First The Great Seal, Now The Declaration of Independence [Reader Post]


In a torrent of arrogance, Barack Obama simply cannot pimp out enough of our national symbols for his own self-aggrandizement. We already saw the cheeseball powder blue Great Seal, since shelved after being duly mocked, at least by those of us on the right.

Now we have Obama’s use of the Declaration of Independence to highlight his own hypocrisy on the issue of federal campaign funds. From his website earlier today (we figured we’d get the screenshot before it too goes down the memory-hole).

Yup, funding Barack Obama’s campaign by the 4th of July is clearly a signal event in American History.

Can’t wait for the fundraising photo of Abe Lincoln, sitting in his Memorial with an Obama t-shirt on saying “Emancipation for America – Vote Obama.”

Also find Bill Dupray at The Patriot Room

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Hussein O and his band of idiots are more like Mugabe (hope and change was his motto also) than Lincoln.

Jeez can’t these guys come up with an original thought? Using iconic American symbols for shameless fund raising or to lend some sort of air of legitimacy to your candidate is a bad idea.
How about this suggestion for the Obama PR team. If you want to use an American symbol a simple flag pin neatly positioned on the lapel is acceptable.
Sometimes showing your candidate showing respect to other symbols of America such as our flag or National Anthem have also been found to be effective.
Oh and never underestimate the power of a photo taken with soldiers in combat zone.
Why don’t y’all try those ideas first, they are tried and true, before trotting out your next goofball idea?

Why don’t they just be honest with the voters and themselves and use an image like this?