How Do The Hillary Fans Feel About Palin?

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Interesting thread on the Hillary Clinton forum entitled:

Action Items: 1) Donate to McCain to affirm Palin pick; 2) Stay vigilant for all sexism against Palin

It gets better:

Donate to John McCain and Sarah Palin, and let them know you love this pick and are thrilled that McCain showed Palin the respect that Democrats, and Barack “You’re likable enough” Obama in particular, NEVER showed Hillary Clinton:

Show McCain, Palin and America that you support women in the executive branch!

There are already stunning, sexist attacks against Palin all over the kook blogosphere. Daily Kos is comparing her with Dan Quayle, implying that she is mere eye candy, likely kind of dim-witted, and totally disrespecting her and all women.

Palin was both a mayor and a governor of the largest state in America. And these pigs are just dismissing her as though she were some joke in glasses.

The only party that’s dissed a high-profile woman recently is the Democratic Party. What they did both in rigging the system so Hillary could not win the nomination and what Obama did in utterly disrespecting Hillary by not even vetting her for the VP was unconscionable. A disgrace.

Today, we have a ticket that respects women as equals and recognizing their full worth.

Please, donate to that ticket today and show America that you appreciate this historical McCain/Palin combination, and that you want to help bring America its first-ever female Vice President.

The glass ceiling is cracking. Let’s shatter it!

Comments on the thread pretty much show what many of us suspected. Obama made a huge, freakin HUGE mistake not even vetting Hillary. If Hillary had been chosen as the VP he would have become the next President…but his arrogance and ego wouldn’t let him.

And for that, I thank you Barack Obama:

I donated today, just a small $25. But I’ll order somethings from his store as soon as Palin has been added. It wasn’t as of 12:30 PM. Just waiting. It feels good to be excited about something worthwhile in this campaign again.

Don’t forget to write a comment to McCain, letting him know how much you appreciate his choice. When I did, I also added that I was looking forward to buying McCain/Palin gear.

The John McCain site seems a bit swamped today!

I was going to leave the link, but I cannot get onto the webpage. When you do get on, look for the “Contact Us” button at the bottom and send him an email.

PS. I donated $100, just before the site got swamped.


Yes, we need to watch her back. Those sexist pigs in the MSM and the DNC will come after Palin.

the expected sexism is already started. The Obamalots are so stupid . can’t they see that Palin is a bait ?. I think the McCain team expected all of this . The more the MSM talk about experience , the worse their sexism the worse the democrats look and finally the less they focus on McCain

Yes, its just a small slice of the Hillary fans and I understand the hardcore feminists will shy away from Palin because of her abortion views but those who are not so hardcore, who wanted Hillary to win, and are insulted by the way she was treated may very well come over to the McCain/Palin ticket.


Some good ones found by Freeper Patriot08 at


Buuuuurn Obama Buuuurn! What a slap in the face.

If it’s Palin, I will put blood and sweat into campaigning for that team.

Hoo Ray! Fu*k the DNC. Fu*k Obama. They are so fu*k up.

They brushed off the women base like dirt. and the GOP pick them up. Go McCain. Go GO OG !


OMG! Republican candidate chooses a woman!!! Take that Democrats,party of sexism!!! ROFLMAO!!

All this B.S. that the Republicans are racist and sexist,
yet colin powell and condi rice were some of the biggest players in the rnc.
Now Sarah has been confirmed.

What does that tell you about the DNC.. Hypocrits.

I LOVE McCain!!!! He pulled through for us. The Maverick does it again!!

Very good information………Sarah Palin has 85% approval and successful in her state.
Great, it’s ironic……..Obama from Hawaii, and we will get Alaska………Super.

Leave it to the GOP to pick a woman for the ticket.

Obama snubbed the most viable and experienced woman who received 18 million votes, for another MALE.

I have a feeling, somewhere somehow, Hillary is snickering!

That’s exactly how I feel – the DNC has hoodwinked us for years about the GOP being racist/sexist… !!!

Now I’m excited! It’s not Hillary (she’ll be President in ‘12)…. but it’s exciting none the less!

If this is true, this moves me from staying at home to voting McCain.

I think McCain has just scored a huge number of HC supporters.

It’s no mistake he chose a female – he is going to deeply tap the huge amount of support Hillary Clinton received.

It could potentially however set up a Clinton v. Palin battle in 2012. Wow, wouldn’t that be CHANGE when it’s been MAN vs MAN for an eternity!

Do you all hear the sound of the running feet of all the women the Obama camp tossed aside? It is THUNDEROUS!!!!

This is a stain on the DNC.
I am excited. Talk about a finger in the eye back for that 3am text message b.s.


Sweetie will not endear him to Hillary fans:

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I ordered a $25 McCain/Palin ball cap today. I think she will do fine. Zach

take a look at the main thread for the forum… there are dozens of topics about how good of a choice palin is… i was stunned to see them all

Strong move by the GOP!

