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I am a Hillary supporter who is voting for McCain. Obama will lose.

Anyone who was paying attention will notice that she didn’t “concede” or “withdraw” today.

She “suspended”.

Those words, and the lack of those words, are very significant.

By “suspending” she keeps her delegates and retires to stage left to wait for Obie to falter and fall on his face.

Then she can reemerge, gather the pieces, and attempt to carry her party on to victory.

She may claim to be supporting him but, behind the scenes, I would bet that she is doing everything she can to orchestrate his defeat.

It’s not over ladies and gentlemen. It’s not over at all.

Just remember, you heard it here first.

Ronald Reagan lost the nomination to Ford and Carter eventually beat Ford and then Reagan came back and presto Reagan came back and has been labled one of the best presidents that even lived, Carter ended up being the worst president that ever lived and Ford ended up being a nobody that people forget. There is also at least one president that lost the next election and then won it the election after that. There are plenty of try, try and try again stories in politics. She may try again 4 to 8 years from now and run for Governor of New York while she waits.

I am one of those bitter lifelong democrats that will voting for McCain come November and you can take that to the bank…..NO to Obama

Interesting, outside of the bitter part, this Dem will also vote for McCain come November.

look at her face. she kept frowning. not happy….

approximately 20% of her supporters vow they would vote for McCain or stay home before voting for Obama.

staying home helps Obama. Votes are not tallied based on WHO COULD HAVE voted.

Joe from chi- I guess you forgot Florida and the dimples and hanging chads. Democraps do anything it takes period.

Look guys and gals, Hillary is a great candidate but she lost.. plain and simple. it is amazingly counterproductive to vote McSame just because you are bitter about Hillary not winning. Please, think about this and make a logical decision rather than an emotional one here… Does McCain, or Palin for that matter, have anything in common with the core values of Hillary Clinton? You know, the core values that you all so adore, that would have made her such a great president?? The answer is, besides the fact that Palin and Hillary share female anatomy, NONE… NADA… ZILCH… By voting McSame, you are contributing to setting our clock of progress back at least three decades, Please.. I say this with compassion, but get over it. Dems need to unite! Obama and Hillary are not that different in their core values. To not vote for Obama/Biden is Nov will be a dangerous move.

D: You might recall that Hillary herself said “”I know Sen. McCain has a lifetime of experience that he will bring to the White House. And, Sen. Obama has a speech he gave in 2002.”

Seems to me that’s about as honest an endorsement as any Hillary voter needs to vote for McCain.

Besides, You Obamatons not only take Hillary voters for granted, you openly denigrated them throughout the primary process (bitter clingers to guns and religion….).

Anyone who wants to see Hillary get the Dem nomination in 2012 that she was cheated out of in 2008 knows what to do:

Vote for McCain Palin 2008!


I have been visting this blog daily and then click over to No Quarter to read the threads and comments.

Note in the comments at No Quarter where the Obamabots still show up with nothing constructive to say, still tossing out angry remarks, not gracious winners at all.

During the primary fight I often visited Daily Kos, Huffington Post, etc. It wasn’t pretty. Even though I am a conservative I started to root for Hillary for the dem nomination just because I didn’t like the way the Obama supporters behaved.

“Does McCain, or Palin for that matter, have anything in common with the core values of Hillary Clinton?”

I think what they see are principles, dignity, morals. They know all too well what happened throughout the campaign, the race baiting, the fuzzy math with the caucas process, delegates and super delegates, other nasty tricks. Now we have the astroturf scandal and everything else the Obama supporters have done to Sarah Palin, Hillary supporters see it as more of the same.

I don’t blame them for not supporting Obama and guess what, 42% of 18 million, that’s a lot of votes to lose because of a bad attitude.