Barack Obam…uh….uh…uh…interruh..uh..pted by conspiratorial hecklers


After being heckled (video here) and having his speech interrrupted, Senator Obama keeps his promise and gives one of the three hecklers an opportunity to ask his question:

Senator Obama should have shot these fools down in the same manner that former President Clinton shot down the 9/11 Truthers who disrupted one of his speeches. But then….this is Senator Obama we’re talking about here.

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Yeah, Hurricane Katrina was an attack on the African American community, for sure! That he didn’t deny it means he’s a “believer” in that, and certainly in every other conspiricy theory Rebbend Wright subscribes to – like the gumment caused AIDS, and 9/11 was planned by Bush.

As smoothly as he answered that question, heck, the fact that he took it at all, with a minimum of um’s and uh’s, it had to be a set-up. How many times has he avoided questions in the past? And now, all of a sudden he takes what appears to be a spontaneous one? Gimme a break!

Oh, he handled that so masterfully. What a beautiful sight, the chosen one pacifying the wild beast. Oh, my! See, appeasement works, if you have the right “leader” who’s so cuddly, irresistable and inspiring and,… excuse me while I hurl!

“Attacks on the black community????”

Give me a break.

And he cites the sub prime mortgage problem. WHO pushed that mess down their throats? Hint: it wasn’t the GOP but I doubt this guy knows that.

And Katrina? Give me a break. That was nothing but the BIG LIE that we see so often. Who elected the mayor that failed to follow the cities own evacuation plan and left the school buses sitting in the flood?

This guy with his question was proof positive that the victim politics the Democrats have inspired have left in their wake a legion of ignorant, ill informed and angry fools!


I think this was an example of a plant. The “heckler” was only there to provide a black-grievances “tackling dummy” for Obama to knock down in a showy fashion.

Bottom line: this was scripted.

I think this was an example of a plant.

As in, “vegetation don’t have brains”?

I don’t believe this was a plant. With Senator Obama hemming and hawing, and providing such a piss-poor response, I think he was put off guard. He could have easily scored political points had he properly addressed the questioner and challenged the belief that the U.S. government has conspired against blacks and Latinos.

Later, I thought it might be a plant too. Sort of like the guy who ran through a Hillary rally screaming “Iron my shirt” but who came from front row seating reserved by the campaign.

These guys got pretty lucky to get that prime spot directly behind the candidate at the top of the bleachers. And we all know how the Obamaton staffers control who sits where.

And their questions seemed rather well spoken for your average heckler. Maybe the Clinton campaign is still getting pay back?

speech writers or not, he still can’t put more than four words together without sounding dumb. if the words aren’t written for him, and he doesn’t have the teleprompter in front of him he can’t mamge to sound like he graduated from high school. if the heckler was a plant it only made him look dumber.

“With Senator Obama hemming and hawing, and providing such a piss-poor response, …” — wordsmith

Heck, it was a good response, for him. And, as well as that “piss-poor response” (what a coincidence he could address several of the “points” made by his “critic”) played with his audience, it looks like they are the ones it was meant for, … you know, the “gumment invented AIDS to hurt Blacks” types, which is why I said “targeting his base” in my comment above. So, I still think it was scripted.

And, note that Obama didn’t point out that dimwit’s conspiricy theories were wrong, but instead more than implied that he agreed with them, which the nut probably does.

Others see it, too…

But I will agree to your “vegetation don’t have brains” observation, as it adds to the comic dimension of the Obamasianic image machine.