Do you really believe women who were upset because Hillary did not get in will vote for McCain because of Palin? You are living in a dream world. She has none of the same political values as Hillary. Hillary’s followers just went back to Obama. This was a choice of desperation. Nothing more he will regret this pick. It also shows more poor judgement on McCains part. He should have chosen someone with some foreign affairs experience. Instead he picked a woman with less than 2 years as governor. Before that a mayor of a suburb. This woman will be a heart beat from the presidency with No foreign affairs experience at all. She has No clue on the economy (same as McMain). She will drag him down.

Obama and Biden will clean house! I predict a landslide for Obama!

I will make another contribution to Obama.

And Obama will take your $$ laughing all the way to the bank.

I am a Hillary supporter voting for mccain and I for one am very happy that McCain picked Palin. So Real American Patriot…You are wrong because there are 17,999,999 more of me out there! GO MCCAIN and PALIN!!!

I have felt hopeless and disconnected from the democratic party since Hillary dropped from the race. I have been insulted on blogs and websites for being a Hillary supporter. Today one of the criticisms against Palin was that she was a mother of five which was quite irresponsible. Unbelievable. I am a mother of five and now I am supposed to be ashamed of that. I’m tired of the meaness and elite view of the Obama party. I’m tired of their petty views. I can’t even imagine what kind of presidency that would be. I am throwing my whole support to McCain/Palin on this election. I thank McCain for giving me a choice.

Only a fraction of Hillary supporters could actually cast a vote for McCain/Palin. a very small fraction.

I can’t believe a true Democrat could actually walk into a voting booth and pull that lever for McCain. That would be 4 more years of failure for the middle class…. My wages have gone down in the last 7 years that’s right down.. on top of that the value of my home went down, on top of that gas and food going out of site.. could a democrat actually vote for 4 more years of this republican BS.. gawd i hope not

Tina you stated you had been insulted by one of the criticisms of Palin of her having 5 children. Who made that statement?? It certainly was NOT an Obama official my bet is that it was radio or tv pundent. Be careful who you turn to because of a statement by a tv or radio personality. TV and radio pundents are not spokesman for Obama. Nor is Hannity or any one of the other right wing nut jobs an official spokesman for McCain.

Now here is an interesting web site:

YES, You read it right.. Republicans for Obama

rap has his head firmly planted in his ass. i heard all day yesterdayhow shocked everyone was at mccains choice, it was a good shocked. people are talking and they are talking good things with this ticket. i love hearing all of the dems spouting off and showing their true sexist, american hationg nature. the dems are a bunch hate filled people hiding behind b.s.

Real American Patriot. As long as we’re sharing websites, here’s one for you:


REad this :
Rove said: ‘Undistinguished’ Small Town Mayor and Short-term Governor ‘Intensely Political Choice’
Turd Rove a.k.a ‘Mastermind’ Was Speaking About the Possible Choice of Gov. KAINE as OBAMA s VEEP Earlier This Month LOL

He Said Such a Pick Would Come From Someone ‘Not Concerned’ if Veep Choice Was ‘Capable of Being President’…

Now This Hockey mom, who was a beauty pageant and mayor of a town of 7000, might be smart and all, but if something happened to McCain, HOW CAN ANY AMERICAN BE SO STUPID TO believe that she can be the leader of the USA?? OMG, I am not sure this lady has never left the USA.

I am for womens equal pay and right to chose, but voting for this one because she is a woman is an insult to Hillary and her achievements. Those Hillary fans who would vote GOP just cause they dislike Obama, are not Hillary supporters, are angry, bitter and uninformed people with no reason whatsoever. You can’t get water out of a stone.

This is frightening. This has Nothing to do with anything other than McCain pandering. To imagine Palin as even remotely a decent replacement for Hillary on any national ticket only goes to emphasize the skewed nature of your outlook. Just because she can have babies, shoot guns, eat moose, doesn’t make her qualified for anything! I can and do all of those things. If you think even in the remotest part of your pea brains that this makes Hillary happy or proud your girdles are too tight. Hillary has always fought for women, including our right to choose. Palin and McSame want to change that. Hillary has spent a lifetime in service to her country, if anything, she now has to deal with an unqualified upstart who threatens the very thing that Hill has stood for… earning your place instead of being handed it. You should all be ashamed of yourselves your gender bias is too big for you, any of you to see the big picture. IF McCAIN DIES, SHE’S PRESIDENT!!!. Tell me Hillary would be proud of you for under cutting her hard work? I think not. Hillary is now and always will be qualified to be President. Look what it took for her to achieve that. Do you really think Palin is ready to replace Hillary? If so, this then has nothing to do with her monumental achievements, and that is very, very sad . Try looking at it another way. You may not like or agree with Obama, and that’s your right. But we need to protect the Supreme Court. A vote for McCain and Palin will take women back so far that our collective heads will spin. If nothing else, and if you Truly cared for Hillary, then vote Democrat and protect the Supreme Court

luva the scissors you are the one that sounds full of hate! I am laughing my ass off over this desperate pick of McCain’s.. It truly is a pick of pure desperation!!!!

Oh and by the way.. she is a HUGE flip flopper too…

would you like to know more about the bridge to no where story??

