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You never can tell what’s coming up next, but considering the comments about God being on the side of the Dems, I wouldn’t be surprised if by next week, Dems weren’t grousing about the Repubs being given such a great opportunity…

I think they did good…!

If life give you lemons, you can moan and complain and let them rot, or you can get busy and make lemonade.

Suek: It’s crossed my mind that you might soon have Democrats coming out claiming that Bush misled us all on the dangers of Hurricane Gustav for political gain….

After all, we know from experience there is nothing Dems won’t say, no matter how absurd.

What is absurd is the righties actually believing the Dems wanted a natural disaster…

Nor have the dems every cheerlead for our troops to loose in Iraq..

That is just total BS…

You righties sure carry a lot of hate in your blood.