Lefty – No War In Iraq But Lets Wage War On Burma

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I love it. When it comes to Burma the left thinks we should be doing something to stop the suffering and brutality going on over there.

If this disaster had happened ten years ago–that is, before Iraq–plans would almost certainly be on the table for some form of humanitarian intervention designed to resolve the situation. Maybe we would be talking about deposing the Burmese regime outright; maybe we would be discussing–as Robert Kaplan did in a recent New York Times op-ed–more modest steps, such as sending U.S. Marines on boats to deliver supplies to the hardest-hit areas. But, either way, realistic options would be considered for saving Burmese lives, even if those options involved violating Burmese sovereignty.

I see. But when we went into Iraq and stopped the rape rooms, acid baths and the thousands of mass graves, this wasn’t good. Change the situation to Myanmar and its all different. Hell, the writer at TNR even says we don’t have to change the regime…just force the aid in:

The goal of such an intervention need not be regime change; it should simply be to make sure that a vulnerable population receives the supplies it desperately needs.

Of course the writer forgets that the countries leaders have refused these supplies. So that being the case I’m guessing the writer believes we should use force to get the supplies in, meaning waging war on the government.

Oh, and lets not forget that once we are inside that country we will be in the middle of a real civil war seeing as how there are more then a few internal rebellions going on.

But you see…this would be a “good” war. Not like Iraq don’t ya know.

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I don’t see the French, Germans, Northern Slobovians doing anything either? It’s all America’s fault. Why don’t the useless United Nations get off their arse? Isn’t this supposed to be what they are for? Or are they too busy blaming the US for Gorbal Worming, Drafting anti-Israeli resolutions and sending peace keepers to rape children to do anything?

It’s America’s fault, and when I say America, I mean the BOOSHITLER-CHENEY-MCDONALDS-BLACKWATER cabal!!!

Forcing your way in to feed a captive … and then leaving said captive still in the clutches of a junta such as the one that rules there would be idiotic and inhumane.

If they truly (TRULY) wanted to invade Burma, regime change would be the only reason to go. There are millions of people that die everyday, we can’t force-feed them all every day; but we could make it where they don’t have to be force fed.

We can’t save the world. We just can’t. We tried to get supplies to these people and it was refused. The US is the first to bring supplies to all disasters in the world but when the leaders of these countries refuse them our hands are tied. We can’t invade all dictatorships to force them to accept aid.