She was very much for it.. before she was against it… a flip flopper picked another flip flopper…

check this out!!!;_ylt=Am5ir2_yrKz_ZTBecPFV4idh24cA

Alaska may indeed be the largest state in the USA, but it is also the least populated! Just because Sarah Palin is an “in your face” kind of woman does NOT make her qualified to assume the presidency should ( God forbid) McCain bamboozle his way into the White House only to die in office. Did she not recently ask for someone to explain to her what exactly a VP does all day? I know, you defenders will say I am missing the joke, but I dare say, you are missing the Big Picture!

Her stance on women’s rights alone should be enough to make any one fear for the lives of our wives and daughters~ even if one is not “pro-choice”, do you really want the Supreme Court appointees to reverse Roe vs. Wade? If your daughter is brutally raped, or your neighbor is the victim of incest, or your neice is pregnant and afraid to tell her parents , do you really want these girls to have that abortion ( which they will) in a back alley butcher shop with a coat hanger as the surgical instrument? Even if neither you nor anyone else in your family would ever consent to an abortion, why on earth would you not leave this choice safe and legal for those who deem them necessary???

Instead of working hard for the Change we need, and to regain the respect and honor the US has lost by the shameful acts of the administration of the last 8 years, we find ourselves acting as if we are in grade school! Boys against Girls, Blacks against Whites. This is not supposed to be about gender or race, but frighteningly it is. Instead of these biases, consider the issues at stake.

Stop the hysteria, and start thinking! Vote for Obama!!!! To do otherwise is to turn the clock of human/women’s rights back to a place none of us wants to go…..

Meredith. I am not sure you were answering to me, but I am all for Obama and not for McSame. My reference to Rove was to show the hypocrisy of his spins… when it s convenient for the GOP to make Obama look inexperienced or one of his potential Veep choices.. they ll do anything. As far as Hillarys supporters goes, I would listen to what Hillary said in her brilliant speech. “Did you just vote for me or for what I stand for?” … hence vote with me for Obama/Biden

Now Palin doesn’t even remotely have the qualifications Rove expected from the supposed Obamas VIP pick (Kaine) … But then… Rove is a thug and he should be tried for treason ASAP

It is time that we all stop watching what the TV feeds us and look at the integrity and the accomplishments of the candidates. If any Americans votes for the GOP this time again, he is obviously helplessly retarded. By the way you should all watch the Documentary/movie (UNCOUNTED The MOVIE) or watch the 10 minutes bits of the movie on YouTube.

Folks, when it comes down to Freedom, you should make sure that your vote gets counted and that elections results are auditable.

sieh also : Hacking Democracy ( by )

How stupd one is to beleive that Sara Palin is the right choce for VP..I guess she is for those ose who are to blind to see beyond the mirror.

Besides..there are so many other over qualified woman on the party he could of choose..he didn’t do this for you Americans..he did it to add another house to his list!

Guttenberg NJ

Here’s what I find so amusing.

If Palin is such a horrible choice, thus easily defeated in the Nov elections why all this spittle flecked gasping angst and hand-wringing emanating from the Leftie Fever Swamps?

If Palin is all of the things that her detractors are claiming then the opposition should be content to sit back, smile smugly among themselves, and watch with glee as the Republicans falter.

Did you notice that when Biden’s name was being floated, those on the Right didn’t fall apart. No, they smiled.

They smiled a Biden like smile, looked knowingly at one another, and said “Why yes, what a great choice.”

But instead of a self assured, confident reaction the Left is in a full blown hair-pulling, vein-popping Palin induced panic.

Sort of makes me wonder what they’re so afraid of.

Apparently Palin represents something that the Left is very, very afraid of.

Wow! We have a carnival of the trolls here! Sheesh!

Andrea, how does one become a beauty pageant? Couldn’t resist.

Look at it this way, a mayor hires community organizors, governors don’t have to deal with them. Besides, Obama’s opponent is John McCain, not Sarah Palin.

Another thing. Obama’s list of accomplishments are basically what Emil Jones IL-D gave him on a silver platter, bills that were the result of other senators hard work. Being the ‘ahem’ class act that he is, he took the undeserved credit and ran with it. Since being in the US Senate, he’s served for 143 days and this time, he’s running on greatly exaggerated accomplishments and untruths.

Ready on day 1 my fanny.

You’re right Missy.

Its a veritable Moby Parade complete with purple feather boas, heavy makeup, and floppy clown shoes.

Just like the Roberts as Supreme court judge. They push for some incompetent like Harriet Myers, to create outrage and criticism, only to withdraw her and pass the one they want.

ROVE HAS pulled these same stunts in the past!! –

like putting Bernie Kerik’s name into nomination only to pull him and install Chertoff as Homeland Security Dictator.

Harriet Miers was put forward for a Supreme Court position? Remember? A fire storm of push back erupted, only to be followed by the swift and easy confirmation of Roberts, who looked like a breath of fresh air BY COMPARISON.


Palin will not withstand criticism and the growing journalists investigations in her sketchy past, then McCain is going to withdraw her and complain about the attacks on her persona, just to pass Lieberman, who now is disliked by its party.

Eventually Lieberman is going to look not that bad, afterall… Do you guys really think this is not all a game? The more stupid the whole political fight gets, the more most Americans believe it to have any substance!


