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Obama Barakster is willing to meet with Amadinijad and any nutball tyrant and terrorist in the Mid East, but not with our troops or our generals. I’m beginning to see who’s side he’s on.

Obama, his mindless following, and Pelosi still can’t admit progress. Pelosi’s got the nerve to throw kudos to Iran for Basra’s progress.

But it’s refreshing to see the rest of the world hasn’t been completely blinded by Bush hatred.

STOCKHOLM (AFP) — World leaders, including UN chief Ban Ki-moon and US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, on Thursday hailed Baghdad’s progress in combatting violence and stabilising Iraq.

A declaration adopted by 100 delegations at a Stockholm conference said the participants “recognised the important efforts made by the (Iraqi) government to improve security and public order and combat terrorism and sectarian violence across Iraq.”

It also acknowledged political and economic progress made, and said that “given the difficult context, these successes are all the more remarkable.”

In a speech earlier to the conference, Ban said Iraq was “stepping back from the abyss that we feared most,” adding that with international help the war-torn country could fulfill its “vision of becoming a free, secure, stable and prosperous nation.”

He cautioned however that “the situation remains fragile.”


Rice said that while Iraq was “making good progress there remain challenges. Not everything that needs to be accomplished has been accomplished.”

Miliband was also optimistic and noted that at the conference, “instead of talking about the last five years every speaker has talked about the next five years, and that is a really profound change of perspective.”

Gotta be at least one killjoy at an otherwise positive and forward looking convention, tho.

In one of the few signs of criticism, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki fired a salvo at the United States, saying the major security problems remaining in Iraq were “due to mistaken policies by occupiers in Iraq.”

“Security in Iraq is now so grave that it has cast a shadow over” the lives of all Iraqis, he added.

Security is now so grave? Maybe last year, Bubba. And don’t start casting desert pebbles from your glass house about mistakes. Heaven knows the Iraq Assembly has a few of those under their young belts…

And oh, BTW, ya wouldn’t have a country where you’re even allowed to whine without finding your head or limbs lopped off, were it not for OIF.