The Smell Of Political Intimidation In The Morning


The liberal brownshirting has begun. First Dan Riehl reports on the research a leftie did to out two donors of McCain’s and then call them asking how they could give such a large donation.

So, during the health care debate – the Frosts put themselves front and center in a very public manner. And Michelle checked them out.

She was a stalker!!!

But now two people who exercised their constitutional right to quietly support a candidate with legal donations … claim those as their own – need to be insulted by a Left-wing hack who thinks they don’t make enough money and then they have the details of their living situation kicked all over the Left-side of the blogosphere. And that’s good journalism, right?

Then we have Tom Matzzie, the guy behind the General Betray-Us fiasco and the failed Americans Against Escalation in Iraq group, is now sending threatening letters to conservatives who dare to support other conservatives:

Nearly 10,000 of the biggest donors to Republican candidates and causes across the country will probably receive a foreboding “warning” letter in the mail next week.


Led by Tom Matzzie, a liberal political operative who has been involved with some prominent left-wing efforts in recent years, the newly formed nonprofit group, Accountable America, is planning to confront donors to conservative groups, hoping to create a chilling effect that will dry up contributions.

“We want to stop the Swift Boating before it gets off the ground,” said Mr. Matzzie, who described his effort as “going for the jugular.”

The warning letter is intended as a first step, alerting donors who might be considering giving to right-wing groups to a variety of potential dangers, including legal trouble, public exposure and watchdog groups digging through their lives.

Ahhhh, the smell of free speech in the morning…..only if its approved by the left of course.

Actually, I welcome this kind of stupidity. Its the kind that pisses people off and those who may have been kinda cool to donating to McCain due to his somewhat liberal positions in times past may very well be angered enough by this brown shirting tactic to give.

I know I am.

Lastly we have talk of blacklisting in Hollywood all because the actor happens to be a conservative and isn’t quiet about it:

Jon Voight intended to turn heads with the “very strong points” in his Washington Times op-ed last week. But he probably didn’t expect so many of them to reside in Hollywood.

In a sign of the growing interest in politics this election year, bloggers who normally focus on the entertainment industry are expanding their presence in one of the Internet’s other spheres of influence.

Voight’s piece slammed Democratic candidate Barack Obama, praised GOP contender John McCain and even repudiated his own Vietnam War protests as the naive flailings of a deluded youth. It was a stunning bit of self-revelatory memoir from the now-conservative “Coming Home” star.

The political blogsosphere, of course, went ballistic. Then Jeffrey Wells, who runs the movie and pop culture site, took Voight to task for his right turn and wrote that, if he were a studio executive, he might think twice before hiring Voight for any future film work. “[Voight is] obviously entitled to say and write whatever he wants,” wrote Wells. “But it’s only natural that industry-based Obama supporters will henceforth regard him askance. Honestly? If I were a producer and I had to make a casting decision about hiring Voight or some older actor who hadn’t pissed me off with an idiotic Washington Times op-ed piece, I might very well say to myself, ‘Voight? Let him eat cake.'”

Voight seemed particularly taken aback by Wells’ blog postings, which many have interpreted as a call for blacklisting the actor. “It’s out of line to insinuate that we should blacklist people for speaking their minds,” Voight told Politico. “It’s a strange thing when people in this country can’t express their opinions without being attacked.” He added that Hollywood liberals frequently discuss topical issues, and “it’s an important time for people on the conservative side to speak out.”

Yeah, I know its only from bloggers but combine this with the outing of conservative donors, threatening letters to conservatives, and now these calls for blacklisting someone for daring to be conservative and you get a mighty strong brownshirt soup.

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“Actually, I welcome this kind of stupidity. Its the kind that pisses people off and those who may have been kinda cool to donating to McCain due to his somewhat liberal positions in times past may very well be angered enough by this brown shirting tactic to give.”

I agree, and it never ceases to amaze me how the left wants one set of rules for them and everyone else can shut up..

Good for Voight, I hope he keeps it up…

Someone needs to visit these rodents with a clue bat. People who think that your rights stop when they say so, is getting to be the norm for Democraps. Where is it written that idiots get to dictate what is allowed and what is not. Mao and Stalin would be proud I tell you.

I’ve been following Voight for some time. He’s been one of my favorites, and I’ve worked on a couple of films where he was part of the cast. Thanks for posting on Hollywood, blatantly reverting to the blacklist era.

As far as Accountable America… doesn’t surprise me in the least. It’s in keeping with Obama’s theme of Chicago style politics, softened by a slick, smooth presentation.

MataHarley typed:

‘Thanks for posting on Hollywoods blatant reverting to the blacklist era.’

Indeed. I wasn’t aware the ‘courageous’ Jon Voight wasn’t able to work in his chosen field.

Kind of hard to tell from his list of credits so thanks for clearing that up.

And thanks to Curt for pointing out the piece by Jeffrey Wright. What a Hollywood powerhouse this guy is. I bet producers lay awake nights wondering what Jeff is going to come up with next. His photo of his two cats clinch it.

