B. Hussein Obama’s “Patriotism Speech” [Reader Post]


A wise old man once told me that, “if you have to drive around town all day honking your horn, you must not be sure it works.” Translated for you non Southern folk, that means you and others have doubts about you, and you need to make sure they know “you” work by, “telling and showing them every chance you get.”

Obama tle 30 June

Now I know all politicians and most anyone giving a speech uses teleprompters or the very least cue cards to keep track of their talking points. Fine. But to me, any thing more than a few cue cards with talking points is insincere gibberish. And that goes for all politicians, not just the lie filled one you see in the picture above.

I don’t want to spend a lot of time on this because I’m not feeling very well as some of you may have noticed, by not hearing much from me the last few days. But I had to try to share the point I made above in hopes that at least one person see’s through this waste of humanity named Obama.

If Obama were such a damned patriot, he wouldn’t have to spend so much time, energy and money telling us he is. It would be obvious. Like Al Gore spending hundreds of millions to try and convince us Miami will be under water in ten years.

John Wayne didn’t have to remind us of his patriotism, it was obvious. Bob Hope didn’t have to proclaim he loved America, it was obvious every time he visited to Vietnam to cherr up the troops. Ronald Reagan didn’t have to convince us he was a patriot. Our paratroopers don’t have to give a teleprompted speech declaring his love of country when he jumps into harms way, it goes without saying. Obama, spends a lot of time “saying” he loves America when through his actions, stated intentions and past/current associations SCREAM otherwise.

“Throughout my life, I have always taken my deep and abiding love for this country as a given, ” Obama said.

What he means is, that for his entire life he has been surrounded by Marxist, terrorist and America hating racist. Not to mention, currently supported by a rogue retired general. The word patriotism was just never mentioned.

“It was how I was raised.

Bulls&*t Barry. Read your own book.

It was what propelled me into public service. It it why I am running for president.

Your communist puppet masters are what propelled you to public service Hussein. Your communist (Soros) financiers are why you are running for President Hussein, because Marxism doesn’t like freedom or capitalism. You are the well spoken, pretty face sent to destroy both.

And yet at times over the last 16 months, my patriotism [has been] challenged – at times as a result of my own carelessness, more often as a result of the desire by some to score political points and raise fears about who I am and what I stand for.”

Carelessness? CARELESSNESS!?

Carelessness is leaving the coffee pot on when you leave for work. Attending a rabidly racist, America hating church for years is not carelessness Hussein. Its deliberate. Your intentions are clear. We know who you are, we know what you represent and we know what your vicious plan for our fine republic is.

G-D willing, we’ll never see your syphilis ridden dream come true.

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Moonbat rating: 9.5

You would have earned a ten if you added “Your mind control ray is useless on my superior intellect”

Talking about yourself again FF?

It’s this kind of bile that’s driving people out of the Republican party. No one wants to hear it anymore.

Talking about yourself again FF?

Holy crap! You have now crossed over into third-grader territory!

Obama used the patriotism speech as an inocculation against the very justified questions his actions have raised. When you spend decades buddying up to people who froth at the mouth whenever the word “America” is brought up (Hi, Rev. Wright!, Father Pfleger) and one of your moneymen tried to blow up the Pentagon, yeah people will start to legitimately question your patriotism.

What do you do? Well, you give a speech saying that you’re shocked people are baselessly impugning your patriotism and you will never sink so low as to do something that vile. You say (who’s to say otherwise?) that you were raised in loving devotion to America and then go into the usual rap about dissent being the highest form of patriotism. Some people could argue that putting on the uniform of your country and willingly get shot at for it is a tad higher a form, but why quibble?

After you’ve given such a speech you’ve now marginalized any questions about your patriotism no matter how justified they may be. It is like magic, see.

Granted, it isn’t the kind of speech a real patriot would have to give, but it is the kind that a typical hack politician would.

It’s this kind of bile that’s driving people out of the Republican party. No one wants to hear it anymore.

I don’t get it…

‘communist puppet masters’? ‘vicious plan for our fine republic’? You make my friends in the John Birch society look really reasonable…

“It was what propelled me into public service. It it why I am running for president.”

I read somewhere recently (will have to look for the source again) that Obama decided early on that he didn’t want to work an ordinary 9 to 5 job – and that was about the time he decided to get involved in part-time “community service”, the value of which is questionable (read the article http://campaignspot.nationalreview.com/post/?q=NmJjMjg1ODUwNjFjMTMxMDE4OTQxNjEwMjI3Njk2YjM= )


First, kickass handle. Makes me want to listen to what you have to say. Let’s me know you’re not one of those elitists.

Barrack Obama has syphilis? I knew he was a stupid, inaticulate, racist, radical, terrorist lovin’ communist with a racist bitch wife, but I didn’t know he had the VeeDee. That’s what I come to this site for– the facts the Drive By’s won’t tell you.

