The only thing lower than President Bush’s job approval rating….is the approval rating of the Democrats’ Congress.
Why is that? Simple. They promised that if elected to power they’d:
-end the war in Iraq
-lower gasoline prices
-make the world love us
-end the partisanship in DC
and pretty much everything else shy of gumdrop trees, chocolate rivers, and cotton candy clouds.
Speaker Pelosi’s 1st speech as the Speaker of the House bears a re-read at this point
Ahhhh, the good ole days when people believed Democrats
Author of “Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War
Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War: Malensek, Scott: 9798864028674: Books
Lies and more lies that is what the democrats stand for.
Somehow, the Republicans have fillibustered every attempt at progress in the Senate, setting a record for fillibusters with their 100% loyalty to George W. Bush.
And this is all… The Democrats’ Fault.
Republicans have been the most partisian, mean spirited group in DC since Newt Gingrich and his “Burn the House Down” campaign of 1992.
But, of course, not one single Conservative can ever hold even one Republican accountable for anything they have ever done. Not pandering to James Dobson by intervening in the personal famliy decision regarding what to do with a vegetative spouse, or justifying borrow-and-spend policies that are resulitng in the debasement of America’s financial position in the world.
Conservatives must even give a free pass to the smears spread against Max Clelland, since that ensured the election of a Republican. There is not one single Conservative, anywhere, any time, who will say that the Republican smears against that triple-amputee Vietnam veteran was anything other than perfectly in line with Republican ideals.
Please give up on this “Republcans are God’s annointed Party” campaign that Pat Robertson/James Dobson have had you on for the past three decades.
It demeans the public discourse and invalidates the few valid points you do make.
So, it’s not Democrats’ fault that they can’t work in a bi-partisan manner. The problem is that they don’t have enough seats to have unchecked power. I see. Thanks Steve.
But it’s not the Democrats in Congress that that most people disaprove of.
Even though I am an Obama supporter, I strongly believe the last thing this country needs is for either party to get a super majority. I’m starting to get worried about the pendalum swinging to far here…
OUSTANDING point Fitfit. Why is that? Is it because Republicans are acting in a more partisan way, because they have a bad public image, perhaps the shadow of GWB, or the shine of BHO? Have Democrats really acted in a bi-partisan manner and sought compromises? Could it be that the American people want Democrats to have unchecked power in the fall?
Why in the world would you want to be an Obama supporter?
What is he offering or planning which appeals to you?
I think it’s because the real “second term of Jimmy Carter” is already in progress…
Middle class tax cut.
And what is the earning threshold for this supposed “middle class”?
Further, how will the tax cut he is supposedly offering going to benefit you when he taxes your employer to the point that they have to lay off workers?
Why would you not want to vote for McCain who has expressed support for continuing the tax cuts already in place for all Americans?
What in the world led you to that conclusion?
Do you remember the Carter term?
Fit Fit,
So the Bush tax cut on the middle class was not enough? $1000 more is all you need? We all got a tax cut, including this middle class conservative. This tired lie of “tax cut for the rich” must have you. Since Obama has never voted to reduce taxes, why would he change now?
In which case, Fit fit, why are you advocating a DNC sweep of all branches of power… or the equivalent of a supermajority in the worst possible way?
We have seen the GOP Congress abandon all that their conservative base demanded when there ws no balance between the branches. I’d say most admit they blew it big time. And I’m not talking Iraq, war or homeland security spending here.
I see the DNC as being little different once in power. Kids in an candy store without supervision they will be. However their proposals are far more expensive than the GOPs were for domestic. And far more dangerous risks for foreign policy, returning to the false sense of security of the 90s.
I’d say you have some reconciling with yourself to do, guy.
And on that middle class tax cut you want. Are you counting before or after they let the Bush tax cuts sunset? In which case, you might find yourself coming out zip in the wash… or perhaps even in the red.
Let’s see.. universal health care. Tax increase there. Obama’s energy plan… billions. Tax increases there. More affirmative action educational policies. Yep… tax increases there.
But you’ll be happy when he gives you a tax cut, then piles on for these other programs…
Does not computer… does not compute.
Re: “I see the DNC as being little different once in power. Kids in an candy store without supervision they will be.”
Conservatives always use the “Democrats would be worse” excuse to defend 100% loyalty Republicans. (I did not notice any Conservatives declaring how “Republicans blew it” BEFORE they lost in 2006: Only as an alibi AFTER the elections. Conservatives still voted 100% Republican in 2006, as they have every year before that, and will in 2008, without exception.
The fact is that the Republicans pushed through, with massive White House backing, the largest increase in entitlements since the Great Society. And put the entire thing onthe credit card since they did not even pretend to fund it. And Conservatives somehow demand that we accept that as “superior” to anything they declare that democrats “would have done”.
It’s “let’s pretend” vs. “Actual Repuiblican results”.
Re: “In which case, Fit fit, why are you advocating a DNC sweep of all branches of power… or the equivalent of a supermajority in the worst possible way?”
