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Does Hillary Have Something Up Her Sleeve? [Reader Post]

The MSM is flat out saying the Democrats have their nominee. They, however, have been in bed with Obama for months, and desperately want his death struggle with Hillary to be over. So when Hillary came out the other day and said she was suspending her campaign, they pounced and announced that she was conceding the race. That conclusion, however, would earn you a D+ on a 5th Grade reading comprehension test.

Here is what she said.

The New York senator, who had been criticized for failing to concede the election on Tuesday night, despite Obama’s clear grasp of the nomination, earlier told supporters in an e-mail early today that she will formally end her quest for the nomination on Saturday.

In the e-mail, she said “I will extend my congratulations to Senator Obama and my support for his candidacy. … I have said throughout the campaign that I would strongly support Senator Obama if he were the Democratic Party’s nominee, and I intend to deliver on that promise.”

So she will “end her quest” for the nomination. Yup, there are no more primaries or caucuses. That quest is over. Now if some super-delegates want to switch from Obama to her for whatever reason, they are, of course, free to do so.

She will congratulate him and support his “candidacy.” Candidacy for what? She did not say she would support his nomination. She did not call him the presumptive nominee, the apparent nominee, or the party’s standard bearer in November. She did not say he would be the one taking on John McCain.

All she did was repeat that she would support him if he were the nominee. And if he is, she will support him.

On Wednesday Hillary gave a speech to American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

After months of frenetic campaigning, Clinton seemed to be downshifting slowly and edging into her new status. Though she did not acknowledge Obama as the nominee at her AIPAC appearance, she came close.

“The next Democratic president” will be committed to Israel’s security, she said, and continued, “I know Sen. Obama understands what it is at stake here. … Let me be very clear: I know that Sen. Obama will be a good friend to Israel.”

All true statements; none of which says that Obama will be that next Democratic president.

Now she says she is not seeking the Vice-Presidency.

Clinton “is not seeking the vice presidency, and no one speaks for her but her,” spokesman Howard Wolfson said in a written statement. “The choice here is Senator Obama’s and his alone.”

Clinton has positioned herself so that if (when?) Obama’s nomination craters under the sheer weight of his felonious friends, racist preachers, and terrorist buddies, she will be ready to step in. When it becomes apparent to the super-delegates (party bosses), who are not pledged to support either candidate, that Obama cannot win, we may see that brokered convention after all.

She did not come this far, having received as many votes as Obama, just to walk off the stage now. We will know the Democrats’ nominee by the end of the convention on August 28, 2008, and not a day sooner.

Also find Bill Dupray at The Patriot Room

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