Then start being more aware of the political tactics. Vote for someone who is inspiring !!

Thanks for your comment Andrea.

By the way, nice shoes.

Rove paranoia caused by koolaid or drugs. After eight years of the poll driven/Clinton trial ballons floating about the lefties think every administration operates that way.

Hey Aye, they are entertaining.

Wow… Debating with no facts or personal attacks. How do you feel Missy when someone calls your opinion idiotic or delusional.
There is no debate when you don’t address the facts or reply with new fresh attacks, out of nowhere with false links. The fact that there is a website of dems for McCain doesn’t give any credit for anything.
Debating with attacks or offenses is juvenile and immature. So be that person then! Good for you.

That gives your arguments a lot of credibility. You vote for the candidate who called his wife a C.
and didn’t comment when some woman asked him how to beat the Bit*h, referring to Hillary.

Get real, Missy.

Andrea, your candidate thinks its OK to suck the brains out of a living baby’s skull.

He also said that if a baby survives an abortion then it is OK to deny that child medical assistance when it is born and just let it die in a bedpan.

Your candidate has a long, close relationship with a known terrorist. A terrorist who set off bombs on American soil and, to this day, remains completely unrepentant.

Your candidate sat in church “every Sunday” (his words) while his preacher spewed some of the most vile, hate filled sermons to ever come from behind a pulpit.

Your candidate has a laundry list of questionable friends and associates including at least one convicted felon.

Your candidate represents everything that this country has never stood for. He is the most liberal member of the US Senate and would be the worst President that we have ever had.

Your candidate has no qualifications or redeeming characteristics. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see that with no problem.

Thanks, but I’ll go with the one who didn’t defend Hillary.

Hey Andrea, let’s play Who Said This?

“HOW CAN ANY AMERICAN BE SO STUPID TO believe that she can be the leader of the USA??”

“Those Hillary fans who would vote GOP just cause they dislike Obama, are not Hillary supporters, are angry, bitter and uninformed people with no reason whatsoever”

“If any Americans votes for the GOP this time again, he is obviously helplessly retarded”

I dont doubt that any Politician HAD TO play games to get where he or she is. Politics is inherently a filthy business.

Aye Chihuahua. the hypocrisy around prolifers is stunning. it s been so easy for GOP politicians to play the divisive abortion card on people like you. You stand up and call it murder when a human is killed only when it s convenient to you. When Tibetan Monks get their skull fractured by a Government unchallenged by your GOP leaders you dont blink an eye. when your fellow christians are massacred in IRAQ as consquences to the war you don’t even stand up for them. All you do is being manipulated into the abortion issue and probably you believe gays are sick and chose to be homosexuals. You don;t live after the principles of live and let live but you live and want others to live like YOU preach.

All the examples of GOP leaders to the dozens who had their daughters have abortions or cheated on their wives are not even considered. Life has values for you only when the GOP makes Schiavo a political topic. I could list you 10 examples here of GOP leaders caught in pedophiles activities or ame sex escapades, but preached to fools ike you about the sanctity of marriage and the sacred life.

If I was a woman I would simply tell you “don’t tell me how I have to live my life, and if some criminal rapes me and I am pregnant, I would spit right in your face if you dared to tell me that I should keep the baby… I am sure you would never have the compassion to adopt that one..”

And Missy: those HOW CAN ANY AMERICAN BE SO STUPID TO believe that she can be the leader of the USA??”

“Those Hillary fans who would vote GOP just cause they dislike Obama, are not Hillary supporters, are angry, bitter and uninformed people with no reason whatsoever”

Are comments I could support with a list of articles and facts, but maybe the last 8 years should be enough if a proof that your support of more of the same is just bizarre.
or how about Hillary s words to YOU, when she said that hopefully you werent supporting her just for her but for what she stands for. She is the one who stood for Universal healthcare under Bill, and she was destroyed in her attempts to create that.
You are probably unaware of this

or never heard about your tax money that went to cronies for upgrading the Coast guard…

remember the GOP lead goverment who is supposed to keep our border safe ?? LOL
You never bothered watching

THIS is what your Goldy war funds:

and you are probably clueless about the GOP politicians who came forward to denounce irregularities in the election process.

( he underwent and passed 10 lie detector tests)
and how about this?

Now if you both want to continue the debate, watch those links or lose the battle and stick your head in the sand.

by the way if you cared to know more, watche the whole DVD Uncounted the movie

the hypocrisy around prolifers is stunning. You stand up and call it murder when a human is killed only when it s convenient to you.

That’s an awfully bold statement to make about someone you know NOTHING about.

When Tibetan Monks get their skull fractured by a Government unchallenged by your GOP leaders you dont blink an eye.

The US Gov’t didn’t challenge the gov’t of Tibet?


Are you sure?

when your fellow christians are massacred in IRAQ as consquences to the war you don’t even stand up for them.

It is truly a tragic event when anyone is murdered by terrorists or by an oppressive government. The people in the article you linked were not murdered as a consequence of any war. They were murdered due to the bloodthirsty nature of the enemy that we face.

