The city of San Francisco, once one of America’s finest cities around, has become most perverted, socially ill and decayed. It’s simply amazing to what lengths that city and some of its inhabitants will go to, to publicize, act, and pervert that city and themselves in public.
This is what the rest of America sees about San Francisco and there is no end in sight.
That’s why the rest of America has real apathy for that city and its inhabitants. It’s abnormal and sick behaviors that the rest of the country sees about the sickos in that city.
I really feel sorry for the few citizenries there who are horridly dismayed as to what that city has become! How much longer can they tolerate these kinds of behaviors folks?
How can anyone bring up children in this type of environment?
It just shows you the dangers in having liberals and leftists running any city and even the country. Moderates, conservatives and the right should be extremely alarmed and concerned about these kinds of unsavory behaviors allowed by out of control left wing politicians.
I urge all Americans around not to book any travel plans to that city and to keep that city economically depressed until some of its people begin to act like real human beings…
And its Mayor Gavin Newsom wants to be Governor of California in three years??? Oh my!!
May 23, 2008
Your Hand-y Guide to Sunday’s Masturbate-a-Thon
(By Joe Kukura)We just got off the phone with Carol Queen, who is gripped in preparations for this Sunday’s seventh annual Masturbate-a-Thon – where good folks publicly drop trousers and raise money by seeing who can masturbate the longest, climax most often, and ejaculate the furthest. Things are really coming together for Sunday’s proceedings, with your hosts Nina Hartley and SF Boylesque, and live performances by Madison Young, Tom Orr, Sadie Lune, and loads of other local erotica superstars.
The Masturbate-a-Thon is a stand-up cause, raising money for the Center for Sex and Culture’s public library and ongoing curriculum of classes and seminars. “We don’t get any big foundation funding or government grants, so we do rely on our community,” says Dr. Queen, who along with her right-hand man Dr. Robert Lawrence have set up separate male-only, female-only, and mixed-gender areas as well as a live stream of the event for those wishing to catch the webcast. This may not be the most traditional method of fundraising – just looking at some previous years’ world records kinda makes our crotch sore — but as Dr. Queen says, “We’ll try to continue to be as subversive as we can.”
Masturbate-a-Thon // Sunday, May 25 3 p.m. // Center for Sex and Culture (1519 Mission St.) // $20 SFist: Your Hand-y Guide to Sunday’s Masturbate-a-Thon

Who really cares about my BIO? What I will say about me is that I can’t stand monopolies mainly daily newspaper monopolies that control our local LIBERAL & RIGHT WING media contents of agenda driven propagandas and GREEDY American Corporations that wantonly use illegal aliens and move jobs abroad to circumvent in the hiring of Americans for decent wages to afford to live here and support a family. I am for the workingman and labor, the middle class and Unions unless they are sold out to Illegal Aliens. I grasp that from Democrats. I also grasp from Republicans Less Government and Less Taxes, Anti-Illegal Aliens, Pro-Life and Pro-Gun and that’s about it. But I don’t claim to be either Party because they FAILED America and me badly. I am now an Independent and I will support and VOTE for the person that meets my criteria. If they don’t want to or just want to ignore my ISSUE and me? They will be shred apart and revealed for what phonies they really are on this BLOG and the NET…
I keep scrolling up to see if I’m reading “The Onion”, but nope, it’s for real!
Dreadnought, The Onion is what I was thinking too.
Too bad this is not some elaborate hoax.
seriously? you have to be kidding me. some things are better left in the dark.
Modern day Sodom. I hope Lot’s wife doesn’t look back this time…
Is this for real? Even in San Francisco this is illegal. Is there no one to stand up for common decency?
Gives a whole new meaning and urgency to waiting for the “big one” in San Fran.
I’d hate to see innocents hurt, but such perverse debauchery makes one long for pinpoint natural disasters. . . . .starting with the elected officials of that state.
Geez! Seven years! And it’s for “charity”. Go figger…
At what point do we Conservatives just throw our hands up and move OUT of places like this? Just leave San Freaksisco to the loony lefties and perverts. Move all the good, middle and conservative Americans back a good 100 miles, San Fran is a lost cause. Let the gays and pervs have it. Better to have them all in one place than spreading their cultural poison all through the country.
Can we wall the place off too? Just create a special district for them. Then they can culturally experiment all they like, and we can sit back and watch the chaos. Just don’t allow any children under 18 in. We don’t need any additional cultural casualties.
That’s why the rest of America has real apathy for that city and its inhabitants.
Hence the tepid housing market. No, wait – housing prices in San Francisco are as high as ever(*). The rest of America is still (on balance) enthusiastic about San Francisco.
At what point do we Conservatives just throw our hands up and move OUT of places like this
I’m sure a lot of conservatives already have! But even those that still live there can probably avoid this event without any difficulty whatever.
I really feel sorry for the few citizenries there who are horridly dismayed
I feel sorry for the few citizenries who are horridly dismayed by your inelegant use of language, but hey that’s just me.
the dangers in having liberals and leftists running any city and even the country.
The danger is to our pocketbooks. This on the other hand is freakish, but relatively harmless.
