What Would Bill Clinton John Edwards Have Done?


Original photo caption: “U.S. President George W. Bush playfully pats the backside of U.S. Women’s Beach Volleyball team player Misty May-Treanor (L) at her invitation while visiting the Chaoyang Park Beach Volleyball Grounds at the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing, China, August 9, 2008. Team mate Kerri Walsh (R) watches.”

Corrected caption, eight minutes later: “ATTENTION EDITORS – CAPTION CLARIFICATION U.S. President George W. Bush playfully pats the back of U.S. Women’s Beach Volleyball team player Misty May-Treanor (L) at her invitation while visiting the Chaoyang Park Beach Volleyball Grounds at the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing, China, August 9, 2008. Teammate Kerri Walsh (R) watches.”
REUTERS/Larry Downing (CHINA)

From the LATimes Top of the Ticket:

President George W. Bush, who played baseball, coached Little League, owned a big league team and watches the Texas Rangers at every opportunity, can’t stay away from the U.S. teams at the Beijing Olympic games.

Today, as the busy crowd over at our Olympics blog notes, after an hour’s brisk bit of mountain-biking himself, Bush paid another visit to the American athletes, watching the women warm up for softball, regretting the disappearance of that sport from the next Olympics (“It’s good for the world to have girls playing softball and these women are going to show young girls how to win”) and trying his hand, so to speak, at volleyball.

Bush knuckled off a couple of lobs, but defending gold medalists Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh gave the chief executive some pointers. Then after a good play, in the tradition of female volleyballers, May-Treanor turned, bent over slightly and offered her bikinied rear-end for the 43rd president to slap.

“Mr. President,” she said, “want to?”

Want to has nothing to do with it in public life.

As the son of a president, a husband of nearly 37 years, the father of two daughters, the subject of some attempted tabloid exposes and a seasoned political veteran, who is not a female athlete but knows that every camera for a half-mile is trained on him, Bush wisely chose instead to brush his hand across the small of May-Treanor’s back. (See photo.)

Hat tip: Brutally Honest

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He did not ‘smack’ the girls bottom or we would have heard the screams of 20 million democrats, impeach, impreach, impeach. Different from their reaction to Slick and Silky, they is just good ole boys.

He did not ’smack’ the girls bottom or we would have heard the screams of 20 million democrats, impeach, impreach, impeach. Different from their reaction to Slick and Silky, they is just good ole boys.

Most likely not, genius. At the time and since then, the Left has said that Clinton’s impeachment was a farce because where he dips his stick shouldn’t be a deciding factor as to whether the President keeps his job.

At the time and since then, the Left has said that Clinton’s impeachment was a farce because where he dips his stick shouldn’t be a deciding factor as to whether the President keeps his job.

Good thing it wasn’t. There was this little thing about lying in court. I believe its a crime. Something called perjury. Something a lawyer should know about.

Yes DW it had nothing to do with him getting ab hummer, it was that perjury thing. Which many others lost their jibs and actually went to jail for.

I know I would have smacked that, wife or no wife

call me niave, but when i think of what clinton did, well it makes me mad. as a tax payer, i pay for the white house, i pay his salary, and i pay his living expenses. so when clinton did what he did in “my house” it pisses me off. i pay for that house, that is my house, thats your house, would you allow someone to come into your house and screw the help? mmm, nope. bush wasn’t out of line, he was goaded though, which i think is sneaky, but he didn’t fall for it.

Is this a caption contest?
Here’s one…
“Is this a women’s beach volleyball version of ‘pull my finger’?”

Looks like he took a spill on his mountain bike. Fresh scabs on right arm. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…definitely a part of mtn biking.


~sorry… couldn’t resist. ;-P

I bet the Albanians use the image for a postage stamp.