It seems that you are only considering the civilian deaths that are occurring in Iraq now rather than looking at all of the death and oppression which occurred under Hussein’s regime.

How many lives have we saved because we had the moral courage to step up and do the right thing in Iraq and Afghanistan? That is the more important question, but the answer to that question doesn’t fit your self-serving template.

As to the abortion issue, I haven’t been “manipulated” by anyone.

I believe that human life is sacred. I believe that life begins at conception. Science and medicine back my position.

I believe that there are only very rare occasions where unwanted pregnancies cannot be prevented.

Without regard to the circumstances, giving “partial birth” to a child and then sucking its brains out of the back of its perforated skull is barbaric and is nothing short of murder. The people who perform these procedures pull the baby out of the womb feet first so that only the head remains inside the mother. That way they can complete their procedure with complete culpability. If the baby could only travel a few more crucial inches and escape the birth canal, it would be considered “alive” by those who dismiss human life when it’s convenient to do so.

The Born Alive Infant Protection Act would have protected babies who were born alive after surviving an earlier abortion attempt. Obama says that it would have been perfectly OK for a newborn baby to be shelved and left to die.

How a civilized society can justify these procedures is beyond my comprehension but Obama says that it’s perfectly fine.

This man’s soul is a hollow, dark place yet his minions are willing to follow him blindly into the abyss.

You rail on and on about your “rights” yet you’re willing to deny LIFE to the most innocent.

In case you’ve forgotten, the right to LIFE is addressed in the US Constitution.

The right to “live and let live” is not.

We are on the verge of thread hijack here, I sense our newbie isn’t aware of how blogs work or doesn’t care.

Forgive me for responding to her off topic tirade, but, I just couldn’t resist the first website Andrea listed. I’ll just post a link:

Now, back on topic to How Do the Hillary Fans Feel About Palin. Please forgive.

Aye Chihuahua. You are truly deluded. It is not only my own opinion that the War was initiated on false pretenses. You and Missy both, have to stop debating cause you found an excuse not to go watch the facts I offered, cause you just Looove to keep your head in the sand. You are part of that 20% of fools who would justify anything your government does, as long as the one doing the act, has a bible in his right hand and a gun in the left. So you, hypocrite prolifer who are brainwashed and influenced by images of partial abortion mutilated baby parts (Partial abortion which is the only one that I agree should be revised), you are the real betrayers of this country who has sacrificed more than 4150 lifes of beautiful and young men to fight a stupid war. How dare you typing on this medium, in front of the whole world your heresies of uneducated fools, who have most likely never been outside of your own country?? Am I wrong??

Missy, Miss Thing.. you wanted to debate and I gave you facts to support my judgments and of course, surprise surprise, you said: no, I don’t want to hear your arguments..I am right, Andrea is wrong. You both are the perfect results of Rovian tactics, stubborn and jaded individuals who have no happiness in their lives and have to go preach others how to live and vote for those who can do it for you. You are lost in your one sided bigoted Godly crusade supported by no evidence of facts but by the values of an entity whose existence is based only on myths. (see Zeitgeist, the free video.. a must see for open minded people… a devilish movie for Missy and Aye Krishna.

You should both be ashamed of yourself, at this point in History, still trying to argue that the War was necessary and that 1 Million and more Iraqi civilians had to die for what you call just cause. You are actually the people who still allow people and our soldiers to die in vain, not only due to your cluelessness, but due to your GOP politicians who are only allowing this war to endure, so that more contractors can rip off the US government and steal your tax money.

What is immensely sad is that there are too many Americans and real christians, who don’t stand up to the wackos of your kind and tell you once and for all to shut the F**k up, you and your false preachers who talk about family values and then go Jer*off in a public restroom.

There is nothing more appalling than the arrogance of the cowards.. yours. More people should take the time to tell you that you are deluded, morally bankrupt and clueless !

I want debate over who I believe will represent me the best. I choose Obama because he represents me. I don’t believe that people should use abortion as a form of birth control, but I do believe that I should have a choice. God is my ultimate judge no one else. I don’t believe in same sex marriages but I will not condemn those that do, God is their ultimate judge. What’s important to me right now is the economy, health insurance, my children having the same opportunities that others have and the future of this country. It’s scary. I’m praying that Mccain didn’t select Palin as a plot to get votes. And to try to separate the Democratic party using Hillary as a ploy, is a disgrace. Evil people practice dividing families because they know that their is power in numbers. However this election is very important. It must be when the whole worlds’ sitting on pins and needles. Again this is a historic election and the future of our children rest on this. I say make a stand for what you believe in. Vote for the candidate that best represents YOU! What is important to you right now. Is it judgement or CHANGE! you choose. No choice is the wrong choice if that’s what you stand for, just MAKE IT! I encourage everyone Democrats, Republicans and Independents alike to think long and hard about your decision. This very well might be the last decision we can make!!

God Bless- Prayer on Election Day / You are encouraged to take part.

Aye Chihuahua. You are truly deluded. ….

So sorry… as a former northern Cal resident, this is about as far as I could get without losing it! Hearing this from someone who is proud to admit she’s from San Francisco…. uh oh… I feel it coming on again!

