Operation Overlord, D-Day

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Will you remember how those boys became men, how they fought against a foe that never attacked us?  Will you remember that they saw a threat, saw evil, travelled to far away distant lands, and confronted it wherever they found it-Africa, Sicily, Italy, the skies over Europe, the depths of the Atlantic, the churning seas off the Kola Peninsula, France, Luxembourg…anywhere they saw people who needed someone to fight for them.

Will you remember?

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I always think of President Reagan visiting Pointe Du Huc and commemorating the Army Rangers who took the cliffs under Nazi fire 40 years earlier.

Audio of Reagan’s speech


Shamefully, we have less and less of our population realizing the reasons we are who we are. They expect tyranny to stay “over there”, and they think that if we mind our own business, we won’t be bothered. What a laugh; a very serious laugh at that.

We are losing the battle from within, and shamefully I have to say I believe the cup to be half empty.

Semper Fi

Hi Scott,

OH please don’t get me wrong. Without them men and women giving that sacriface we would have been doomed already. Our problems aren’t with the brave men and women, it is with the coward that are taking over our schools, university, and governments. I served with Men that just wanted to fight. Those same men still go into the service “to fight”, thank God for them.

Thanks for your great articles. By the way, I served in Okinawa and on MSG Duty with a Marine from Walnut Creek. He probably enlisted in 87 or early 88. His name is Glenn Scherrer. Does that name ring a bell.

Take care,


Sounds like we’re on the same page Alex. Is Glenn from Ohio?