D-Day [Reader Post]

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If you only watch part of this, start from about 7 min 30 sec. But it’s worth 10 minutes of your time.

Memo to Mr. Obama: This is the America your preacher damns. We ARE the good guys and sometimes, when talking doesn’t work, you just have to go kill the bad guys. Learn your history.

America does not forget her heroes.

H/T Media Mythbusters

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Operation Overlord could not happen today.
The New York Times would have cheerfully disclosed Gen. Patton’s diversion.
They would also have published, in advance, the date of the invasion.
They would have revealed to the Germans the work of the code-breakers at Blechley.
Suitably informed, Hitler would have directed Gen. Rommel to place his forces appropriately and Overlord would have been thrown back into the English Channel. Rommel had been taken in by the British usurpation of the German spy network in Britain. This doublecross would have also been revealed to Germany.
Even with the diversion, the invasion was a near thing and nearly failed.
There was also the issue of the betrayers of the Vichy Government in France, led by Gen. DeGaulle, who made life for the Germans extremely difficult. The partaisins put sugar in gas tanks, strewed caltrops over the roads, and wedged railroad tracks, to the point that the Germans were dependent on horses to move their equipment. The leaders of the resistance would have been identified to the Germans, just as our CIA were disclosed to the Times.
The contemporary to Sen Reid would have announced that the war was lost, and the U S. would have petitioned Germany for a unilateral surrender.
And, of course, Pulitzer Prizes and Nobel Peace Prizes would have been strewed in profusion on the necks of the betrayers of freedom.
Observe the glee with which U S deaths are reported in Iraq, while there is NO corresponding call for the U S to withdraw from Washington, DC, which has a much higher death rate. One is safer in Sadr City than one is in North East DC.

I just returned from Normandy for the 64th Anniversary. My 3 uncles landed with 29th Division at Omaha Beach. I will soon have photos on my site of some of the ceremonies at: http://www.ww2dday.com