H/T to Wordsmith, da MAN! Just had to borrow your little guy!

When Tibetan Monks get their skull fractured by a Government unchallenged by your GOP leaders you dont blink an eye.

Wanna launch into your DNC Pres, and his int’l community buds about Rwanda now? How about Darfur, of which this admin labels genocide, but your int’l friends in the UN refuse to recognize because… shudder… that may require action!

Beware all those rocks when you reside in a glass house.

Oh… and by the way… Aye Krishna, condemning China about Tibet s not acting, but talking.

When the Nazis threw the Olympic Games in 1936, they allowed only members of the “Aryan” race to compete for Germany, Hitler further promoted his ideological belief of racial supremacy. At the same time, the party removed signs stating “Jews not wanted” and similar slogans from the city’s main tourist attractions. Gretel Bergmann, despite equaling a national record in the high jump a month before the games, was excluded from the German team because she was Jewish.

But the USA back then still had the integrity to hold up Germany to the principles of non discrimination and threatened to boycott the games. When the US athletes sailed off to Germany, the Nazis removed all Jewish athletes from the competition.

This time the USA had no problem with the ongoing slaughter of Tibetan monks, and Bush went to the opening ceremony instead to make a statement. So, don’t tell anybody that we have done enough to support Tibet, you uninformed individual. It is more important for you and our government to appease China who is lending us gazillions of money and will soon own you too, and it is more important for the USA to let the flow of poisonous toys and cheap crap continue so that you can happily go buy it at Walmart, who literally enslaves his workers, so that you can leave the store with some unsafe petfood. get real !!

Shazam! I’ve been outside of this country so I guess that makes me right! Phew!

On a serious note. If you want to topic hop, get yourself a chatroom, blog posting functions differently.

I read through your links, watched the you tubes and spent a few minutes looking at sources other than Dan Rather’s old 60 Minutes. Responding to all that crap will drag this thread all over the place, can’t you stay on task? Sheesh! Just making a wild guess here, but if your material was an interesting topic for discussion, the hosts of this blog probably would have it posted.

This thread is about How Do the Hillary Fans Feel About Palin.

Sky55110/Real American Patriot #13…. lose the single Yahoo story and start reading the pieces in the news trail. You are acting like a dupe.

And oh, BTW, Hillary die hards have every reason to be excited about Palin. After Obama kicked them to the curb, along with Hillary, FL and MI – then campaigned as the winner based on superdelegates (who were never given the chance to vote, conveniently) – they can look forward to him losing in 2008. Then the DNC will run Hillary in 2012. They don’t like losers….

If McCain doesn’t run again, Palin could be the GOP nominee. Either way, those that care about a woman in the WH can’t lose.

Unbelievable… Ms or Mr. Andrea in SF sez:

It is time that we all stop watching what the TV feeds us and look at the integrity and the accomplishments of the candidates. If any Americans votes for the GOP this time again, he is obviously helplessly retarded. By the way you should all watch the Documentary/movie (UNCOUNTED The MOVIE) or watch the 10 minutes bits of the movie on YouTube.

Well, there ya go. It’s all about whining over the era of the hanging chads…. Altho I have to say that if someone can’t figure out how to punch a ballot correctly, I’d say wrapping the mind around the issues is pretty much out of that voter’s reach.

Yep. You’d have to dust the cobwebs off their brains about 911. But the 2000 election? It still eats at their soul like it happened yesterday. Huh?

How was it Andrea put it?

Folks, when it comes down to Freedom, you should make sure that your vote gets counted and that elections results are auditable.

Let’s see… FL, MI to start. Then let’s pile on the DNC unofficially declaring a nominee without having the superdelegates vote (which is the only way Obama ever won)… Oh wait! That’s right. Obama went into last minute re’negotiations with Hillary to cut the roll call vote short. Meaning he made sure they *couldn’t* vote. Yeah, I remember now. I guess that all that donor money he’s been blowing thru, not resulting in much poll bounce, made him nervous.

And of course, he couldn’t drag her into court and systematically question every petition signature… er, vote… to officially eliminate her as competition like he did in his IL Senate run. So what’s a man to do, right?

With this recent history, any Obama supporter wandering up to me with the “every vote must count” mantra dribbling off their lips has got to be looking for one of those “hopeless retards” to entertain with fiction. So I suggest they start repeating that crap to the mirror.

Andrea? Why don’t you first clean up your own party, and the cess pool where you reside, before lecturing the rest of us about being “hopelessly retarded”.

Below, for you viewing pleasure, Andrea’s evidence… You may want to make some popcorn first, and throw on a Bab’s LP.

Oh… and by the way… Aye Krishna, condemning China about Tibet s not acting, but talking.

Ya mean like the Congressional resolution that “condemns” the genocide in Darfur?

Yeah.. you’ve got one bold party for action and change there. The “change” being the only thing that will be left in our hands when they’re done with their sweep of social programs and over priced, inefficient energy.

I hope I am not using precious space onthis blog but i found this extremely eye opening and worth sharing.