There is not one single Conservative here who would not be 100% thrilled to see a Congress that was 100% Republican, with a Republican President and 100% Republican Supreme Court. If that were, somehow the case, Every single Conservative here would STILL vote to re-elect the sitting Republican President/Congressional rep, rather than vote for a Demoratic challenger, out of pur Party Loyalty.
Personally, when I was actually living within the city limits of Philadelphia, I voted 100% Republican for local, state and Congressional offices, just to vote against the incumbant Democrats, for balance. Can any “Conservatives” here claim that they would do the same?
Re: “And on that middle class tax cut you want. Are you counting before or after they let the Bush tax cuts sunset? In ”
The sunset provision was writteninto the law with full Republican and White House backing. All in order to make the numbers as to the “cost” in lost revenue work out. It is Republicans and George W. Bush who have gone back on their words and called for the laws that they themselves backed and voted for/signed to be changed (unless you assume they were lying to America when they backed the provisions in the beginning. Are you?). Democrats are just saying the law should proceed as Republicans and George W. Bush wanted it to be.
Re: “But you’ll be happy when he gives you a tax cut, then piles on for these other programs…”
And Republicans will.. Pile on the programs and just tack it onto the credit card, which Conservatives much prefer to the Democrats. “It’s ok to spend as much as you want, just as long as you pass the debt onto the kids. It’s OK to say yo don’t like it, just don’t do anything about it.”
Sorry Steve, you are wrong again. Many conservatives did not vote for congress in the 2006 elections. We voted for ballot issues and left certain congressional sections blank. It was stated before the 2006 elections, but these are facts your pre-programed cut/paste talking points refuse to see.
Oh, and when taxes are reduced to a certain extent, revenues increase. It works every time. Economists call it the Laffer Curve. Reduce marginal rates and more people are employed, creating more of a tax base, creating more revenue. The economic theory you are adhearing too states every tax cut is a “cost”. This is not the case. Why should people work or strive to earn more money if you are just going to take it away?
“There is not one single Conservative”. Again, we are sick and tired of your asinine B.S. with this cut/paste lie.
As stated before, you are detestable and I will continue to throw your stupidity, arrogant “holier than thou” leftist elitism, bile, “100% of conservatives”, and “free pass” garbage back at you. And you make it so easy with your religious like copy-paste mantras. But if “Saint” Obama is elected, you can bet that though I oppose his policies and marxism, I will treat him with FAR more respect than you have shown President Bush (not that it is difficult to do).
i consider myself to be conservative, however i believe everyone should have access to abortions, they shouldn’t be used constantly as birth control. there should be parent notification. i think we should legalize pot, who cares if someone smokes and goes and eats tacos, legalize most drugs, make them weaker and tax the shit out of them, make them easy to get but very expensive. i detest welfare, get off your ass and get a job. don’t care for guns, but if i wnat a gun i want to have a gun. i hate when people paint conservatives with such a wide brush, do they know how i vote? nope they don’t. i freaked out when i realized that i was so conservative, i never thought i would be, i thought i was liberal, nope, not. i think we need to have a balanced government, i think special interests have no business in politics, but that will never happen. i think that if onama is elected he will run wild and there will be another backlash and most of the dems will be voted out.
Re: “Oh, and when taxes are reduced to a certain extent, revenues increase.”
The last time that was even claimed to happen was under a Democratic President (JFK). Ronald reagan signed multiple tax increases, including the largest tax increase in termf of % of GDP in history, in order to start closing the budget gaps from his “Trojan Horse” (His own Budget director’s words) tax cut.
Re: “Why should people work or strive to earn more money if you are just going to take it away?”
As we saw with the Conservative Republican Congress, Conservatives somehow believe that just putting the spending on the credit card is morally superior, or that government money just “appears”. If you want to spend the government money, then have the honesty to admit it and collect sufficient taxes to pay for it.
Conservatives believe in the “free lunch” theory, and while they declare in campaigns how much they oppose “borrow and spend”, that is exactly what they do when in power, every time, without exception (at least since Siant Ronald Reagan). and, should be be elected president and have a Republican Congress, I can guarantee, 100%, that is exactly what “President McCain” will do too, even though Conservatives will declare through November that is what Mr. Obama is a threat to do. but Conservatives, at least until the election, will give John McCain a free pass on that one, just to make sure a Republican gets in power.
Re: ” i think that if onama is elected he will run wild and there will be another backlash and most of the dems will be voted out.”
You mean like signing every single spending bill, regardless of budget consequences, that is sent to him as long as it comes from a Congress controlled by his own party?
Or backing and boasting about signing the largest domestic spending increase since the Great Society?
(Oops! Sorry! I was referring to President George W. Bush, and you were talking about “President Obama”, weren’t you?)
Poor, poor widdle Stevie.
Still wandering aimlessly in the far distant corner of Leftie Loser Land.