Obama – Every Coastal City To Be Under Water Because Of Global Warming

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Just one more sign the man is out of his league:

We can’t afford more of the same timid politics when the future of our planet is at stake. We are already breaking records with the intensity of our storms, the number of forest fires, and the periods of drought. By 2050, famine could force more than 250 million from their homes. And if we do nothing, sea levels will rise high enough to swallow large portions of every coastal city and town.

As this study shows, sea levels are predicted to rise 2-6 inches per century. Not the 20+ feet that the Goracle and now apparently his minion, Barack Obama, believe.

A good 9 minute video by Warren Meyer delves into the sea rising hysteria. It’s part six of a six part series which can be found here.

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Hussein O was speaking of cities in the seven states that exist only in his empty head. They will all disappear within a hundred years, along with his head.

Even the Gorebots are walking away from the predicted massive sea level rise and hoping no one will notice.

But leave it to Obama to try another of the big lie scares that seems to work so well on liberals.

Here’s another reference link for anyone interested in the thoughts of a scientist who has been studying sea levels for 35 years:


His conclusion? NO SEA LEVEL RISE.

And of course we know that the sea beds themselves are slowly dropping (probably because of all the oil we take out).

So, if sea level rise is a legitimate problem, then we should drill for more oil!

Hey, good logic, Mike, for a reason for more oil drilling. Maybe it’ll fly with the global warming crazies?

Mums the word that the sea level is, well, dropping…guess folks shouldn’t start selling their beachfront homes quite yet, eh?

And the demwits accuse the Republicans of fear mongering.

Well, we all know it’s false. And so does he. That way he’ll be able to claim, if he gets elected, “See, the oceans have stopped rising already!” And he’ll be able to claim he’s fulfilled one campaign promise w/o doing a thing!

Ok…so the oceans are going to rise by 20 ft…but Bush is a bad guy because he didn’t immediately authorize federal funds to rebuild a city that’s already below sea level….


Good point, Suek! I hadn’t heard that argument yet…and I’m sure we won’t with the MSM!

OMG! That explains the extra States, Scrapiron. They are already under water. If BO is elected President, he will resurface them, I promise. LOL

“We must ensure that more middle-class families reap more of the financial benefits created by this bill. ”

What are the benefits of a depression?