Please, please, tell me you were on medication when you wrote this. If you’re ill, I’m sorry. Maybe you ought to wait to post until you feel better.

Dave Noble: I seem to recall you complaining that this site was rife with insults.

And now it appears you, Fit Fit and Dim Wit are the main culprits.

I’m sure you could find some better way of expressing your point of view other than making comments like the one above.

If Buffoon had said something worth discussing, maybe. In fact, all he posted was a rant capped off with an accusation that Barrack Obama had syphillis. Please suggest a possible rational response to that. Arguably, no response would be the most responsible one, but since this kind of stuff show up as posts, I assume it’s meant to be responded to.

Further, I added no further insult to his voluntarily chosen handle and I then noted what he himself had said. If that insults him, he has insulted himself with his own comments, or is he not responsible for what he said?

Aren’t you responsible for what you said, Buffoon?

Where did he say Obama had syphylis Dave. Really your education apparently didn’t go very well. You might want to go back and bone up on some English language and Comprehension classes.

Please, please, tell me you were on medication when you wrote this.

And that’s an insult right there. Or can you explain how that’s not an insult. Really I’d love to see you twist around that. Maybe include that you have a black friend, who is on medication that also serves in the military in an attempted appeal to authority fallacy.

Dave Noble

You are a true liberal. You read and ignore an entire post and latch onto one word and twist it around to serve your point of view in order to devalue the whole post. This is the liberal way but you are wasting your breath trying those tactics here. We understand your motives and modis operandi so you are not fooling anyone. Anytime you open your mouth it is a given what will come out. Ordinarily I do not feed the trolls but in this instance I could not let it go by. Of course, you are not alone. There are other trolls her just as anti-american as you and they are quite voluble. I usually scroll through all the trolls but for some reason I read yours and was irritated by your usual lefty argument which was not an argument at all.

Dave Noble said: “Arguably, no response would be the most responsible one.”

Well at least you realize how irresponsible your comment was.

It amazes me that you folks daily demand a higher level of civility than you yourselves demonstrate.

And you said here that ” I just find that the regular use of labels and insults gets in the way of having a debate based on facts and logic.” You seem to flip flop more than B. Hussein Obama!

Frankly, I’m not overly concerned with setting some arbritrary standards for commenting. But it seems you lefties are always trying to dictate what speech is appropriate and what is not so I would think you would at least live up to your own standard.

P.S. You really do owe the readers here an apology for claiming this site was “filthy” with insults.

Man up Dave!

Where did he say Obama had syphylis Dave. Really your education apparently didn’t go very well. You might want to go back and bone up on some English language and Comprehension classes.

How about here:

G-D willing, we’ll never see your syphilis ridden dream come true.

It seems pretty straightforward, especially to someone as highly qualified in Comprehension and the English language as you profess to be. One does not have a “syphilis ridden [sic] dream” unless one is ridden with syphilis.

If that’s not what he meant, then what did he mean? Use simple words for me, Buzz, ’cause I ain’t as highly edumacated as you is.

P.S.: This ought to be good.

P.P.S.: I noticed several errors in the excerpt I quoted from your post, Buzz. Your education, apparently, is the one that didn’t go very well. You might want to take your own advice and hit the books to bone up on capitalization, punctuation and word recognition. I’m fully qualified to help. Remember: the first step is admitting that you have a problem.

Dave Noble –
Looks like you may need to re-read the last part of what I said. Get back to me when you figure it out///

And as for my blog name goes thanks,,,as in the story above, I don’t need to go around all day honking my Horn and with a name like Dave Noble I’m sure your son’t either. I am feeling a little better so thanks for caring…

Main Entry:
syph·i·lis Listen to the pronunciation of syphilis
New Latin, from Syphilus, hero of the poem Syphilis sive Morbus Gallicus (Syphilis or the French disease) (1530) by Girolamo Fracastoro died 1553 Italian poet and physician

: a chronic contagious usually venereal and often congenital disease caused by a spirochete (Treponema pallidum) and if left untreated producing chancres, rashes, and systemic lesions in a clinical course with three stages continued over many years —

Main Entry:
rid·den Listen to the pronunciation of ridden

1 : harassed, oppressed, or obsessed by —usually used in combination 2 : excessively full of or supplied with —usually used in combination

Main Entry:
1dream Listen to the pronunciation of 1dream
often attributive
Middle English dreem, from Old English drēam noise, joy, and Old Norse draumr dream; akin to Old High German troum dream
13th century

1: a series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep — compare rem sleep2: an experience of waking life having the characteristics of a dream: as a: a visionary creation of the imagination : daydream b: a state of mind marked by abstraction or release from reality : reverie c: an object seen in a dreamlike state : vision 3: something notable for its beauty, excellence, or enjoyable quality 4 a: a strongly desired goal or purpose b: something that fully satisfies a wish : ideal

Now read these and then tell me if you understand now…

Now read these and then tell me if you understand now…

You copied and pasted the definitions of several words. All of the definitions, taken singly and together, reinforce the interpretation that has been discussed. By posting those defintions, you left yourself absolutely no wiggle room at all. Congrats!

