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It is a dumb idea. If it were waste storage instead of treatment, then it would be funny…

You’re full of “it” Fit Fit.

Hell I’ll agree with Fit Fit. Have the Republicans start laughing about it and talk about how they always have to clean up the shit the dems leave.

I see it as a plus. GWB cleaning up the sh** left by democrats during his 8 years in office and will continue to do so in the future.

Showing their contempt for democracy, these communist wannabees make voting into a sick joke!

“Showing their contempt for democracy” by practicing democracy. Ah, yes–now I see your point!!!

It figures ole Dim Wit wouldn’t understand how this idiotic ballot initiave corrupts and demeans the democratic process. But ole Dimmy probably thinks the “Daily Show” is real news too!

A great many San Franciscans have a wonderful sense of humor.

This is an excellent idea. An honor commensurate with the man’s achievements.

It figures ole Dim Wit wouldn’t understand how this idiotic ballot initiave corrupts and demeans the democratic process.

Actually, it figures that Mike H.’s America would think that the democratic process only applies to things that he agrees with.

“I see it as a plus. GWB cleaning up the sh** left by democrats during his 8 years in office and will continue to do so in the future.”

I have to agree here, great idea =P

Since when has the Democratic party done something democratic? When they cut the Florida and Michigan votes in half?

A great many San Franciscans are completely full of the product of which they wish to rid themselves, and then try to make fun of the one individual who has made it possible for them to do so.

The greater Bay Area should be the second to undergo an attack by their Islamic fundamentalist brothers in kind. Perhaps then they might be able to blame the true source of their imagined miseries.

I’ve got to visit Fl and Mi. Have to see what half a person looks like. The dems are operating on half a brain but that is covered by a skull. Come Nov we’ll see how many residents of Fl and Mi lost half they’re brain along with half of their rights.

The greater Bay Area should be the second to undergo an attack by their Islamic fundamentalist brothers in kind. Perhaps then they might be able to blame the true source of their imagined miseries.

Holy crap. Another “patriot” wishing for a terrorist attack on American citizens in an American city. If Arthurstone or David Noble or I had said anything like this, everyone would be having sh*t fits. There’s a good chance it would get us banned. Since he agrees with you on his hare-brained hatred of San Francisco, however, what he said is A-okay.

Note, however, that it wasn’t one of the resident Lefties who went there–it was an erstwhile conservative.


Okay, how about the rest of the country gets to vote on renaming the Department of Defense to “The Dapartment of Defense of Everywhere but San Francisco, and come and get ’em!”? Seems fair that since they dispise the use of force to protect the rest of us, they should die for their principles.

Excellent idea sherlock. Either that or detach SF from the mainland and push it out to sea and let them fend for themselves.

Toss DimWit on the Island too.

What a pitiful turnout. In a town of 719,000 (2005 census), only 12,000? That’s only 1.6 per 100 people.

If it were waste storage instead of treatment, then it would be funny…

I believe that’s already named, Fit Fit… it’s called the Capitol Dome in D of C.

As for SF detaching from the mainland, I believe Mother Nature may take care of that herself when she’s darn good and ready.

The all-volunteer group of signature gatherers

Well, no one can say San Franciscians don’t volunteer for service, I just thank God it isn’t military service.

I say we start a campaign talking about how this all volunteer group is targeting the poor minority for recruitment, the young or uneducated among us. Why not? They do it.

Hey guys…I’m in California here. Don’t let me get pushed out on that island…

Bush Derangement Syndrome on full display. I’m shocked, shocked I say, that the democRats haven’t funded a special project to investigate and study this phenomenon. Perhaps, when the Repugnicans take back the congress in November, they can put money aside to set up internment camps for the BDS sufferers, providing mental health care to the nincompoops. Getting ready to be labeled a fascist by the fascists in 3…2..1…

How do all you libs out there like the Hussein idea of a CIVILIAN defense corps with all the funding and weaponry of the military? Can you spell F-A-S-C-I-S-T? ‘Cause that’s what you people are. Rather than debate, the democRats want to shut down the opposition. You don’t hear conservatives calling for the “Fairness Doctrine” in order to stifle the mainstream media from cheerleading for the Marxist democRats, do you?

Anyone who votes democRat should be ashamed of themselves.

Keepin’ it classy dems… More cultural rot from the American hating Left. Clueless moonbats that they are, none of us are surprised. Out here in California they’ll throw your daughter to the cement and will cuff ‘er if they find an aspirin on her in school, yet she can be taken out of school and given an abortion paid for by taxpayers WITHOUT parental consent. The Dems in California are hellbent on destroying all that is good and decent about this great country of ours. Just yesterday, AAA and Toyota announced that they’re getting the heck out of California because billions more of punitive taxes and regulations are coming down the pike because the Dems just can’t stop spending. Only morons vote democrat.

It is despicable that the scum bags that put this initiative on the ballot made a mockery out of our flag by using it to draw attention to their ‘spawned in hell’ idea.

You know it’s funny, Californians leaving because of taxes and other Democrap policy’s, have come here to Arizona, but they continue to vote for the same people that made their move necessary. This is the common description of insanity. You vote Democrap you get what you deserve.

For once I agree with Phil Gramm.

Nothing more amusing than a flight of conservatives in high dudgeon.

You all would have been vastly amused had anyone come up with the idea of a “William J. Clinton Family Planning Center’.