As usual, the site pest wades ass deep into turbulent waters without knowing how to swim.

“Blacklists” aren’t retroactive. A plethora of film credits prior to media controversy has nothing to do with any future film credits. Hollywood pros are only as good as their last credit… as long as it’s not *too* long ago.

Wells wields influence via not only his Hollywood Elsewhere site, but his articles in the LA Times and the Hollywood Reporter. His imput and critiques on the entertainment world are still solicited by major media. Voight is also being assailed by Peter Bart, editor in chief of the Hollywood “bible”, Variety. However Bart, himself, is not without his own past and troubles. His publication, however, is the most powerful in the industry.

Executive producers, writers and directors cast not only for appropriate character, but for box office draw. If Hollywood believes one is too controversial and would affect ticket sales, you’re bypassed.

Note Tom Cruise’s Scientology/antidepressants controversies that erupted not long before the release of Mission Impossible III. The media at large went wild with “the fall of Tom Cruise” stories. In the wake of the negative press, the movie ended up being a referendum on Cruise as a “cultist”, and was a major box office fizzle.

Bad press, combined with being shunned by the Hollywood insiders, is a reality. Since conservatism is demonized, and Hollywood believes we are a nation of like minded, they will think twice about offering a talented actor future parts. However only time will tell if his skill supercedes LaLa land’s political bias.

MataHarley typed:

‘“Blacklists” aren’t retroactive. A plethora of film credits prior to media controversy has nothing to do with any future film credits. Hollywood pros are only as good as their last credit… as long as it’s not *too* long ago.’

That’s why I posted the link which includes films Voight is working on currently and those in

I don’t think Jon’s hurting any.

But I will be watching for him working under a pseudonym like those who comprised the Hollywood 10.

That demonization of the conservative viewpoint has really hurt Bruce Willis among others.

Thanks for pointing that out.

This is an interesting response to your ‘blacklist’ hysteria:

Arthurstone, casting and film production and what’s in progress wouldn’t be affected by controversy generated just over a week ago. Pre production (casting, location scouting, storyboards, etal) is well in advance of any on the set activity.

The Uninvited has a release date of 2008. Since it’s missed summer, and depending on if they are trying to release it in time for consideration in next year’s awards, it’s either on the mix stage right now, or in the last weeks of post production.

However the mixdown and print mastering is stil a few weeks in advance of making the prints for distribution, and getting them out to the theatres.

Needless to say, the only one “in production” has been in the can and wrapped for the actors and production crew (different than post production crew) for at least a month or two.

Thanks for the “mea culpa” link from Wells. The cyber media generating a stink, as well as the few MSM that touched on the subject, apparently have brought him to his senses. It would be a loss to the celluloid world and movie goers to lose a long standing talent like Voight to such PC nonsense.

BTW, I am unaware of any press for Bruce Willis writing editorials, or going on talk shows to speak of the political candidates. There are a few conservatives in LaLa Land. But most aren’t hitting the talking head circuits, or writing op-eds. Thus they are relatively immune to criticism.

If anybody knows their Hollywood history, they should know that New York was the movie capital of the world till a bunch of people either left or were dumped for whatever reason by the New York elite. They then moved to Hollywood and eventually Hollywood became the movie capital of the world. Could there yet be another break away? Why not. Not every show or movie is actually made in California and there is the crew and the money to make it happen. When John Wayne made his cowboy movies, it was generally the same crew.


Well done.

Of course Jon Voight will be struck by lightning before he’s ‘blacklisted’ but it’s never too soon to start the rumor.

You mention:

‘It would be a loss to the celluloid world and movie goes to lose a long standing talent like Voight to such PC nonsense.’

Bingo. I feel the same about Dalton Trumbo and Ring Lardner Jr.

MataHarely,,,, not to worry…
Arthurstink has a habit of picking and choosing which comments it likes to use to “try” and refute your arguments…
It’s what it does… kind of like a virus… just waiting on his kin DW

The line of argument on this thread is hyperbolic (brownshirting) and premature. Until Jon Voight’s career actually begins to suffer for his political stance, something that should not happen, your concerns are speculative. The blacklisting of artists during the McCarthy era, on the other hand, as Arthur points, out is a historical reality of substantial scope and duration.

Re: Tom Mattzie’s efforts. Whatever I might think of him or what he is doing, it is the type of hardball politics at which the Right is highly proficient and seemingly proud.

A fact Mattzie had better consider:

Somewhere out here in America is a criminal in hiding who will put this sleezebag in a case of dog food and his family in a case of cat food. Anyone found Hoffa yet? When you start digging into people’s past that really are hiding their past you are on dangerous ground. When the police start digging, those on the run go to another country because there’s lots of replacement police officers. They won’t feel the need to do that with this weasel. Just do away with him and no one will look for the body. Expect it any day, and we can all say BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.