Moderates, conservatives and the right should be extremely alarmed and concerned about these kinds of unsavory behaviors allowed by out of control left wing politicians.
Why? You throw out a lot of adjectives (‘perverted’, ‘sickos’, ‘decayed’, ‘unsavory’), but only briefly touch on anything resembling an actual reason to stop this stuff (‘How can anyone bring up children …’). Mostly this amounts to an argument based on personal disgust. And it sounds to me like anyone who finds this event unsavory (which I imagine would be most people) can easily *not go to it*, since it doesn’t sound like they’re going to be running wild down all the streets of the city.
that is what happens when the democrats have unchecked power. SF is completly democrat, is this the kind of country you want for your kids? vote McCain for family values or democrat for a country just like SF.
SEVENTH (?) annual – sounds like any public decency has been long gone from that place. With their annual street festival and this one, they can start adding new festivals in order that every month they will have a reason to commit to perverted and socially unacceptable “for polite company” acts….maybe the Ronulans can build their gated commmunites around the city and wall it off from the rest of us….
Whoa bbartlog, that’s a whole lotta rationalization going on there. “…relatively harmless”?? Surely you jest. And why should I have to avoid disgusting behavior in the city where I live? What if I’m not aware of this and happen upon it with my children?
But you are right about one thing and that’s there is no way I would live in this shithole. I stopped visiting this beautiful city in the late 70s when men giving men blowjobs in public was just too much for me-yeah I saw it-but hey that’s just me
I appreciate all of your comments here. It sure looks like that bbartlog is the minority here over the majorities that do believe that these kinds of social behaviors are totally wrong in any American city.
That’s why when San Francisco suffers a serious natural disaster such as an earthquake. I do not believe that America will be there whole heartedly to bail them out financially.
It’s a reap what you sow kind of thing for San Francisco… Just my opinion.
to bbartlog: I guess when any opposing views that people don’t like to read coming from posters, then the English language is always questioned when they have nothing sensible to say about the conversation.
sure looks like that bbartlog is the minority
Yes, I’m used to it (at least in regards to this blog).
hat’s why when San Francisco suffers a serious natural disaster such as an earthquake. I do not believe that America will be there whole heartedly to bail them out financially.
But if they were upstanding and righteous citizens like those of (say) Salt Lake City, then we would open our hearts and pocketbooks to help them? I have a little more faith in American charity than that; we help all sorts of people who may or may not deserve it. In any case I’m not sure why you bring natural disasters into it. I can’t tell whether you’re reaching to find a way that their behavior will redound to their detriment, or secretly wishing that some disaster would smite their den of iniquity, or alluding to biblical beliefs about Sodom and Gomorrah.
I guess when any opposing views that people don’t like to read coming from posters, then the English language is always questioned when they have nothing sensible to say about the conversation.
Needling people about their misuse of language is just a hobby of mine, don’t take it too personally. I may get myself banned here yet if I don’t watch out. I did actually say a few other things as regards your post, though perhaps they didn’t seem sensible to you. In particular you haven’t explained why anyone should be ‘extremely alarmed and concerned’ about this. We have a pretty good plate of problems to deal with already between inflation, terrorism, budget deficits, and illegal immigration (just to name a few). It isn’t clear why I should treat this freakshow as anything other than a reason to roll my eyes at the crazy SF gays/liberals.
It’s a reap what you sow kind of thing for San Francisco
That would make sense if they were sowing little earthquakes? How the hell is it a ‘reap what you sow’ kind of thing? You really, really want to believe they’re doing harm here, but you haven’t shown it.
relatively harmless”?? Surely you jest.
No, not joking. I could actually make an argument for why this might not be such a good thing, but I don’t feel like arguing against myself when no one here has done anything more than advance an argument based on personal disgust.
What if I’m not aware of this and happen upon it with my children?
The photo of the Castro Street Fair might have misled you into thinking this was a public event, but based on the fact that they seem to be charging admission, and have separate areas for men/women/mixed, it sounds like this is not happening in public where anyone could happen on it.
The really funny thing is that San Franciscans think themselves to be so hip, so post-modern, so sophisticated, and so above moral restraints.
The rest of the country just thinks they’re idiots.
well im obviously late but just wanted to let dude know….macain lost
Well THIS post puts a new light on most of what Obummer is doing, and SAYING!! It’s clear now just WHY he is in “such a hurry” to pass all his “legislation” (used loosely) and “reform bills” (used looser still)….. if he DOESN”T by spring…. and all the DEMO-BOYS run to San Fagcisco for this “annual event”…. he will not have a MAJORITY in both houses and those “evil repubs” might do SOMETHING……plus when they finally DO return to DC, they will be “fatigued’ for weeks!!! and unable to sign anything!! (sore arms)… putting Obummer even FURTHER behind. Like Momma used to say, “do your work BEFORE you “play”!! LOL!!!
Sorry, I’m twisted I guess……. but I COULD believe it from THOSE guys……
Your English writing is twisted as a tornado.
well if it bothers you so, feel free NOT to read it!! Bozo…