But of course no conservative would have the wit. Republicans aren’t funny.

Debasing patriotic symbols like the flag and Uncle Sam along with patriotic music shows what these Stalinists think of the freedom this country has offered them.

OMG–they’re going to use the freedom this country has offered them! WTF???!!??

Petitions! Voting! Having the freedom to tweak the nose of the President! You’re absolutely right. Stalin was all about teh freedom, wasn’t he? That whole “initiative, referendum and recall” thing is for Commies!

If only Mike H.’s America could impose his view of the world on everybody. That wouldn’t be Stalinist at all, would it?

Freedom to be colossal morons!

Yes. That’s what you guys don’t get. Freedom does give one the freedom to be a colossal moron. That’s why it’s called “freedom.” Maybe this thing will be voted down–people have the freedom to do that, too.

P.S. to Mike H.’s America: words have meanings, and the definition of “Stalinist” is not “something that Mike H.’s America disagrees with.” Try to learn the meanings of words before you use them, or try using different words.

It’s not that Republicans aren’t funny, it’s that we have class and we respect the office of the Presidency. Class and Respect are something Dem-morons know nothing about.

Touche Bridget. And Arthur S. Stone is a perfect example. What an A.S.S.

Unfortunately, DW, you Dems seem to use your “freedom to be a colossal moron” more often than anyone else. Proof is already right here in our nation. Hell, it’s right here on this site!

A measure that hates on the current Presidency getting voted down? In California? In San Francisco? Come on, now, get real. Even in the very area that I live in, they try to brainwash the newly naturalized citizens with signs like “DEMOCRATS register here to vote”. Who are these guys? Sad saps donned head to toe in “Obama ’08” apparel.

A measure that hates on the current Presidency getting voted down? In California? In San Francisco? Come on, now, get real.

You simply don’t get it. “Democracy” doesn’t mean that you have to like it; it means that the people get to vote on it. You’re right in saying that it probably won’t get voted down, but that’s the way elections work: somebody wins and somebody loses. Anybody who doesn’t like the idea can vote against it. That’s reality.

Even in the very area that I live in, they try to brainwash the newly naturalized citizens with signs like “DEMOCRATS register here to vote”. Who are these guys? Sad saps donned head to toe in “Obama ‘08″ apparel.

Astoundingly enough, they don’t need to register with someone who’s wearing Obama gear. They can register with someone working for Republicans. Or Greens. Or Libertarians. Problem solved.

Your original comment was, “Maybe this thing will be voted down.” All I’m doing is pointing out that the measure getting voted down is highly unlikely in a state that has a majority of Democrats running amok. I know what happens in elections, thank you very much. I’m not opening up a debate on the meaning of “democracy”, so don’t twist my comment.

And the thing that irks me about these volunteers who register people to vote are that they are telling these people what they are. I don’t know where you live, and I’m not sure if you’ve ever worked at a place where they naturalize those who qualify to be citizens. Here in California, these people just don’t know a word of English. To explain something to them, you either have to speak in Spanish or have the patience of a saint. When they don’t know a word of English and these people come up to them with signs that say “Democrats”, that’s what they’re going to believe because they don’t know what “Republican” or “Independent” is. And when they see “Obama” on the ballot come November, they’re going to vote for what’s familiar to them. I’d be more satisfied if those volunteers didn’t wear propaganda of the candidate of their choice at these events. That’s ALL I’m saying.

I implore you to not be naive about this. This is reality. There are no other groups who register, and I really wish that I was as hopeful as you seem to be. But I’ve seen this with my very own eyes not once, but numerous times. This is reality in California. Accept it.

How about we film a S.F. parade, buy airtime on Al Jazaeera, and put the video up there?

Its too bad over there in california home of the jerkanator who let 1 judge overthrow the voters on mentaly ill marrage thats right i said mentaly ill, you people who voted this down should be outraged but i hear nothing other then you will vote for it again. as far as the Bush thing it only goes to show how whacked out San Fran has become but then again what do you expect from left wing libs who love there illigal alians and still wear flowers in there hair to cover up there smell. By the way libs Obama is a marxist, liar, and a great big phony. From his radical stance on abortion to his prominence in the corruption scandals that has been virtually ignored by the mainstream media, Barack Obama is not fit to be Senator — not to mention the next President of the United States.
Obama has declared his presidential intentions, but it is up to well-informed and energetic conservatives like you to spare our nation from the scourge of a far-left President Barack H. Obama.

George W. Bush’s sentence-by-sentence speaking skills are deteriorating. Apparently, this may be due to a mental illness called “presenile dementia.” Bush may or may not be secretly still drinking heavily. Bush lied, and thousands of people died. Bush suffers from narcissism and megalomania. Moreover, Bush has been arrested three times. Bush was arrested for disorderly conduct. Bush was arrested for stealing. Bush was also arrested for a serious crime—driving under the influence of alcohol. There are reasons to believe that Bush suffers from a learning disability. Bush’s learning disability would explain a lot of things. All in all, Bush is a severely mentally ill individual. Bush is not fit to be the president of the United States.

Bush should be locked up.

Submitted by Andrew Yu-Jen Wang
B.S., Summa Cum Laude, 1996
Messiah College, Grantham, PA

Andrew: You’re an idiot! What is it about you people always wanting to lock up your political opponents while screaming that the other guy is out to screw you?

You’re a fascist and a stupid one at that.

P.S. Who cares what degree you have? Shove it.