“This is an email I received from a good friend in New York City. She is a Bryn Mawr graduate, and is a physician currently engaged in cancer research. This is an email she received from a Bryn Mawr classmate of hers who lives in Alaska.
Because you, like me, may never have heard of Sarah Palin until today, you may find this an interesting perspective from an Alaskan resident.

Dear classmates –

As an Alaskan, I am writing to give all of you some information on Sarah Palin, Senator McCain’s choice for VP. As an Alaska voter, I now more than most of you about her and, frankly, I am horrified that he picked her.

The most accurate description of her is red neck. Her husband works in the oil fields of Prudhoe Bay and races snow mobiles. She is a life time member of the NRA and has worked tirelessly to allow indiscriminate hunting of wildlife in Alaska, particularly wolves and bears. She has spent millions of Alaska state dollars on aerial hunting of these predators from helicopters and airplanes, dollars that should have been spent, for example, on Alaska’s failing school system.We have the lowest rate of high school graduation in the country. Not all of you may think aerial predator hunting is so bad, but how anyone (other than Alaska wolf-haters, of which there are many, most without teeth), could think this use of funds is appropriate is beyond me. If you want to know more about the aerial hunting travesty, let me know and I will send some links to informative web sites.

She has been a strong supporter of increased use of fossil fuels, yet the McCain campaign has the nerve to say she has ‘green’ policies. The only thing green about Sarah Palin is her lack of experience. She has consistently supported drilling in ANWR, use of coal-burning power plants (as I write this, a new coal plant is being built in her home town of Wasilla), strip mining, and almost anything else that will unnecessarily exploit the diminishing resources of Alaska and destroy its environment.
Prior to her one year as governor of Alaska, she was mayor of Wasilla, a small red neck town outside Anchorage.The average maximum education level of parents of junior high school kids in Wasilla is 10th grade.
Unfortunately, I have to go to Wasilla every week to get groceries and other supplies, so I have continual contact with the people who put Palin in office in the first place. I know what I’m talking about. These people don’t have a concept of the world around them or of the serious issues facing the US. Furthermore, they don’t care. So long as they can go out and hunt their moos e every fall, kill wolves and bears and drive their snow mobiles and ATVs through every corner of the wilderness, they’re happy. I wish I were exaggerating.

Sarah Palin is currently involved in a political corruption scandal. She fired an individual in law enforcement here because she didn’t like how he treated one of her relatives during a divorce. The man’s performance and ability weren’t considered; it was a totally personal firing and is currently under investigation. While the issue isn’t close to the scandal of Ted Steven’s corruption, it shows that Palin isn’t ‘squeaky clean’ and causes me to think there may be more issues that could come to light. Clearly McCain doesn’t care.

When you line Palin up with Biden, the comparison would be laughable if it weren’t so serious. Sarah Palin knows nothing of economics(admittedly a weak area for McCain) , or of international affairs, knows nothing of national government, Social Security, unemployment, health care systems – you name it. The idea of her meeting with heads of foreign governments around the world truly frightens me. In an increasingly dangerous world, with the economy in shambles in the US, Sarah Palin is uniquely UNqualified to be vice president. JohnMcCain is not a young man. Should something happen to him such that the vice president had to step in, it would destroy our country and possibly the world to have someone as inexperienced and inappropriate as Sarah Palin. The choice of Palin is a cheap shot by McCain to try to get Hillary supporters to vote for him. when McCain introduced her today, Palin had the nerve to compare herself with Hillary and
Geraldine Ferraro.

Sarah Palin, you are no Hillary Clinton.

To those of you who, like me, supported Hillary and were upset that she did not get the nomination, please don’t think that Sarah Palin is a worthy substitute. If you supported Hillary, regardless of what you think the media and the Democratic party may have done to undermine her campaign, the person to support now is Obama, not Sarah Palin. To those of you who are independent or undecided, don’t let the choice of Palin sway you in favor of McCain. Choosing her shows how unqualified McCain is to be president. To those of you who are conservative, Iguess you have no choice for president. But please try to see how the poor choice of Palin tells us a great deal about McCain’s judgment. While the political posturing inherent in the choice of Palin is obvious, the more serious issue is the fact that the VP is, literally, a heartbeat away from the presidency. Sarah Palin is totally and unequivocally unqualifi ed to be vice president, let alone president.

I know this is a lengthy and emotional email, but the stakes are high. I thought it might help for all of you, regardless of political affiliation, to know something about Palin from someone who has to live with her administration in Alaska on a daily basis.”


Well, looky looky.

Another concern troll posting an “e-mail” that is supposedly circulating the Internet.

These Mobys are so easy to spot.

Hope everyone reads every word of that “e-mail” and takes it to heart cuz you know that everything you read on the Net is true.

Gotta run.

I have a meeting with a Nigerian banker about the funds transfer. I plan to use some of the money to buy those wolf-haters some teeth.

