Walid Phares On The Coming GITMO Trials

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Walid Phares writes a timely report on the next battle in this War on Terror. The battle in the courtroom:

Jihadism in the 21st century has plans for all types of situations, including Mujahada (Jihadi activity) in a courtroom when needed.

This is now what the world will witness during the trials of the al Qaeda detainees in Guantanamo, Cuba. Both the inmates on the inside and the Jihadi-mates on the outside were waiting for this moment to strike, politically and psychologically, using the media as their weapon. To the well-trained and -indoctrinated five standing trial, the objective is not to gain as many rights and freedoms as possible under current U.S. and international law; rather it is to resume what they began before 9/11 which they deeply wish to fulfill – as they said in their own words – using the trial as a global media opportunity.

He goes on to list three modes of attack. First being the propaganda benefit. The accused will make grandiose statements about not recognizing anything other then Sharia law and that they want to be put to death to become martyrs. Propaganda gold to be distributed amongst the scum.

Second will come from those fanatics who have to freedom to attack the trials and GITMO itself, which they will do daily.

The goal of these other free Jihadists is to deter Washington – and other Western countries – from trying the incarcerated Jihadists. Their thinking is that if the U.S. gets condemned in the global media for prosecuting and trying and eventually sentencing the worst of the worst, America will be intimidated when it tries to prosecute non-al Qaeda Jihadists.

The last tactic is the most worrisome:

Third, the conglomeration of all anti-American political forces, including many radical circles within the United States, will unleash its attacks against Guantanamo and what it represents, meaning the existence of the “War on Terror”. A significant ideological segment of the political establishment in America has been pushing the slogan of an “orchestrated war” which must be ended. To them, the trial of the terrorists in Guantanamo is an opportunity to bleed U.S. efforts in the confrontation, thereby enhancing their own domestic political fortunes and agendas.

He then goes on to detail how this battle will shape out:

First, the “team” on the inside of the courtroom will unleash any and all statements needed to create the environment for a martyrdom case: istishaad. They will claim the tribunal is not legitimate, the Guantanamo process is not legal, the procedure is not acceptable and that they want to receive the death penalty so they may become shuhada, or martyrs.

Then, the “production” will be picked up by al Qaeda and other Jihadi-Salafist entities around the world and will reappear in videos, audio and texts, as well as circulate around the world of militant networks.

The in-court “drama” will also be used by the Wahhabi and Muslim Brotherhood networks, that is the long term Jihadists, not praising the defendants but rather promoting some of the arguments made by the al Qaeda detainees. This stealth use of the “production” will serve to produce more incitements and solidify the Jihadi agenda.

For example, the campaign will target American credibility and the concept of a war on terror. Some of the statements by the defendants will be stressed, such as “we do not recognize your laws, but only Sharia.” In short, a control room is already in place to feed off the Guantanamo trials and turn it into a victory in the War of ideas. The al Qaeda detainees will make their statements and will be sentenced, but the international Jihadists will thrive on these words.

And the United States, with the recent SCOTUS decision, is ensuring that we will lose this battle. Eight years after 9/11 and we have come full circle to September 10th, 2001 where this War on Terror was not a war, but a law enforcement issue.

We saw how well that worked out.

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Have a bit of faith here, mon bud, Curt. Of course the militants will revel in the US weakness in the court systems.

However they have still proven they are brutal animals who engage on Muslim on Muslim warfare. I doubt any US trial will change what has been embedded in the Muslim world’s minds from Iraq violence.

Wow… me being positive? Don’t let it get around. I have a reputation to protect. And I swear I’m not on prozac! :0)

I hope that we can contain the jihadi-5’s ability to use this trial for propaganda. We would be fools not to.

But how anyone in the U.S. could have ANY sympathy for these monsters is beyond me.

After all, KSM DID plot the atrocities on September 11th. a

And remember Daniel Pearl?

Who is that holding the gun with Pearl in chains? Who was it that sawed off his head as he screamed?

KSM and his 4 co defendants deserve to be put on trial.

However, I am wondering whether we might waive the death penalty here, since that is what they seek, and keep them imprisoned for the rest of their lives.

Of course the problem with that is that McCain and friends want to close Gitmo, so that would mean brining this trash into the U.S.

Instead of the death sentence (martyrdom) for the Jihadi in Guantanamo I would suggest life without parole. Sentence them to a prison farm somewhere in the US and have them work in the farm’s hog barn.

#3 – Thanks, but no thanks. Any thought that taxpayers money would go to keeping these cowards alive in my/our country gets my veto. And what a horrible thing to do to good ol’ American pigs…….. What did they ever do to you? LOL

No, dropping them off in their native country, oh, from about 1,000 feet, would be the most humane way to deal with such. Who knows, their Allah might have mercy and gently ease them to the ground.

As devout Muslims working on a pig farm is a fate worse than death. The prisoners want to die so that they can become martyrs. Why reward them and raise their standing in the jihadi community by making them martyrs? Then in a couple of years when they have been forgotten if they got shot while trying to escape who will care? I know I won’t.