McCain gave some rudimentary history lessons to one Barack Obama today while speaking to the AIPAC policy conference:
The Iranians have spent years working toward a nuclear program. And the idea that they now seek nuclear weapons because we refuse to engage in presidential-level talks is a serious misreading of history. In reality, a series of administrations have tried to talk to Iran, and none tried harder than the Clinton administration. In 1998, the secretary of state made a public overture to the Iranians, laid out a roadmap to normal relations, and for two years tried to engage. The Clinton administration even lifted some sanctions, and Secretary Albright apologized for American actions going back to the 1950s. But even under President Khatami – a man by all accounts less radical than the current president – Iran rejected these overtures.
Even so, we hear talk of a meeting with the Iranian leadership offered up as if it were some sudden inspiration, a bold new idea that somehow nobody has ever thought of before. Yet it’s hard to see what such a summit with President Ahmadinejad would actually gain, except an earful of anti-Semitic rants, and a worldwide audience for a man who denies one Holocaust and talks before frenzied crowds about starting another. Such a spectacle would harm Iranian moderates and dissidents, as the radicals and hardliners strengthen their position and suddenly acquire the appearance of respectability.
Read the whole speech, its a winner. But I thought the above smackdown of Obama was quite interesting seeing as how Obama should already know this history. Apparently he does not as evidenced by his calls for Presidential talks with Iran with no preconditions but with “preparations” (whatever that means). His naive view of the world and how to lead is dangerous. Dangerous for the United States and dangerous for our allies.
I wonder, did Obama read the latest from Iran?
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad predicted on Monday that Muslims would uproot “satanic powers” and repeated his controversial belief that Israel will soon disappear, the Mehr news agency reported.
“I must announce that the Zionist regime (Israel), with a 60-year record of genocide, plunder, invasion and betrayal is about to die and will soon be erased from the geographical scene,” he said.
“Today, the time for the fall of the satanic power of the United States has come and the countdown to the annihilation of the emperor of power and wealth has started.”
Oh yeah, lets sit down and talk with these nuts right friggin now! Lets offer them some tea or something and all will be right in the world.

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i think obama needs some meds, he is delusional. they want isreal gone, the want the u.s. gone, they want to be all powerful. i have one question though; why does it seem tha tthe craziest mother f*ckers in the worls come from the middle east? and why are they so hateful? please help me with this.
Come on, ya’ll… don’t you know that the world, prior to Bush, was rosy, we had no enemies, and OBL and the int’l community didn’t hate the US? And of course, once Bush leaves, it will go back to being that same utopia.
Sarcasm button off…
Narcissists and revisonist history buffs are not ruled by facts, but by emotions and frustration. They all share the quality of being short sighted, tunnel visioned, and naive to genuine historic events.