Hillary Gets Snockered – This Photo Needs a Caption [Reader Post] Posted on May 31, 2008 by Aye ( 10 comments already! ) Spread the love 0 0 votes Article Rating Ayewww.whatisyourproblem.co.uk/
And after she did some jello shots she told the pilot to take a rest and decided to land the plane by herself:
Now I remember why I thought I was dodging sniper fire in Bosnia it was the Ice cracking in my glass ! HICK !
“You interns are just so darned cute. I cannot wait to get all of you into the Oval Office.”
I’m never going to put this cellphone back on ring!
And the unacceptable:
“Brian, are you trying to finger me again?”
“lower,mmmmm, a little to the left, oh, you got it……..”
“Jeffrey the intern looks very excited to have his hands on experience with Candidate Clinton.”
I don’t need no stinking airplane to fly, WHEE WOOPIE.
Now everybody! The summer wind, came blowin in from across the sea…