As a formal veteran of Desert Storm Era I am appalled at how veterans are treated when they come home. Barack Obama has fought for veterans claiming benefits for PTSD, which is Post Tramactic Stress Disorder. Republicans didn’t want to pay vets for this diagnosis. My ex- husband is also a formal vet who possibly was exposed to something called Mycoplasma fermentans, while serving in the Persian Gulf. This was possibly transferred to me and the child we had a few years later, who have most of the symptoms. None of these things are addressed. The republicans never talked about this. As a Marine I was diagnosed with PTSD by VA, hospitalized while serving and medicated. They still denied my benefits. I served my country for four consecutive years. And I’m recognized as a war-time vet, with good conduct medals. However, I may have to pay a co-pay for any medical services I recieve at the VA Medical Centers. THis is an outrage. I wonder if John Mccain has a co-pay? McCain is not the only vet that served hard. No i wasn’t a POW but I may have symptoms, post military, that I may have to live with for the rest of my life. As well as my ex-husband and child. My heart goes out to the vets that are coming home after this senseless war. I call it PART 2 of the Bush Family Fueds. IT is a hard transition. THere is no red carpet and it is hard as HELL to even get a job. I have never used my veteran’s preferance. That really means nothing. Barack Obama has fought for Vets for years, google it.

I’m a Veteran of the United States of America and I back Barack Obama for President of the United States of America.

If I wanted to vote for a working Mom, a football and cheerleading mom, raising 4 kids by herself while keeping up with budgets and even involved in local politics in my small town. Who also taught abstinance and she’s a christian. If I’m not mistaken I think momma even knew how to skin a possum. I would vote my MOM for Vice President of the United States of America. Mom you definitely have my vote.

There are more qualified Republican women holding local or national positions. To select a women who is less qualified simply because the fact she has 5 children resonates more with a faction within the GOP is insulting to the rest of us women who want the world to see that women can accomplish much, much more than being a mother.

Please note that Hillary did NOT make motherhood the central point of her candidacy. She was accomplishment oriented, leadership oriented, experience oriented….the fact that she also leads a fulfilling life as mother was bonus.

Feminists of any degree should be insulted that the GOP thought picking anything but the most qualified female was acceptable.

How dare anyone believe in their wildest dreams that Palin can ever be a stand up woman such as Hillary Clinton. Hillary platform is to heal America and Americans; not destroy them. Of course, Palin speaks well and she’s quite charming, but that’s all.

I can not believe America is falling for such a gimmick such as make Sarah Palin the VP pick of republicans. MCCain is not only using America’s flaw as being gullable, but he is using Sarah Palin.

Sarah do not believe in anything these women that followed Hillary Clinton believe in. If women follow Sarah Palin because she’s a woman and not only is she a woman but she is using sexism as her platform, then Hillary really needs to inform them that they are extremely gullable.

No slander on her family, however, you can’t preach safe sex and don’t teach your own child safe sex or sex before marriage.

There are more qualified Republican women holding local or national positions.

There are more qualified people out there, women and men, than any of the candidates we currently have. But this being a democracy, politics is about more than just your resume. Having a particular image can matter; acknowledging that is not an insult to anyone.

Feminists of any degree should be insulted

Don’t they live in a perpetual state of umbrage anyway? Regardless, I’m thinking that self-identified feminists weren’t going to be voting for McCain in any case.

How dare anyone believe in their wildest dreams that Palin can ever be a stand up woman such as Hillary Clinton.

Not sure what your definition of ‘stand up’ is, but someone who busted members of her own party for corruption definitely qualifies. Hillary is successful, but can you show me one instance of her standing for principles at a cost to her or her party? (pursuing naked ambition at a cost to the Democrats doesn’t count).

Hillary platform is to heal America and Americans; not destroy them.

Right, I forgot about that ‘destroy Americans’ plank in the Republican platform. But why are we talking about Hillary’s platform anyway – as I recall she isn’t in the running any more…

HOW CAN ANY AMERICAN BE SO STUPID TO believe that she can be the leader of the USA?

Check out Harry Truman’s experience at the time he became President. Character and intelligence are more important than a ton of experience.

My my, the estrogen imbalance is really flowing on this thread, eh? LOL

First off, ladies, Curt said nothing about Hillary. He was merely quoting what Hillary supporters are saying. You can whine all you want about how Palin and Hillary are world’s apart. But the fact is, there are many (i.e. No Quarter, HillaryForum, and PUMA) that find her quite appealing.

Some do it because they despise not only Obama, but what the DNC party has become. Others do it for a forward strategy… defeat Obama in 08, run Hillary in 12. And even others find her pretty darned competitive.

But I suggest each of you speak for yourselves, and yourselves only. Because obviously you’re not in touch with what many other HRC supporters on the other forums are saying…. a small example of which is the subject of this post.

To bluntlysaid

Just watched a video were Joe Biden said that Hillary Clinton is just as qualified or more qualified than him to be vice president and might have been a better pick. So I will help you with chaning your post.

There are more qualified Democrat women holding local or national positions. To select a man who is less qualified simply because he is a white man with 30 + year in the senate who resonates more with a faction within the Democrats is insulting to the rest of us men who want the world to see that men can accomplish much, much more than being a senator.

Please note that Joe did NOT make his penis the central point of his candidacy. He was accomplishment oriented, leadership oriented, experience oriented….the fact that he also leads a fulfilling life as a senator was a bonus.

All men should be insulted that the Democrats thought picking anything but the most qualified person was acceptable.