Should Jindal be McCain’s VP? [Reader Post]


This is just my opinion and it goes directly against an article I wrote on my blog June 7th entitled Why McCain Needs Huckabee. Where I made an empassioned plea for McCain to take Huckabee as his VP. However during a conversation with some Romney supporters yesterday I came to the conclusion that McCain would be better off not picking either one as VP. The reason for this is simple If he Picks Huckabee, Romney supporters will be furious and vice versa.

I think were down to Three choices Jindal, Palin and Pawlenty. Let’s go over the Pros and Cons of each starting with Jindal. However a friend of mine has suggested Rob Portman so I will included him here as well. This will be a series starting today with Bobby Jindal

Bobby Jindal the young charismatic governor of Louisana is a Rhodes Scholar. At 37 years of age he is the youngest governor in the U.S. Jindal barely meets the age requirement for executive office. However he is the first non-white governor to serve in Louisana since reconstruction. He is also the first Indian-American, and the second Asian-American governor in U.S. History. As Secretary of Louisana’s Department of Health he is credited with turning a four-hundred million dollar deficit into a two-hundred-twenty million dollar surplus.

Bobby Jindal also served as a congressman from 2004-2007. During his time as a Congressman he was given a 100% pro-life rating by the National Right to Life Commitee. He also voted to make the Patriot Act permanent and in favor of the Millitary Commissions Act. Jindal supports a constitutional admendment to outlaw flag burning, and has a A rating from the Gun owners of America. In 2006 Jindal sponsored a bill to lift the moratorium on off shore drilling. However he also led the Louisana delegation in earmarks and was 14th out of 435 overall.

Since taking office as Governor Bobby Jindal has passed sweeping ethics reform laws in Louisana. This legislation puts his State in the top five in legislative disclosure and first in executive disclosure, according to the governor.

Jindal does however have what could be a deal breaker. According to Mr. Jindal he and several other students preformed an emergency exorcism. While I’m not saying I don’t believe his story about the exorcism, I think there are many who wouldn’t and may even be scared off by the story. In 1994 Jindal wrote a story for the New Oxford Review, a Catholic Journal, where he told of coming face to face with Demonic possesion. Go here for the story.

Jindal has many pros, but I believe his cons will outweigh them. Jindal’s youth makes it very hard to choose him for VP while McCain is running against a man he is looking to portary as an inexperienced kid. Also Jindal’s fondest of earmarks he displayed in Congress won’t sit well with a man who as never requested one. That along with the exorcism story makes it unlikely he will be McCain’s choice.

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I wish McCain would pick Michael Steele for VP. Steele was beaten in Maryland by Martin O’Malley who is as corrupt as you can get, cut from the Tommy Delasandro mini Chicago mob style politics in Baltimore. ( Nancy’s Pelosi’s daddy) Other than the uber intellectual arugula crown from Montgomerey County and Baltimore City AA’s most in the state are fed up already with O’Malley. Funny how so many corrupt politicians start with “O”. Steele would be a perfect choice IMO.

If he could find a way to get past the exorcism thing, he may have more future potential. Success as a Governor would go a long way.

I don’t know who McCain will pick as VP but I would suggest that he pick a full blown conservative such as Jeb Hensarling of Texas. If he picks someone like Lieberman then he can kiss the presidency goodbye. Why he insists on ruining his chances by fanning the flames I don’t know.

Palin is the only choice 🙂

Huckabee? YIKES!

I agree we need an entire new set of choices. I didn’t like any of our choices for nominee for the top spot.

Unfortunately, Jindal is just too young and inexperienced. Hard to cricitize Obama for being inexperienced if Jindal is on the ticket. Even though Jindal has more experience than Obama.

I have this funny idea that when I elect someone to be my Governor, he should stick around in the job more than a few months. I suspect the good people of LA feel the same way. And Jindal has already said, thanks but no thanks.

No one outside the blogosphere and his home state has ever heard of Pawlenty. Same for Palin, although what I have heard about her seems all positive.

