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Thanks for this excellent post. Great pictures… and you’re right, the pictures make all the difference.

My fav pic is the last one where he is standing next to Martin McGuinness the former(?) Irish Repubplican Army commander. As late as 2005 McGuinness was thought to still be a voting member of the 7 man IRA Army council. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_mcguinness#Claims_of_IRA_activity

Nice pictures! The British have seceded way too much power to the EU however and need to get out of that useless snakepit of bureaucrats, it’s a hell-bound organization.

Very nice gathering of photos. These guys sure lead the life.

I want the job of any of those photographers.

It must be really cool to be right in the midst of history like that.

You are right. Pictures tell a story.

President Bush appears as a statesman.

I cannot envision Barack Obama in those shoes. He’s too novice.

GREAT PICS!!! Thanks a bunch, Mike! I have several favorites already…but I especially like the one of Pres. Bush at the Villa Madama in Rome, Pres. Bush walking with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the garden at Schloss Meseberg Palace, and the one of Pres. Bush waving from Air Force One as he arrives at Ciampino International Airport Wednesday with the guard saluting in the foreground, just to name a few. Great photography for sure, and looked like a great response from those he met with.