P.P.S.: I noticed several errors in the excerpt I quoted from your post, Buzz. Your education, apparently, is the one that didn’t go very well.

Of course I didn’t take the time in a post to mention how I worked in a factory while going to college.

And I’m able to comprehend that calling someone’s dream syphylis ridden is not the same as saying someone has syphylis. Clearly you don’t realize that. You do realize that if someone was accused of having verbal diarrhea, that they don’t actually have shit coming out of their mouth when they talk don’t you? Maybe you don’t, based on your lack of reading skills.

Of course I didn’t take the time in a post to mention how I worked in a factory while going to college.

Hold on–let me call the waahhmbulance.

You do realize that if someone was accused of having verbal diarrhea, that they don’t actually have shit coming out of their mouth when they talk don’t you?

Since there is no such actual affliction as “verbal diarrhea,” the “verbal” part makes this a metaphor–a relatively common metaphor, actually. It compares the verbal outpouring of a loquacious person to the fecal outpouring of a person with diarrhea.

I’ve never encountered “syphilis-ridden” used as a metaphor, though. What, pray tell, would he being comparing Obama to, if not a person with syphilis?

Your attempt at spin is pointless, however, because Buffoon–far from explaining how he was writing metaphorically–actually takes the time to define each word. He underscores the fact that he meant each thing literally, rather than figuratively.

Listen, buddy: if you’re going to hide behind “I worked in a factory while going to college” to explain why you don’t know what you’re talking about and why you can’t express yourself clearly, you might not want to get into an in-depth discussion of literal vs. figurative language.


Now my friend, you are the Rubber Band Man. That was the most strained attempt at an intellectual justification of unfounded, tastless calumny I have ever heard. If you used all that intellect to make reasoned arguments we might have some fun here.

Given the Tuskegee experiment, I would say that for no reason associating syphillis with a black man is as beyond the pale as challenging John McCain to a pullup contest. This is what I’m talking about when I refer to filthy insults. You want an example — that’s one.

Buzz, at least we understand what I said, …

Dave, good luck with your life…… and that doesn’t mean I think you have polio….. based on your reading comprehension you may get the two mixed up…

As the wagons circle to protect the irrational rhetoric of one of your own, let this troll (see, that’s a label, it doesn’t address what I said, it’s a way of declaring me a free-fire zone where no logic or fact need be applied), reply:

First, I post pretty regularly here. I don’t know whether that still makes me a troll, unless that term also implies “foreigner” with different views. I notice that the more careful my arguments are (or I try to make them), the more likely they are to die on the vine (thread). Whether or not you think they’re good or bad arguments is not the point; they are attempts to engage you in debate. But if I dare to call a post for what it is, i.e, a rant, full of emotion, but devoid of reason, the wagons circle faster than you can say El Rusbo.


You have my number — I am anti-American liberal. I am a liberal, but please explain how you arrived at the conclusion I was anti-American. You know my modus operandi and even my motives. I annoy you. You know everything that’s going to come out of my mouth. Maybe you might try engaging me in debate sometimes. You have ample opportunity on this site. Instead you’ve chosen to join the wagons and fire out from within their safety.


If I say no response may have been the most responsible action, that does not mean a response is irresponsible, it means it’s less responsible. There is a spectrum here as there is with negative comments. Labels thrown out willy-nilly like troll, anti-American, Marxist are a way of avoiding addressing what was said. Asking someone whether they are on their medication is not a love-pat, but it is a valid response to an irrational rant. And a little well-placed sarcasm adds a little spice.

I don’t owe anybody apology. If you come out with the kind of filth that Mr. B. just did, you deserve to be called on it. All others on this site who choose to forego vile insults don’t fall under my criticism. It’s that simple, man.


Good to see you outside the wagons. I don’t think a lack of intelligence or education is Mr. B’s problem. I think it’s anger that gets in the way of reason. Hear that, Mr. B?

Geez Buffoon, maybe you should have decided to have just said disease ridden dreams to imply that what he wants to do is sick and infectious and not at all healthy with the possibility of leaving physical markings. Because apparently an attempt at being more descriptive is just racist.

Join the circus Dave, because the effort you had to go to to twist yourself into that bit of a logic should be an act.

Let it be known that Dave Noble believes that when we begin accusing Obama’s campaign of mudslinging, he actually believes that we’re literally accusing them of throwing mud.


It isn’t really a reading comprehension problem. If I call you a shithead, that doesn’t literally mean your head is made out of excrement. But it would still be a vulgar insult that would indicate I can’t think of anything better to say.

Dave Hussein Noble confirms that he is imposing standards for our discussion here while exempting himself.

Pretty typical of a liberal to tell everyone else what is permissible to say while allowing perfect freedom for his own insult laden rants.