Eric Cantor for VP? [Reader Post]

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Cantor has been serving has a Congressmen from VA since 2001. He is Currently the Chief Deputy Whip of the U.S. House of Representatives. He is the only Jewish member of the House of Representatives. Before that he had served in the VA state house for almost a decade. The Congressman has received well over 60% of the vote in every election since 2000. Including a victory over Ben Jones, also known as Cooter from the Dukes of Hazard.

“Cantor seems to have a knack for fundraising. He was asked to start a PAC to help Republicans in Close contest.” His office set an initial goal of $300,000 for that first year and eclipsed it, said Cantor’s chief of staff, Rob Collins. Then he set the ambitious goal of $1 million for the second year and was able to eclipse that by $43,000. In 2004, during just his second year in leadership, Cantor raised more than $1 million for his Every Republican Is Crucial PAC (ERICPAC), and he is off to an early start so far this cycle. By the end of May, he had given $279,027 to federal candidates, $127,000 more than any other member of the Republican leadership, according to PoliticalMoneyLine, which tracks campaign contributions,” O’Connor wrote.

Cantor gets high marks from the Club for Growth, a conservative economics group. “McCain’s vice-presidential pick will be crucial for his campaign and for the future of the GOP,” said Club for Growth President Pat Toomey. “Choosing someone like Mike Huckabee would indicate an abandonment of limited-government, free-market principles. (sorry Huckabee supporters that’s the quote.) However, picking someone like Eric Cantor, who has tried to help the Republican Party reclaim the mantel of fiscal conservatism, could make the difference between victory and defeat. For economic conservatives, Eric Cantor would be a good choice.”

Cantor would also be a good pick for social conservatives according to Dr. Richard Land. “Dr. Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and one of the nation’s most influential evangelical leaders, recently praised Cantor as a potential McCain running mate, calling him rock-solid on social issues—a huge concern for Christian conservatives with the maverick McCain at the top of the ticket.”

Just to show that Cantor has something for everyone in the conservative ranks. Rep. Cantor is also a foreign policy hawk. Cantor’s Cousin, Daniel Cantor Wultz, died has a result of a suicide bombing attack in Tel-Aviv The attack was carried out by Islamic Jihad. I’m sure that storyline would help the McCain campaign keep the focus on the War on Terror. On other big foreign policy issues Cantor is strongly conservative. He is a strong supporter of U.S.-Israeli relations. He voted for the FISA bill, Voted for authorizing force in Iraq, voted against a timetable for withdrawal, and voted against the House bill stating disagreement with the implementation of the surge policy in Iraq.

After looking at Cantor’s record it appears he would be a good choice for Vice President. He seems to be in good with all three parts of the Republican Party, foreign policy conservatives, fiscal conservatives and social conservatives. He is also from the State of VA a State that has been reliably Republican in the past, but one that Obama plans to filp in this election. The polls there have been very tight and Cantor may be able to keep the Virginia red in 2008. Another advantage of choosing Cantor is it will add youth to the ticket. Cantor is only 45 years old. However he is not inexperienced. He spent 8 years in the Virginia State house and has been in Congress for 8 years. I believe Cantor as all the attributes necessary to make a great VP.

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Cantor would be an awesome pick. He is also part of the Guerilla Congress trying to get a vote on drilling in our borders. He would bring all of the legs of the party together. Excellent choice. But I do not see McCain picking him, but McCain is never predictable. So he could surprise everyone and pick Cantor.

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There are over 20 Jewish Congressman. Cantor is the only Jewish Republican.

“There are over 20 Jewish Congressman. Cantor is the only Jewish Republican.”

Does make one wonder how on earth the other 19 Jewish Congressman can support Obama who said that Israel is “a constant sore, a constant wound which infects our US foreign policy” (Atlantic Monthly May 2008) and still have a conscience knowing that under an Obama presidency it would be the end of that America ally.

If Israel is wiped off the face of the planet I blame Sen Chuck Schumer and his Democrat gang for sabotaging what is left of the shining city on the hill; Sen Schumer your betrayal will end up killing a whole lot of Jewish people.

Thanks for pointing out my mistake Errol. Besides that mistake what did you think of the article.