Evil Dollar Defies Prophet [Reader Post]


Bad news for Obamallah.


The dollar surged to a two-year high against the pound and a six-month peak against the euro on Friday, as fears about spreading economic gloom triggered a sell-off in commodities.

Against sterling, the US currency notched up its 11th consecutive day of gains – its longest uninterrupted rise in more than 35 years – as markets became increasingly convinced that the US was best-placed to weather the global downturn.

The strong dollar rebound undermined sentiment in the gold market, where prices fell below $800 for the first time this year to $774.90 a troy ounce, almost a quarter lower than early March’s record $1,030.80.

How will the prophet and his followers explain the lack of doom and despair to the faithful? Is it a trick by Cheney? Did McCain recycle all of his wife’s beer cans and use the money to throw the world market off kilt?

At least the elder to the prophet, Algore, has some good news coming. For now, these two “Obama supporters” are singing the socialist(D) party theme song. Guess they didn’t get the news yet…

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No thanks to our home grown Demcrapic idiots who advocate surrender on all fronts, economic as well as militarily. Shame on use for even listening or voting for the surrendercrats.

LOL, no shame on me brother, I have never voted for a dhim(S)
I think they figured it out and slithered their way onto the right, hence the epidemic of RINO’s we are currently suffering under… sneaky little bastages aren’t they?

I am like a pig in poop these days…or, a Kid in a Candy store…or, a hooker at a Viagra convention!

Am I the only one who has not succumb to Obama’s mind altering, messiah like, gaze? While everyone else salivates at the very sight of him, I just want to laugh!


Another day into August, and yet another indication that the November 2008 Prophecy, which I have preached about a 2009 Clinton presidency since 2003, continues unravel the web we have weaved!

I even called Rush Limbaugh this week, not that I am an avid listener, (or even a supporter for that matter) just to tell him about my prophesy. He wouldn’t give me the time of day, let alone, a single raised eyebrow!

Jim Quinn of http://www.warroom.com, just doesn’t see it either. I was hoping that at least the local guy would give my prophecy a consideration — no dice!

And, it seems that nobody on the planet is hearing my scream!

Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D) went on record today announcing that Half of the House would be voting for Clinton in Denver. I am sure the Clinton PR machine is working overtime right now, after having been utterly silent since Hillary withdrew (or rather, Suspended) her White House run.

Why has Clinton been silent these past few months? Because she was busy hoisting the chess pieces of her “soon to be presidential legacy” onto the playing board!

I myself am even amazed at how crystal clear the daily events have come together to form the road that will lead to the first woman president in US history. I am amazed that this prophecy came to me so clearly! I have to pinch myself a few times a day just to make sure!

It is absolutely stunning to sit back and watch this happen, all the time rubbing my hands together in anticipation for the blade to fall in 2 weeks!

I can’t even sleep at night!

And, it has become amazingly clear just how BAD of a candidate Obama really is. I mean, he is on the extreme left. Not a centrist, and no where even near being any way, shape, or form, a logical candidate. Why would the DNC put such a bad representation on the ballot? It is plainly obvious that this guy, aside from being charming, is a complete bumbling idiot.

I mean, this guy is a total cluster F*%K in every sense of the word.

From his Marxist beliefs, his checkered past with associations with questionable characters, to being a Muslim, who America is fighting the fight of a lifetime, Obama is absolutely unelectable.

Who the hell in their right minds would vote a Muslim into office when we are sacrificing our children to fight them in the sands of the middle east? Nobody — and that’s the point.

Hell, they could throw Micky Mouse up against him in November and he would still lose!

He was NEVER meant to be the president. And, he was never meant to even make it to the ballot in November.

Obama’s sole purpose, since I first called it in 2003, is to run interference for Hillary.

Are they working together? ABSOLUTELY!

Does he know he is the Ringer? ABSOLUTELY!

What does he have to lose? NOTHING.

What does he have to win? A hell of a lot of CHINESE MONEY that the Clintons have collected over the years to buy the Obama Ringer.

I am very anxious, however, to see how it plays out in Denver. Will it be the super delegates? Will it be 1968? Will it be the Birth Certificate? Will Obama be assassinated?

Don’t touch that dial, folks! We are 10 days away from finding out the answer to this, and many more questions!

Read more of my rants at http://wwamerica.blogspot.com