Huckabee would be enough to make me stay home. I can’t think of a worse choice for someone serious about getting themselves elected. The last thing we need is another man from Hope. I’ve heard the word Hope enough to last me a lifetime. Plus the guy is just so smarmy, he creeps me out.

Lieberman and Ridge have the pro-abortion baggage that will never fly.

Romney guarantees Michigan, the Rocky Mountain and Southwest states, and maybe even California. He is the best and most qualified pick although I hate to see him wasted in the dead-end job of VP when he could be so much more effective as head of the RNC or as rumors here in So. CA indicate, as Governor of California after Ahnold.

Definitely Jindal.

As talented a global strategist as Dick Cheney has been over the past eight years (just kidding) and notwithstanding his ability to make himself and his business associates even wealthier, I think something has been missing from the office of the VP.

Then it dawned on me.

The office cries out for an exorcist.

In this day and age it isn’t enough to have a tie-breaker in the Senate.

We need to be better able to wage war against the anti-Christ.

I hear Satan never sleeps.

Sorry on the Jindal thingy, he has some other baggage not mentioned. He signed on the the ID mythology in LA schools. Simply can not countenance that for kids and getting our country up to snuff on science and tech. A non starter .

Palin or Steele would be good

I have just emailed John McCain, via his campaign, and expressed my concern about rumors that he is considering a pro-abortion VP, or even Lieberman. I want him to know that it would be a great betrayal if he did. We have spent much time drawing a unique distinction between McCain’s pro-life policy and Barack Obama’s extreme leftist abortion plank.

Although I favor Mitt Romney for the strength he could bring to the ticket, both as a popular conservative and one who could use his experience in financial matters (Google Romney and Utah Olympics), I’m more concerned with ending the use of abortion as a prophylactic. Given that we are at the apex of civilization and knowledge — people should not be carelessly conceiving and then killing the unborn simply because of laziness.

I trust McCain will select a V.P. running mate that will highlight and enhance the principles McCain has posted on his website:

I would say Sen. Snowe. Since 1993 she has missed 14 out of 4925 votes. She is a Republican in Maine with an approval rating of 74% (one of the highest senator approval ratings in the country). She leans to the Democratic side according to Remember she would be vice-president, not president. It’s possible that she could steal the Hillary votes from Obama. Obviously there is two ways to win an election. One is to boost your side and the other is to drain the other side. I think McCain can boost the moderate to conservative side while Snowe drains the liberals and moderates from Obama.

Sara…what are you smoking? Afghani opium?

Romney would not even bring in Mass., Michigan, California???? California is blue heaven, and he lost it to Mac after he started attacking Richard Nixon!!!

Respectfully, as a Roman Catholic I have serious issues with Willard M. Romney and his devotion to Joseph Smith, Brigham Young (no pun intended), Brinckley, Jeffs, et al.

He needs to pick Sarah Palin, but at this juncture its probably Pawlenty ( whom I don’t like), Ridge (pro-choice) or Lieberman…I would take Lieberman in that case.

Huckabee would be an outstanding choice.

I’ve been on the Pawlenty band-wagon for years and will remain on it, although admittedly so not due to his policy positions so much as him as a person, and the kinds of people he surrounds himself with, many of whom are close friends of mine.


You must understand, ‘stoner is an idiot leftist and not even a very “useful” one. He proves it with every post. Pretty much anything he says is either spoon fed leftist lies and talking points or ignorant, arrogant stupidity.

Just in case you thought he was being serious.

What are you smoking Carlos? Romney has no connection to the nutcase Jeffs. That is just slander on your part. I live in California. Like I said, can’t predict what the moonbats of No. Calif. will do, but here in So. Cal. McCain/Romney is a sure winner. And Calif. IS NOT blue heaven. In fact, take away the two major population centers of Los Angeles/Hollywood and San Fran./Marin County and it is all red, except for Imperial County, which is mostly Hispanic and could go either way, but more likely to go McCain. I have no idea what you are talking about as far as Richard Nixon. Whatever it is, I never heard it and I was volunteering on the campaign here in So. Cal. I also don’t get the Brinkley reference, who is that? McCain won here because he has the military vote locked up.

