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People in a capitalistic society respond better to negative stimulation. That’s why people don’t get paid for not breaking the law. It’s also how labor negotiations work, how lobbyists work and how campaigns work.

If the company CEOs don’t bite or the senator doesn’t bite, the people take it to the public with some sob story to try and put pressure on the senator. Chances are at least one newspaper or TV station is some way involved (like a sister company of the conglomerate) which has a stake so these lobbyists always have an outlet to pitch their products. Some of that might be obvious like Dragon Skin claiming U.S. troops have poor armor (or no armor), but some might not be including stories on children doing bad at math in order to sell programs and books, or over stating the real threat of enemies to sell military gear.

Nobody is going to buy a new car if it looks good and still runs, but they might buy an new car if it helps the planet (how those Priuses are being sold). The same could be said about wind machines and solar panels. The threat has to be big enough to justify the expense.

Negativism also sells candidates since the message can be put in 30 seconds rather than a detailed positive plan which could take 100 pages or more.

I request the release of the real SAT and LSAT scores of Mr. and Mrs. Obama. Affrimative Action recipients, yet they cast scorn.

The education of an untutored person so often leaves an educated fool with a lettered resume. So it remains that the Obama’s are the logical end result of a a guilt ridden education system trying to make up for its imagined failures. He a man who could not properly evaluate his associates until they were found lacking by all observers except himself. And his wife a woman who could not see the treachery in her own words until they were heard by the larger constituency. Two educated people who have failed to live up to their educations.

The deeper fault now lies with the convention that will gather today and anoint these two people for the highest elected office. Thus proving the first law of human stupidity: Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.

“Why is it so difficult for Democrats to see the greatness and goodness of this country?”

Because a person can’t see something he/she can’t identify with. True greatness is dependent on good. They have no moral compass, so it is impossible for them to distinguish good from bad. And an inability to tell what’s good, which always necessitates “choices” which are often difficult, inevitably results in them choosing “bad.”

But the question is not how bad they are, but how effective they are at concealing it. When Americans see their deception for what it is, we vote against it. That in itself is a consequence of America’s “goodness”. If we are to remain “great,” we are going to have to stay alert to their trickery, and not fall prey to their perpetual deceit.

They are blind, and want to lead us. Are we blind to the fact that they are not up to the task? If so, America’s goodness and greatness are in serious jeopardy.

the dems don’t want to see the greatness of this country because if they did there wouldn’t be anything left for themt o complain about. they have to create an issue and then try and solve that issue with their own brand of backward thinking. liberals are always the first to start the nasty mean and degrading words flying when you try and have a civilized conversation with them about politics, the enviroment or anything else. their anger and negativity will one day be their undoing, and i for one cannot wait.

“their anger and negativity will one day be their undoing,…” L.T.S.

My main concern is that it be their undoing, but NOT ours. If America isn’t able to wake up to their treachery, their inevitable undoing could end up being ours, as well.

correct you are yona, makes you wonder if they suffer from (i will most likely spell this wrong) from munchowsen by proxy. you know the country being their children and they will hurt it to bring attention to themselves? just a thought on a monday morning.

The other day, I saw on CSPAN the NBRA (National Black Republicans Association), and was impressed with what they had to say–especially about Obama.

I don’t know if this link below worked, but it’s referring to signs that they put up all over Denver welcoming Obama with this message:

’50 Martin Luther King Was A Republican Billboards Welcome Obama To Denver’!

If the link above doesn’t work, here is their website address for more in video of Dr. King, his niece, (and audio) as well as the story of the billboards in Denver:

Dr. King is one who didn’t blame America first, but tried to see the best in Her and bring us all together, regardless of skin color.

SoCal Chris

here’s a link I have.

I don’t know why my player won’t work now, because it did last week. Maybe yours will.

They are much more impressive than most Democrats. While not as polished, they sound a lot more sincere and trustworthy.

OK, I had to go to the link, “RIGHT CLICK” on “watch” and then “OPEN IN NEW TAB” and now it plays in Real Media.

Definitely worth watching!

Thanks, yonason, I’m watching it right now! 🙂

The other day when I was watching, I believe the topic was ‘Race and the Presidential Election’ or something to that effect, so the NBRA must have had several sessions recently on C-SPAN2. But, the link you provided is great, too. I really appreciate their perspective! Very refreshing!

Eureka, I found it…sorry to edit one last time, but this is the session I was referring to that I saw last week, yonason. It was Session 3 of the same day, and had Lynn Swann as a speaker as well. It’s all good, and thanks again for finding the earlier session. Here’s session 3 on Race and the Presidential Election:

Thanks, SCC