Muslim Women Barred from Picture at Obama Event [Reader Post]

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The camapign didn’t want a photo of headscarves in a picture with Obama. Can’t imagine why that would be. Is Obama anti-Muslim? Nah, that can’t be it. His grandfather was Muslim. Perhaps he didn’t want to appear pro-Muslim? Why not, isn’t he the candidate of unity? Hmmm, what a quandary for Barack Hussein Obama.

From Politico.

Two Muslim women at Barack Obama’s rally in Detroit Monday were barred from sitting behind the podium by campaign volunteers seeking to prevent the women’s headscarves from appearing in photographs or on television with the candidate.

There were two incidents that the Obama staffers handled brilliantly for the would-be president. The first started with a staffer asking some young men if they wanted to be in the seating area behind the stage.

That incident began when the volunteer asked Aref’s friend Ali Koussan and two other friends, Aref’s brother Sharif and another young lawyer, Brandon Edward Miller, whether they would like to sit behind the stage. The three young men said they would, but mentioned they were with friends.

The men said the volunteer, a twenty-something African American woman in a green shirt, asked if their friends looked and were dressed like the young men, who were all light-skinned and wearing suits. Miller said yes, but mentioned that one of their friends was wearing a headscarf with her suit.

The volunteer “explained to me that because of the political climate and what’s going on in the world and what’s going on with Muslim Americans it’s not good for her to be seen on TV or associated with Obama,” said Koussan, who is a law student at Wayne State University.

Both Koussan and Miller said they specifically recalled the volunteer citing the “political climate” in telling them they couldn’t sit behind Obama.

“I was like, ‘You’ve got to be kidding me. Are you serious?'” Koussan recalled.

Let’s cut through the crap here. Obama is trying to kill the “He’s a Muslim” rumor. The visual of him with Muslim women is bad for his campaign. The political climate is that he thinks Americans are racist. The rest is just B.S. spin from the campaign.

The second story.

Shimaa Abdelfadeel’s story was different. She’d waited on line outside the Joe Louis Arena for three hours in the sun, and was walking through the giant hall when a volunteer approached two of her non-Muslim friends, a few steps ahead of her, and asked if they’d like to sit in “special seating” behind the stage, said one friend, Brittany Marino, who like Abdelfadeel is a recent University of Michigan graduate who works for the university.

When they said they were with Abdelfadeel, the volunteer told them their friend would have to take the headscarf off or stay out of the special section, Marino said. They declined the seats.

Abdelfadeel, after recovering from the shock of the incident, went to look for the volunteer and confronted her minutes later, she said in an email interview with Politico.

“We’re not letting anyone with anything on their heads like baseballs or scarves sit behind the stage,” she paraphrased the volunteer as saying, an account Marino confirmed. “It has nothing to do with your religion!”

Well, that seems to have been a bit of a fib.

Photographs of the event also show men with hats in the section behind Obama and Gore, though not directly behind the candidate.

With hats. In the seating area. Behind the stage. The same place the women were going to sit.

This is leftist political correctness biting down hard on one of its practitioners. If he were not so worried about his own ass, he would have already issued orders on how to handle this kind of situation and let them sit behind the stage. But he is so twisted up in the illogic of liberal politics that he can’t remember the right thing to do. Now he’s gone and offended everybody. Congratulations Senator Obama.

More here.

Also find Bill Dupray at The Patriot Room.

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It may be the staff rather than Obama who caused the problem. Most of Obama’s staff are seasoned political operatives and unfortunately that’s the way they work. He’s had to reign in his staff before on negative campaigning.

Was it the ‘staff’ when Big Mouth Michelle was screaming for more ‘whitey’s’ on stage behind Hussein in previous photo ops?


You may very well be correct.

It may indeed simply be staff members acting in this fashion.

If so, then Obama would do well to separate the chaff from the wheat.

His organization, overall, is suffering constantly from a “perception” issue. A problem that I refer to overall as his “tin ear”. I apply that term not only to what he is saying but also what he is doing/not doing.

He’s constantly trying to convince us that what we are seeing, and the perceptions we are deriving, are incorrect.

mmmm, looks like a duck, walks like a duck, must be a freaking duck. obama is always assuming we are to dumb to see what he and his staff are pulling. we aren’t we see the sanicans on the memorial, we see the “whites” behind him and we see the absense of muslim women in head scarves. does he really believe we are to stupid to believe our eyes but we must believe his words?