Huckabee is a bigoted buffoon. And my friends in Mass. say Romney is their man up there, especially after Obama’s friend Duval has been such a disaster.

But I don’t want to waste the incredible talent and brains of Romney on the VP slot, even though I think he would be the best choice.

I personally like Lieberman, but he won’t fly with the South. I don’t see what Ridge would bring to the ticket and his pro-choice stance will lose votes in other areas.

Did someone suggest Snowe? Is she still a Republican? Who could tell?

“Arthur” if anyone was in need of an exorcist it would be you and your crowd of delusional Bush hating freaks.

Perhaps it’s too early for Jindal as V.P. but I’d certainly make him Secretary of the Dept. of Liberal Exorcism.

Please, please, please let it be Jindal.

Huckabee would be an outstanding choice.

Because releasing a murdering rapist from prison is exactly what I want in a VP. Jindal may believe he participated in an exorcism, but that demon didn’t go out and kill anyone.

I expect that Huckabee won’t get the nod. He’s likely hoping to set himself up to pull a McCain in 2012 or 2016: He’s the runner-up from the previous primaries so its his turn now.

I’m holding my nose for McCain, but if he picks Huckabee I will not vote for him. That man should be nowhere near a federal office.

I’m reluctantly going to vote for McCain, if only to keep Barack Obama out of the White House. If he picks Huckabee, though, the deal’s off.

Jindal should stay were he is and get more experience before he thinks about being VP, same with Palin. Pawlenty will have many of the right leaving in droves and we will have Obama as President. I have a few friends from Minnesota and they think he is too far left and will have many of them will stay home. It might bring in some Independents, but it will be a snub to the Conservatives. And he needs the Conservatives motivated to vote more than the Independents.

Huckabe it just totally wrong, he is too close to the Silky Pony in politics. Most of the Republican Party do not like him in Arkansas. He is a Populist which will totally unmotivate the conservatives

I heard someone mention Kasich. I think that would be a good choice, or Lt Gov Steele would also be very good. But I doubt that McCain will choose either.

It will be interesting who he finally chooses, it will be the make or break for him. Too many conservatives are already not motivated to go and vote for him as it is, and if he picks a moderate, it will sink him.

I think these comments illustrate my point about Huckabee and Romney. I really think we should put these two, or at least their supporters, in a steel cage and padlock the door. Maybe in 2012 everyone can get out of the way and we’ll have the war to end all wars for the soul of the Republican Party.

I agree New Conservative. Along with the Paulbots.

And the #1 reason against Jindal…he’s a Rhodes Scholar.

Now no one deserves to be locked in a steel cage with Paulbots. Except maybe the guys at GITMO. What do you know I guess their not completely useless. Let’s send them to Gitmo, the terrorist will be begging to be waterboarded after five minutes with those guys.

that is true that is like putting little kittens in a cage with pitbulls.

I think they can make the terrorists say anything to have them shut up about how their Lord and Saviour Ron Paul is the reincarnation of Reagan.

The truth of the matter is that for the first time in years ( CARLOS ESCHEVARRIA ) …California is actually considered ‘in play’ for the McCain campaign by the RNC. I’m a Precinct Director in So. Cal and we’ve been calling ‘decline to state’ voters and they are for McCain… it’s more of an anti-Obama vote, but hey as long as we keep the “I’m not proud of my country” crowd out – it works for me.
We’ll see what happens.

As for the VP choice…I say MICHAEL STEELE…. Conservative, tough, proven…

Huckabee is kind of chucklehead and both Jindal and Palin need to prove themselves as Governors so they’re not accused of having “4 minutes” of experience like the Obamamessiah.

Jindal is young but the best, most knowledgeable debater I’ve ever seen.

Only the most left wing kook will find him unqualified!