Obama and Khalidi

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Back in March I wrote about another of Obama’s associates, Rashid Khalidi:

During Obama’s last year on the board of The Woods Fund (2002), he participated in awarding grants, including a $70,000 grant to the Arab American Action Network, a Chicago-based group founded by Rashid and Mona Khalidi.

In another suspected quid pro quo arrangement similar to those with Ayers and Rezko, Rashid Khalidi also held a fundraising event in his home for Barack Obama.

In the Middle East, Rashid Khalidi was known as a man to be reckoned with. From 1972 through 1983, Khalidi was the director in Beirut of the official Palestinian press agency, FAFA. His wife worked there as well.

According to sources, when the Khalidi’s left Chicago for Columbia University in New York, Rashid was honored with the Edward Said Chair in Arab Studies at that Ivy League university. Their goodbye party in Chicago included testimonials from Bill Ayers and Barack Obama.

“What other fund raising connections does Obama have? How many times can you look the other way in church and with fund raising situations with more than questionable people?” asked Ms. Roth.

And now Ed Morrissey has this YouTube up of a six minute piece put together by Sean Hannity about the connection:

With people like Rezko and Auchi, Odinga, Ayers, The New Black Panther Party, La Raza, Farrakhan, Mr. Wright, Meeks, Pfleger, and now Khalidi….you have to question whether Obama has any sane friends inside his circle.

And question the mans character and judgment.

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Can you say “Pander”, yes I knew you could. I don’t think I have ever seen such weasely behavior at such a high level since Billy Jeff parsed the meaning of “is”. Does he think we erase our memories every night and start out new each morning?

An interesting project for someone with the appropriate software would be a spiderweb chart of the connections between and among these people.

I Doubt Those Are His Only Friends … ie. IF they can even be considered Friends ….

This is typical Sean Hannity super far right FOX propagandist crap, further promoted by Captain Steno of the now defunct Captain’s Quarters. Right in line with Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels. In fact, Karl Rove is probably beaming like a proud papa right about now. Why didn’t dopey Sean and his radical right minions go into conniptions when, say, someone like Rumsfeld had a not so distant relationship with the enemy??? See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDABe8AOuCQ. Or when McCain’s buddy Doug Goodyear of the DCI Group, was found to have represented Burma’s military junta???


Ed Morrissey is not in defunct status. He was promoted to the higher profile Michelle Malkin author group of Hot Air. I suppose, with your preferred slant, the equivalent comparison would be a promotion to the HuffPo family.

At that time, he retired Capt’s Quarters and all his readers re-registered at HotAir. He’s alive and well, and getting more promo and readership than ever.