VIDEO: I Still Believe

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Yeah, you’ve seen it posted here at FA before, but it’s my video tribute to those who have served to gain and protect freedom; ie the rights endowed by the creator that all men (not just those lucky enough to be born between two oceans and on a few protectorates or remote states) are created equal.  That all men have the right to live, to live under a government of their choosing (ie governments should derive their power from the people not in spite of the people governed), and for all men to pursue their own happiness.

These are not right that the Romans sought to spread, or the British and other colonial powers.  No.  These rights define this nation’s character today, tomorrow, and in our past. 


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I keep waiting for you to make more, Scott!

I’ve still gotta hook up the video capture gig to my new pc (my printer and iPod too).

Been just too busy gardening, building a kitchen island for the wife, building a playset for the munchkins, etc. Oh yeah, and the kids want my old computer, so I’ve gotta take all my stuff off to make room for their Dora The Explorer games and so forth. Mike and Sully must be set free!!!!!

Soon as I can, I’ll make more. Dying to try out the greenscreen feature!

Actually, I hadn’t seen this before, but great job Scott!

One of several great ones from Scott:

Like thebronze, I hadn’t seen this, Scott. I have to say this…

I’ve worked on many a major A budget movie, TV movies, series, you name it. Racked up 17 years of post production work in Hollyweird before escaping to a more balanced lifestyle elsewhere. And your timing, edits, choice of material and quality are as good as any I’ve seen. I don’t know what you do for a living, but if you’re not a pro in the biz, you have missed your calling.

Top quality work on a heartfelt subject. Big kudos, guy.


Thanks Mata. I love making these. TRULY enjoy it, and it only takes a day or so once you’ve got the matl saved in your hard drive (MONSTER-sized new hard drive will make this soooooooo much easier now!).

As to what I do for a living…I was an environmental technician for 7yrs supervising hazmat ops (you know, the guy in the tyvek suit and respirator, that was me). That was too nomadic, so I finally left and got a job as a receptionist at a local tool & die shop. I took over their computers, their project management, wrote their QA/QC manuals, procedures, and so forth. Was made Office Manager in 2 wks, and stayed there for 6yrs. That got old, and for a long list of reasons I became a stay-at-home dad since 10/01. Written a few incredibly badly edited books, but sales continue enough for beer money. Long story short…per your comment, it’s just another calling I’ve missed, and while I LOVE being a stay-at-home dad, soon I’ll be able to enter the workforce as the munchkins go to school! SO, put the word out, a guy w some talent is unemployed/untapped, and ready to help out.

Dammit, now I’m gonna have to actually hook up ye ole Pinnacle captured device and so forth. Vista….oh gawd do I fear the install!!!

Thanks man. Nice to know it’s appreciated. btw, my favorite one so far is the Star Spangled Banner one. Got an email from a Navy Chaplain who’s retiring. He had me send him the original 25mg file so he could show it at his retirement ceremony this month. I’m honored beyond wods, and sent him the file post haste. Very cool. AND, that was one of my first vids!

Looking to do one with the closing song from the movie Streets of Fire, “Tonight Is What It Means to be Young.” I think that’s got some major potential!

Oh yeah….also, been working on a comic book lately. Will update when it comes out.