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What the McCain campaign forgot was the full, very embarrassing context of the quote.


…basically, Biden told the Daily Show back in 2005 that he urged John McCain to switch parties and run as John Kerry’s running mate.

To make matters worse for McCain, he denied this fact initially when asked by the NY Times only to completely blow up at a NYT reporter when confronted on his lie, finally admitting it, and claiming that it was common knowledge!


The video of this is very embarrassing for McCain, and reenforces a lot of the negative perceptions people have about him.

More info below, with the interview transcript, supporting links, etc. Feel free to yoink at your leisure…


It doesn’t matter that Jo Biden is the VP pick, it doesn’t matter about race, religion or gender. Obama is a SOLICIAST, tutored in Marxist idealogy at the feet of Frank Marshal Davis from the time he was a young lad till he moved to Chicago. And that scares the hell out of this 67 yo disabled Navy Cryptologist. I gave up too many years of my life and my health breaking the codes of Socialist enemies of freedom and Democracy not to be afraid of Obama.

There was a question on a local radio program, Roger Hedgecock (San Diego based), regarding the citizenship of John McCain. The link below features U.S. Senate resolution 511, passed on April 30, 2008, which resolves that, “John McCain is a natural born citizen.”

John McCain Senate Resolution 511

As to the idea that Joe Biden could possibly be an asset to Obama’s campaign; check out the liberal MSM (and other liberal blogs) and note that even they have their reservations about the V.P. choice.

View Ron Rosenbaum http://pajamasmedia.com/ronrosenbaum/2008/08/23/a-huge-mistake/

Obama has flip-flopped again. No change for Obama.

Marion: It’s a shame you missed the exchange we had on here a while back with a commenter claiming to be Frank Marxist Davis’s son. After attempting to distract the discussion by refuting some over the top comments about about his father he admitted that yes, he was a radical and did have close ties to communists (though whether he actually worshipped Josef Stalin in person remains doubtful.)

You are correct that we often do get off the main track here which is to focus on the radical policies Obama would enact if he were elected. But we do have to start laying the foundation to present that contast so questions of character and those Obama chooses to surround himself with are important.

Adrian: Thanks for sharing the link to the Ronsenbaum piece. I’ve checked at the Daily Kooks and they were less than thrilled too. The Hillaryites are also going to be disappointed that once again, women are excluded.

Here’s an excerpt from the Rosenbaum piece:

Biden’s sagacity and earnestness act would only go over in the class of dummies that is the U.S. Senate..

But a huge mistake by Obama in choosing a self-important clown for vice president, a choice that is the gift that will keep on giving to his opponent throughout the rest of the election. Biden has proven himself incapable of opening his mouth without making you cringe at his self-congratulatory pretentiousness.

But why? One thing I always felt about Obama was that he wouldn’t be rolled, played, by traditonal pols. And yet there is evidence that’s what happened. It turns out he surrounded himself with top staffers from loser hacks like Dick Gephardt, the kind of people who are revered in the Senate “class of dummies” I referred to. Beltway brilliant. Smart only in sucking up to reporters. The only kind of people who could take Joe Biden seriously and don’t realize how they’ve betrayed the trust of Obama supporters who believed that he was something different. Not only betrayed his supporters, betrayed Obama.

And he seems to have listenened to them. What other explanation for picking a fool who tried to pander to southrn racists in the primaries by calling his own state, Delaware, a “former slave state”. Which he somehow seemed to think would give him common ground with voters proud of their former slave state status. [corected error here:Delaware, a former slave state was not a Confederate state, which led to confusion on my part. Mea culpa]. Sorry, this man is a shameful blowhard. Anyone who watched him ask his painfully obvious attempts to show-off phony constitutional erudition at a Supreme Court nominee’s hearing could tell you this.

Doesn’t it count that he used an unmistakable racist slur to describe Obama (He’s “clean” unlike I guess, all the other people of color Biden has encountered in his “former slave state”. The people of color who didn’t work in 7-11s which is apparently all Biden knew of his state’s Indian citizens).

The guy is a walking gaffe, and not innocent gaffes but one that reveal a confused dim witted persona inside.

I have to admit I’m in a state of shock.

Mike, i’m sorry I missed that exchange too, but am new at this.Something just didn’t seem right about Obama, so started digging, and with help from some old Naval Cryptological Veterans started sharing what we could find. Especially his connection with Frank Marshal Davis, whom I remember reading a file on while i was in Navy Intelligence, (I served from 1958-1967) and still had a top secret clearence.
Now i’m just a UFOF (ugly, forgetful, old, fart) without the “need to know”

Marion: Here’s the link to the Aug. 12th post on the subject of Obama’s associations:

“Barack: Guilty By Association?” [Reader Post]

You might find Mark Davis’s transparent attempt to obfuscate the issue of his father’s radicalism very interesting.

One source I found useful was this academic paper which nonetheless confirms Davis’s ties to radical labor leaders with strong ties to the Communist Party:


It’s clear from Obama’s own writings that he was profoundly affected by the anti-imperialist, “progressive” radical left mentality that Davis represented.