The GOP Begins The Race For The White House

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The RNC opened up its doors to its spanking new website against their new foe, Barack Obama, and its apparant they have spent the last few months in which Hillary and Obama duked it out in quiet preparation….and it shows:

When Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.) finally secured the Democratic nomination Tuesday night, his Republican opponents were fully prepared to welcome the Illinois senator to the general election.

Given Obama’s six-month, 54-contest, grueling up-and-down nomination battle against Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.), the desire for a breather would be understandable.

But the Republican National Committee (RNC) had already been piling up reams of opposition research, some of which it had already released, that it will use to define Obama before he has a chance to recover from the primaries. …

“Once he wheezed across the finish line, we were ready to help educate voters about Obama’s plans to raise taxes, cut troop funding, and negotiate with hostile leaders,” Amber Wilkerson, an RNC spokeswoman, said. “Thankfully, we only had to look to comments from Democrat leaders — including Hillary Clinton and John Edwards — to pose some important questions about Obama’s poor judgment and weak experience.”

Check it out. They have a widget counting the seconds since Obama has visited Iraq. They have sections on Rezko, they have sections on his lack of experience, and plenty more. Good stuff:


And be assured the 527’s will be getting more into the act now that Obama is the nominee. With 40 million in cash to the DNC 4 million, we have a head start….thats for sure. With Mike Duncan at the helm I have lots of confidence that the RNC will not stumble during the race. He has quietly put together a hefty war chest and some top rate political staff. I’m confident we will begin seeing attack ads throughout the summer in the swing states, and well done ads.

It’s going to be a tough campaign, thats for sure. Pretty tough to beat a guy with no ideas, no experience, but tons of charisma. Funny when you say it, but I’m dead serious. This is what it has come down to.

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How long before McCain asks them to take it down? He doesn’t have the stomach for a fight and that is going to be his failing.

Is this website peaching to the converted? One thing researchers have found was people gravitate to what they believe on the net. Obama’s followers will stick to pro Obama sites. The site also doesn’t define McCain so one might choose the Green Party or the Libertarian party. It doesn’t say why one would choose McCain.

Speaking of McCain, his site has some issues that are going to haunt him. The health care plan is weird. He lists 47 million uninsured and if you look it up, the number is more like 8.3 million chronically uninured (2 years or more) that make less than $50,000 a year. That 47 million includes 10 million illegal aliens and 17 million that make $50,000 or more a year. His funding would be through a $2,500-$5,000 deduction and through HSAs. The trouble with having a HSA is that one must have a high deductable insurance (close to the annual cost of the insurance)before one can put money into a HSA. Sure one might be insured, but the poor couldn’t actually use it. The deductable also has problems. One is that it’s not a true amount, a fraction of that amount is the true amount (probably less than $1,000 in most cases) which would not cover the cost of insurance for one person, let alone a family. Also one has to make taxable income to even qualify for the deduction which at least the majority of the 8.3 million don’t do. So his plan may help 17 million which probably could afford insurance anyways, not even the majority of the 47 million. He should put the number at 20 million (the number making less than $50,000 and U.S. citizens) with 11.7 getting insurance through their unemployment insurance (because these are the ones unemployed and therefore don’t have insurance from one day to 2 years) and the other 8.3 million through cut projects ($24.9 billion worth at $3,000 each (a no deductions individual plan offered by Kieser Permenente) such as the $8 billion in farm subsidies spent last year.


I don’t what sadder, that website or the fact you think it’s something to be proud of. Maybe some of the tubes got clogged.

Fit fit,

You’re right.

Obie is an empty suit who has nothing to offer beyond Hopey Changefulness and that’s sad.

It’s unbelievable that the Dims have put forth such a far left leaning radical Marxist type unknown candidate. A guy who has numerous ties to unsavory characters from anti-semitic racist pastors to Pentagon bombers to convicted felons and others.

Obie was only able to win because of voter disenfranchisement in two states and a rigged delegate plan which essentially silenced the voices of the voters whose ballots were counted.

As a Dim, shouldn’t you be outraged enough just because of that to never vote for that party’s candidate?

after taking a poll at work today, a hair salon, we came to the conclusion that with the exception of 3 clients and one staff member who are pro obama the rest of us are all for mostly mccain, with 2 for ron paul. that is over 40 people, i know it not scientific, but it shows a cross section of socio-economic classes. we have a wide range of clients, doctors and lawyers, all the waqy down to laborers and a few on welfare.
i really don’t think obama has a chance, after i told everyone about obamas crew putting the potties on the police officer memorial and pulled up pics they were digusted.

Well, fit fit, Obama didn’t give the GOP much to work with, since he basically has no record.