Please elaborate on:
“What I want you to understand is this. Our military is being used for reason’s other than just to free Iraq. I feel that Bush’s war is costing us to many lives.”
I didn’t see that ending coming. Very powerful statement.
Great video. I’m not sure the message will get through to people who throw away 12000 flags like used props, who paint campaign logos over American flags, who make up their own Presidential seals, who deliberately mislead the American people and seek retreat and defeat in a war as a means of gaining personal political support from an alienated and frustrated base.
No. I’m not sure what will get through to those people. Even when given responsibility, and authority (as in giving them Congress in 2006), they still point fingers, mislead, lie, and seek more political power at the expense of patriotic duty to support a United States war.
The years of lies and misleading are catching up to the DNC
Great video
Very nicely done and oh so true. Thanks for your service to America and her peoples. Keep it going. I wish the world could see this.
Thank you, sir, for your service and sacrifice…wow. Truly powerful, and I will pass it on to as many as I can.
Hearing from soldiers is exactly what Obama’s supporters especially need to hear. To these soldiers, there is no question that this war has produced great things–they’ve seen and experienced it. And, they’ve VOLUNTARILY gone back for extra terms of duty for that reason. Obama would rather go shopping than hear from them.
I simply want to say Thank you for your service and sacrifice and I hope your video is watched by many Obama fans. I will forward it to all I know.
SoCal Chris,
The left does not want to hear from us. We are the cold reality which refutes the years of lies, slander and attacks the left and leftist media pushed on the American People and the People of the world. The leftists call us names, attack us in our driveways, support our enemies, and lie about our efforts time and again. The leftists care not a damn for truth.
There are just as many democrats serving and dying in Iraq as Republicans. Why are republicans acting as if they are the only ones that care about this country and care about what is happening in Iraq. I agree with Obama we should have never even been in Iraq to begin with. Now do the math if we were not there how many lives would we have lost? The real enemy was Afghanistan, and Bin Laden. But Bush wants to rule the world. What Russia did to Georgia is the same this we did to Iraq. We invaded their country for more than just to help the people of Iraq. We were went there after to being lied to by our Goverment and our President. But republicans can’t see that. People need to understand that the path that we are taking is wrong. We are doing some good things in Iraq. But there are a lot more we could be doing here. There is more that our military good be doing in Afghanistan to get the ones the attacked us on 9/11. I understand what the soldier was saying… I can’t say that he is wrong for what he believes because everybody has a right to believe what they want. But this war needs to end soon.
Although I respect your right to have an opinion………
Where were you when I was witnessing atrocities against humans commited by the Iraqi government and it’s leader, Saddam Hussein? Did you see the mutilated and tortured bodies? Did you smell the putrefying or burned flesh? Where were you when that regime was conducting genocide against the kurds? How many mass graves have you uncovered?
Unfounded accusations are really great, especially after the fact. Do you know with 100% certainty, faced with the same intelligence and advice that you would not have invaded? I certainly do not know what I would have done. It’s easy to call it a lie, but was it? Funny, no one in our government or others or the U.N. thought so at the time.
The real enemy was Afghanistan? Have you even been there?
Obama? The same one who was so anti everything 19 months ago and now thinks we should be fighting in both places? Republicans can’t see what? That most democrats voted for the conflict too? That taking a stand against evil is bad? That fighting the enemy outside of our country is better than fighting them in it?
I wore a uniform and fought for this country for over 20 years. I have seen things your worst nightmares will never touch. I have lost men and friends to not only conflict but to suicide. The men and women of all services know that their lives can be lost during conflict as well as peace. That fact does not seem to prevent them from serving.
Integrity is wonderful, go find some.
Hello Bukerstreet,
Sir to you I owe my respect. I do agree that in certain situtations it is our duty as the most powerful country in the world to help those who less fortunate. I understand what you are saying. I have not served in the United State Military. Not because I did not want to but because I could not. I signed up for the United States Navy right out of Highschool but I was bot able to deploy due to medical problems that I still have to this day. I have several family members that were and are still serving in our military and one that is currently in Iraq. Another that was in Afghanistan twice. I have heard the horror stories and have prayed for our soldiers safety.
What I want you to understand is this. Our military is being used for reason’s other than just to free Iraq. I feel that Bush’s war is costing us to many lives.
Outstanding video Curt, thanks for posting it, wished I would have clicked on sooner, but things have been a bit crazy for me lately. So glad to see Chris G commenting, haven’t seen him in here lately and was starting to get concerned. God Bless you Chris!
Johnny, I would be interested to hear just what our military is being used for other than to free Iraq and stomp out the cockroaches that threaten the Iraqis and our country if they ever get the chance. Please elaborate.
As I’ve mentioned before, my nephew put in 15 months over there and believes in the mission. He didn’t get to hob knob with the good Iraqis that are mentioned by that outstanding vet in the video, yet, he believes they should be free and that what we are doing is right and just.
He was part of guarding the worst of the worst, one being Saddam, he even escorted him to the chamber, then guarded the body after the execution. Not something he wanted to be involved with, but, that was part of his job.
After that his job was to excort the prisoners to the interrogators and make sure they did not physically touch them during the interrogations. He saw pure evil everyday, he would tell you, as he did me, that they want to kill as many of us as they possibly can.
So, fill us in, I’d love to forward your inside scoop to my nephew.
Missy kind of beat me to the punch.
Please elaborate on:
“What I want you to understand is this. Our military is being used for reason’s other than just to free Iraq. I feel that Bush’s war is costing us to many lives.”
Please do not call me sir – I work for a living.