The Pinkest Navy in the World Comes to Iran’s Defense


While Iran is sounding the drumbeat for military confrontation (more details at Mike’s America), Code Pink answers the call by demanding that we “don’t Iraq Iran“; in Iran’s moment of need, Code Pink is there, sending out their dreaded Flotilla Pink Armada to confront Congressman Ackerman and “save the world”:

More moonbats in pink photos here.

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You beat me to it Wordsmith. I just got done posting on the “peace” Navy at Mike’s America:

Code Pink demands actually make war more likely.

Can someone tell me why “peace” protesters would protest AGAINST the people trying to peacefully stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons?

Sanctions are one of the few non military tools that might have an impact on Iran’s behavior if the U.S. and our allies are united.

Code Pink shows that they care less about “peace” than they do about hamstringing U.S. leadership on this important issue.

They need a depth charge….

typical cases of Iraq, Haiti, Cuba and North Korea, sanctions seemed only to empower dictatorsSanctions Don’t Work By Nicholas D. Kristof

This is a poor substitute for a great quote in one of the recent FARC stories that has a Columbian explaining that “sanctions never work .. everybody knows that” but I can’t find that story now.

wow, what a bunch of really hot chics…NOT. they look assinine. makes a girl want to toss the pink capri pants.

So if they fail are they going to rename themselves Code Sink?

Someone get a box of crayons and draw these commie fools a map of the way home. Print the instruction in really big red letters or they may wander off course.

By the way, what ever happened to the ditch witch who associated with the pink commies and slandered her son?

When will Code Pinko become human shields for Israel? Sorry, rhetorical question.
Luva, yea, I agree….but after a few shots of Jack Daniels…. who knows?
Certainly could stop a man from drinking.

On the eve of the invasion of Iraq, 8 million people took to the streets around the world in protest.

I count 8 in this protest.

Ladies…it’s time to stop baking the special brownies, and if that’s not the problem, I’d say it’s time for decaf

Some people have way too much time on their hands.

People jumping to the defense of a dangerous, terrorist-supporting nation? What are they gonna do next – harass American military personnel? Oh, yeah, I forgot.

As a neolibertarian neoconservative transexual who has had many iranian lovers, I say YOU GO GIRLS!

omg word…I cried on that one. Had to watch it twice to get the part w the hummer.

Thank Gawd for South Park!